
Sorry, he said “eradicated” first. You say eradicate, I say eliminate, let’s call the whole thing off!

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I support both eradicating and eliminating Fauci.

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The Sooner the Better.

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It's way too late.

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Someone needs to tell this to the Chinese regime. They're still trying to "lockdown" their way out of it. At this rate, more Chinese will die from starvation than covid. Sad!

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Yes. Physically locked in their homes. No way to work. Bills due. No money. No food. This is really happening to millions of people.

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You don't want to give the world's illegitimate leaders any more idiotic ideas, believe me. Because our idiots in D.C. have never heard an idiotic idea that they didn't immediately try to put into action.

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That is likely the exact calculated intent of the regime in China...eliminate the elder, less productive population to eradicate the burden they place on society to support them.

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If that were the case, then wouldn't the Chinese authorities let covid rip? Sure, there are a few younger, healthier folks who get killed by it, but it's mostly the old and unhealthy. If you were right, then the current zero-covid policy makes no sense. Cheers.

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No, that's the Swedish approach -- sending covid-sick people 80+ home with enough morphine to kill them. They send the obese home, too, but no morphine for them. Do you think every person on lockdown in China is elderly? Do only elderly people die of starvation?

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It turns out that if you starve the entire population, there’s no population left to contract Covid.

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Who tells the Chinese govt what to do? Fauci? The US govt? How about trying to boss the whole world.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

It's Starting Again in Philly.....Covidiots Will Never Give Up


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Nah, just put him out to pasture. And if he gets COVID, he can get some horse paste....

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I think he should be forced to get the jab monthly!

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Every 5 minutes. In each arm.

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Give him his own medicine ✌️

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And leg.

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And have Brad Pitt administer the jab in full SNL Fauci garb. Put it in his eye and if he objects, say it's for the good of his community and that he's being a selfish dick.

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And Arse!

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Eventually, walking about with a personal IV drip & bag tree on wheels. Ultimate virtue signalling. And the over-the-shoulder car headrest mount; then the gyroscopic helmet mount for sporting activities, etc.

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I think all new treatments vaccines should be tested on doctor fauci first

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I think all of those snimal tests he funded should be tested on him.

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do we even know if he did get the jab?

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not likely....

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I do recall hearing him on some interview speaking quite a while back saying he did have a jab- when asked which one was recommended, but I don't recall which one he said...not that it really matters because I'm sure his comment was a lie. I didn't buy it then and even more so now don't. Can't trust anything he says.

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Of course not ! But, I think we can "guess".... just like the rest of them....with Joe's medical history and the possibility of blood clots, think his doctors would be taking such a chance ?

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He definitely got the saline jab.

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He was filmed getting the shot in his right arm, a few days later he was asked if he had any side effects and he replied only a little pain at the injection site while tapping his left bicep, so no he did not

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Bad acting!

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Fascinating…perhaps he had more than one side effect. 🖖🏾

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Damn!! Not even a pretend jab.

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Naw, he's been to the Wuhan "lab" and to the pharma production floors. No way that contaminated slurry!

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I only see beautiful beagle puppies sadistically tortured under his watch. He's a real monster.

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Do you really think he ever got the jab? I do think a lot of the politicians truly believed in it, but Fauci?? No

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He believed in the profit he was making. 

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And although money is clearly Fauci's "God", when you look in his eyes, listen to his speech patterns and voice tone, pitch, etc. you can see that the one thing more important to him than money is recognition/fame, to be "important" just comes oozing out of him. Difficult to describe, but looking right into his eyes you can see a man who just craves recognition. And, making more $$$ than any president, general, anyone ever in government.... ! Really ? HOW does this happen, there are people out there working for $11 an hour, and even less, working 50-60 hours to make enough to pay Fauci more than they pay their president or the general with the greatest responsibility in our ENTIRE combined armed forces...just THINK about that ? Does any actually confront IN PERSON their representatives and Senators about this ?

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The politicians didn't get it either!

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I often think the same of all the vax pushers.

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What would motivate someone to encourage others to get a vax they didn't get themselves?

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I'll bet he has never even taken one jab, much less multiples. He KNOWS what they do.

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Fauci wrote in 2005 HCQ works like a prophylaxis and almost like a “vaccine.” That’s why Dr. Stella said in May 2020, hgive me a urine sample 😇

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He’s probably taking hcq

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For his Heart worms Fauci is using Ivermectin? 🤔

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Dr. Zelenko says over 200 members of the U.S. Congress were taking Ivermectin during 2021

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All of them Republican. What's your point? You model your own behavior after theirs, or what?

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His $1000 a day pension will buy plenty!

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the MOMENT he goes into "retirement" I PRAY TO GOD someone with NOTHING to lose DEALS with this fucking psychopath.I only pray they dont take him out quickly.

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Thank you for saying the words that many think, but won't say out loud. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll get our wish. We shouldve been witnessing vigilante justice way before now but haven't 😟

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Ty. I wear many hats. Artist and hypnotherapist are two. I often am called the crow by my friends. I warn people about what’s coming. Amd I’m not afraid to speak out. I refuse to be gaslit. Or stay silent.

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You go, Jane.

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What an utterly depraved thing to say. Anyway you should be thrilled now -- you get to decide exactly how to not deal with the virus from now on. He's getting out of the "I hope you'll protect yourself and here's how" business.

Which -- which part of that makes him a psychopath? Do you think he wants more people to get sick and suffer?

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LOL You're joking right? He doesn't care enough about people to consider WHAT happens to them either way. We're all just lab rats in a big study to him. That's all he's ever done and all he knows. People aren't his thing-projects are.

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When your kids are brain damaged from FAUCIS vaccines then you can judge a parent like me. Until then I suggest you Educate yourself about what a psychopath actually is. Fauci is a classic psychopath.

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He is the highest paid Gov employee still as of April 10th 2022 and will retire into a "we the people" plush pension. Justice at its finest. Those who think this is over are delusional...nothing is over with the very same people in place directing it all. ZERO accountability! The new definition of insanity.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Take a look at the videos coming out of Shanghai today ! The 50-60 story modern apartment buildings where crews have gone floor to floor, building to building, sealing people into their apartments and listen to the MASS SCREAMS as they starve, screams so loud from all those hundreds of apartments from starving people you can hear it clear as day down on the street. Look at the children who are Covid positive being taken from their parents by force and put in "camps" with mats on the floor. Watch the videos of adults being tested, taken away by force if positive, and their PET DOGS killed with SHOVELS by the "storm troopers', pet cats taken, put 25-50 in bags, bags tied up, and put on curb for "disposal" (disposed of alive !). Keep in mind, Shanghai is the most "free" (if you can call it that) city in China, the place where many business executives from many countries live, and this is the ultimate horror show going on for all the world to see ! All because their "election" is coming, to once again "elect" Xi Jinping. This is our future, Fauci is NOT going anywhere, he is just waiting for this "election", the last was a dress rehearsal. The busing of illegals throughout N.Y. in the middle of the night has begun again in mass. Thirty days and they can vote. How can people of both parties continue to pretend none of this is happening... simultaneously... the WAR on GUNS (not crime or criminals) has accelerated..., the Chinese in Shanghai have no guns, they can't bust out by repeatedly shooting the locks welded on the outside. The only alternative is jumping out a 30, 40, 50, 60th floor window. And, a nice little "war" to watch in Ukraine each night on TV to keep our eyes off the horror in Shanghai and in the USA. Don't even have to go to the amphitheater anymore like in ancient Rome, we bring it into the home via TV to entertain the people. Get ready to mask up by September ? Locked down ? And having to be "fully" vaccinated and have permission (vaccination passport) to get food or medicine ? Close all churches and schools ? In person voting ONLY for the fully vaccinated WITH passports.... others mail in ballots only ? 23 MILLION remember, 23 MILLION people in a very modern city now under forced starvation in Shanghai, this is not some back country, peasant, town of uneducated people.

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And history being rewritten as we speak....look at how wikipedia immediately rewrites the biographies of every person critical or even questioning vaccine mandates and/ or the safety/efficacy of the vaccine --To assure they trigger the desired "shunning-shaming" process, the Wikipedia revises biographies typically to start with the Woke trigger words "right wing or conspiracy theorist". The progressive/tech/social media elite are pushing an active game of eradicating any critic from mainstream or any social media. Remaining journalists on CNN, the NYT survive and thrive by doing personal attacks on the "shunned" person rather than factual attacks on date presented. But heck, $93 billion in vaccine profits in 2021 alone was a powerful incentive to every media executive, politician, medical researcher, hospital administrator and takimg away a medical license after 12 years of study is the new in-place gulag.

Hey..Google President Xi's 2015 visit to Seattle where he went right to Bill Gates house to meet all the tech/fascist elite ....(and then again they all met in Dubai while everyone was diverted by the silliness of the Academy Awards over the Will Smith/Chris Rock.) This all started a long time ago...

My mind wants to ignore all these 'conspiracy theories" but it is getting harder and harder to eradicate or eliminate these theories as simply a product of someone's overactive paranoid imagination. JP Sears just tried to do a satire on the Great Reset...great effort but some things are too real and too horrifying for satire to work.

Current events seem to be best characterized by the movies Wag the Dog + Hunger Games....with the peasants taking all the pain as usual to divert and terrorize.

I think I'll go read Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder while I can. This is now banned from (some?) schools- these are stories based on her own life last century.

fYI.. note that Fox owned by the woke heir of the original conservative founder though he likes the money from (pretending to) present the "conservative" side, so take their programming with a grain of salt & diversion.

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Yes, yes, and YES ! Wiki is useless. It's the same as they can now do with "textbooks" in schools, all now on I pads (much cheaper to provide them than to keep raising the school textbook fees in public schools AND trying to replace the inevitable loss and damage), however, perhaps the REAL reason is how easy it is to insert an emotional lightening rod of a word here and there, put a bit of a "twist" on an event in history, or even, instantly "update" to include gender identity, dysphoria, fluency, etc. "drop" certain historic figures, etc. just like..... Wiki does ! And Fox News... yes, just listen VERY carefully to the words of some opinion pieces, Howard Kurtz for one, but many others..... HOWEVER, they ARE opinion givers, and the basic reporting of just the facts, is still far and above the others I watch regularly. The story of what is going on in Shanghai, the screams from the modern high rise building in this "most Western of China's cities", is not being carried on any of the other networks, and I watch them all. If Fox goes, that's it, we will have no way to find out anything, internet, no blogs, nothing !

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How does that relate to Fauci leaving and the US govt letting each American decide for themselves how to deal with covid? Isn't this the news you've been waiting for? Yet you seem very angry

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Gaslight much?

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Blue skies : well well well. EVERY post of yours is clearly to divide gaslight and silence. I smell a big fat paid RAT. How about we ALL do a little digging into who you are. Starting right now.

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Angry ??? Won't reply like the nasty type you see on these forums from time to time, but angry is just not "my thing", waste of time in my personal opinion, but, of course that's only one opinion. Anger into actions can work for change of course. As for each citizen choosing their own path as to how they deal with Covid, or any other disease or condition, would certainly be the ideal society to me, but again, many will disagree and strongly believe it is the duty of government to "protect them". So all I can speak for is myself, and anger is an emotion I just don't indulge in... who knows, maybe I should from time to time, but it seems to me the least effective emotional motivator !

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You are right. Fauci is certainly far from a lone wolf. History does tend to eventually represent the truth but unfortunately far too late to hold demons accountable while they’re still breathing.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Fauci is working on a C.Y.A. vaccine which he'll take indefinitely to stay out of jail.

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His CYA vaccine is a Biden re-election. 🙄

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And his wife, and his conflict of interest waivers……

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Probably also true, but really unlikely considering his age AND his medical condition together ! My nagging question is, WHY is Fauci not only the darling of Biden, but also of Trump, Obama, and so many others. HOW does his dismal professional history justify being the highest paid ever in government and have no president of either party dare question his demonstrated poor judgment in so many situations. What IS IT ? Personally I don't think he (Fauci) has any kind of personally embarrassing information on ALL these presidents, so what is it, WHAT in the world secures this individual's position no matter what ? ? ?

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He knows where all the bodies are buried.

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Yes, of course, but I just can't keep from wondering exactly what that phrase means in this case ? Is it something different on EACH and every president ? How has he managed to claw his way up in ALL political climates given his dismal "scientific" research history. As "Blue Sky" mentioned, why did Trump "let him slide", and I am wondering why everyone has "let him slide" all these years. What is the "tie that binds" so to speak. Also mentioned was what was the violation that would land him in jail ? I have never thought in that way as some on here, to me it just seems a very mediocre at best government employee rising to that level ? How did he even become such a house hold name ? I started following when back during the Obama years and only because I personally was interested in the pitfalls of "gain of function" research, was rather surprised we would get so involved. It just seems there is much more to this.

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What statute has Fauci been charged with or violated that would put him in jail? Why did trump let him slide?

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Read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kenny Jr. - it’s everything you need to know about Fauci & why he should hang- for countless reasons. Do the research please.

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Do you think lynching people who haven't been charged or convicted is the way to go?

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Lynching ? I should think it obvious that people of either political leaning can see there is something very "mysterious" about this many Fauci, I have no idea what it is, even after reading EVERY outstandingly footnoted word of Kennedy's book. This is definitely not a book the masses are going to read, unfortunately (?) it is a very academic work that will "loose" most people, but it certainly is a VERY IMPORTANT work. Will it help get to the answer of HOW and WHY so many in high places continue to protect this man ... who knows ? ?

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A double dose and booster of Remington should do the trick.

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LOL.... Texas always has THE answer ! I live in Florida, but if I didn't, I'd live in Texas for sure !

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I second that. Eradicate, eliminate, exterminate.

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You forgot castrate.

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Eradicate, eliminate, exterminate... why that sounds like a sentence right out of a Saul Alinsky book ! Maybe the name of a whole chapter !

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Except I am not a left-wing nutjob devoted to undermining and then ultimately destroying my host society.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Of course not, LOL, we all know Saul don't we, and who considers his writing their "bible" (lower case "b")..LOL !

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A nasty POS, Saul.

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AMEN to that!!

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Lara Logan got fired from FOX for comparing Dr. Fauci with Dr. Mengele. In a decade or two perhaps history will be the judge.

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She didn't compare Fauci to Mengele. She said people she has spoken with are comparing Fauci to Mengele. Her firing was completely an over-reaction, unless they were planning to fire her anyway, because she has a mind of her own....

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You're correct. I had forgotten that.

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Among the obedient shills, having one's own mind is something they'd deeply prefer not remembering. And the cash buys a lot of booze...

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They still have her doc series on Fox Nation, and the TC interview.

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It's really not that unfair a comparison, but again, I think the Kennedy book is just a little too above the understanding of the average person on the street. It's certain not just a lot of unsubstantiated opinion and snipe, that's for sure !

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I think it’s too late to do any good. Fauci assisted in letting the genie out of the bottle a good long while ago.

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Any day that fucker is underground is a good day. 

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Or letting the GENE out of the bottle....how symbolic.

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Now that's cute!

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A truly syphilitic genie...

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Termination also comes to mind.

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Agree totally

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Hang him

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deletedApr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022
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You say thrice, I say trice.

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How about: eliminated in a trice without leaving a trace!

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Eliminating the threat (including the threat to liberty) vs. eliminating the virus is really the goal.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

With Mengele Fauci's admission, I will maintain my inventory of Ivermectin to help others pointing to the Dr. Zelenko protocols / complement of treatment with zinc, Vitamins D & C and Quercetin.

Due to my unique equine-hooman physiology, I'm immune. But I've helped others which mattered during the Delta wave.

Don't hate me, bro.

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That is precisely what I did for myself and the serious symptoms were gone in two days.

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Have had it twice, no worse than common cold and I’m old enough and compromised enough to be considered higher risk. Not worth getting jabbed because that poses higher risk levels than a cold. I’m betting on my immune response system.

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Had it also and took Ivermectin along with an anti inflammatory and an antiviral. Still had a bad case of it even having been on plenty of C, D, zinc and Quercitin. Why did I have it so bad (always had a great immune system)? Because I was an idiot and had taken the J & J jab before I came to my senses and did a ton of research. My fear is it has compromised my immune system. Don’t know if the Ivermectin helped, but I’ll just parrot the lefties who say “I would have had it worse had I not been jabbed” and say It would have been a lot worse had I not taken the Ivermectin. 😜

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Just dont take anymore mRNA bs. The body has miraculous recovery abilities. Exercise daily at reasonable intensity and read everything Dr. Mercala puts out

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Thank you. Been exercising but not to the max (concern over dropping like those young athletes).

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when did you get it and do you know which variant?

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Got it late Oct (2021), and believe I had the Delta (was jabbed late April).

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Same, now seems we are adding Sjogren's, I haven't been able to find who the heck even treats it. Muscle/joint pain, but the worst is the eyes, the Meibomian Glands in the eyelids are closed over blurs vision. Lipifow is not covered by Medicare/Tricare Life. $1,500 for a 12 minute treatment? Takes longer to hook the device up than actual use. Rice heat bag will do the same for less than $1.75. Not my first go round with this part.

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I did the same. I stockpiled ivermectin and have handed it out to friends with Covid

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Where did you get the stockpile?

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I got mine from a compounding pharmacy. A naturopathic physician prescribed it for me. I pay out of pocket when I have tons of coverage to go to a "real" doctor.

Fuck corporate medicine.

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Using a non-compounding pharmacy is MUCH more expensive (I've been told) BE CAREFUL

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Did you mean a "compounding pharmacy"?

It is a bit more expensive, but it's the only option I had at the time. I actually use two different pharmacies. One is more than the other, but I don't care, I want a good stash, I can afford it, and it gives me peace of mind.

BUT: I just got off the website for Alldaychemist noted above. It's cheaper...so I signed up.

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alldaychemist.com Takes about a month, from India. The ordering site in in the U.S. There's a place on it where you are filling out your information, that you can upload an Rx if you have one, but it is not necessary at all. They have other medicines for sale, as well. I've used them for 5+ years.

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Yes, took about a month.

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I have successfully ordered from them twice. Noticed the second time prices had gone up quite a bit.

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How do you pay? I don’t think it’s a good idea to give them my bank account and routing number. Which payment method do you recommend? Thank you

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I read somewhere (I read too much, couldn’t remember where) that Tennessee is working on making ivermectin otc.

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You read correct. It passed their senate and house, now waiting for the governor's signature.

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Awesome, I’m 45 minutes away in Georgia.

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Also New Hampshire

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Holy cow! That's even closer to Maskachusetts!

So everyone who buys fireworks in NH can get ivermectin, too.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Wow! Tennessee is worth a road trip!

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It’s worth a road trip anyway. Lots to do, many historical places to visit. Lots of musicYou can’t tell I’m a Tennessean, can you?

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I was happy to hear this as soon as I saw it in the news. I’m about an hour away from Tennessee in Western North Carolina and will definitely be making a road trip.

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It is.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Choose a telemed doc from the list on FLCCC. (Call several. It costs $ to talk w/ each doc. Pick one.) Be sure to ask about the pharmacy s/he uses. Request a prescription. When the pharmacy calls, pay them.

Consult cost $125; prescription (from doc) cost $75. IVM at my dose cost $5 per troche. I bought 100 troches (20, w/ 4 refills), to start. I then called for a new prescription (100, w 4 refills) and bought 200 more.

It's not cheap: $1500 for the IVM, $200 for the consult and ~$150 for other phone calls. Once I'd thought about it, the cost was not important. The pharmacy shipped the day I paid them; IVM arrived the next day.

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About $1 per dose from India where they don't assume you are too stupid to determine your own medical treatment.

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Or go to indiamart and pick a vendor. Lots to choose from. I got 12 mg ivm at $0.50/per tablet. Don't worry, made it through customs just fine in about five weeks.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

I made a run down to my local farm and feed store and found one brand with Ivermectin as the only active ingredient and bought a few cases. Yes, I've used it, and shared it with others. Problem taken care of in days. Find out what size "horse" you are on the plunger, set it and squirt. Either past the tongue, mix it with a smoothie, etc.

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It works just fine. Used that before tabs arrived from India.

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Just realize its made for a large animal. My packages say for 1250 lbs

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link please and TY. I have one dose but pharmacies suck around here.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

I put up a dose above... There's this place in India... https://www.alldaychemist.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=ivermectin

Be prepared for a month or so to get it. I haven't ordered from there, but others here have. Look at other places recommended by others here.

I would also suggest looking at generic names for ivermectin. Check the dosage sizes and quantity, so you can compare apples and apples.

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I ordered it from India. All Med kart. They have a discount coupon AMK50. It takes about a month to get the meds. I also got a prescription from Dr Fareed

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Allday Pharmacy works.

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Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from India in ~3 weeks. www.buy-pharma.md

Stateside can find doctors to prescribe Ivermectin here: covid19criticalcare.com. Pharmacies will fill by mail, ~ 1 week.

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Pls keep up with your eye exams. Hydroxychloroquine is murder on the retinas.

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I’m curious too.

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Hey Horsey, I am with you on all of the above, plus NAC

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NAC is a Godsend.

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I read Amazon no longer lets you order NAC but several other online sites seem to still have it.

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Life extension vitamins carries it

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Bought it in January from Amazon, but looked today and “ page not found”

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I bought some too. I’d heard it would be stopped.

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All vitamin websites sell it just fine. Vitacost iherb etc

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Also Swansons.

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What is NAC?

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N Acetyl L Cysteine, an Amino acid that provides Glutathione, the strongest antioxidant and one that is very difficult to absorb as Glutathione- it needs to be in a Liposome or else given as a precursor molecule, that delivers the Glutathione as an end-product of metabolism: NAC, Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid , Dandelion Root extract, and Black Licorice root are all such precursors. The NAC also works well as a natural expectorant and has effects against the abnormal clotting associated with C-19. It has been used since the 1960's in hospitals, as the agent of choice to reverse Acetaminophen (Tylenol) toxicity. Now the FDA is toying with the idea of trying to limit it's availability and regulate it as a "medication" !

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This abstract gives a good overall description:


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Don't Vax me bro

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So you must be a centaur?

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That is great news if accurate.

Some have had luck getting it through FLCCC - their assistance saved my brother's life but they are backlogged as are other doctors who have to work with compounding facilities to get the medications to those who want it.

Had a friend order from India. She used someone that others have used successfully. It got to JFK Customs back in January. She just received a letter from customs that they are confiscating what she ordered and paid for. They are threatening her with additional fines/penalties so not everyone's experience is the same especially if you are going outside the U.S. for these meds.

That is why if Tennessee is going to sell it, it would be a great service to Americans.

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Did you use any thing else??? that's good to know...

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Black seed oil. Serrapeptase with nattokinase. Milk thistle with dandelion root.

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Dr. Zelenko outlines the choices on his website. I only listed the basics but didn't mention the antibiotic. There are other options to add/consider based on the individual:


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Coronavirus has been around before man had legs. This man is in the same category of the fringe group pushing Ivermectin for treatment for covid-19. And they are destroying lives like Anthony Fauci. Neither Fauci nor the fringe group of the Ivermectin fanatic's now what covid even is and they had 2.6 years to figure it out. None of them even know the true way to test diagnose or treat a true covid positive patient. What is Fauci going to do about the damages that he caused and created by his misinformation mostly putting a policy of one size fits all. Does the CDC NIH or Fauci have any idea the damages they have done just from wearing a face mask? Why are they hiding from the American people the high mortality rate in >65 1 to 4 mRNA shots? They have lost all trust and credibility Fauci the elite media CDC FDA and the NIH. Fauci has not only destroyed lives here in America for the past 40 years he has been doing this globally for 40 years. As a person in critical care for more than 25 years I say this with confidence: this guy needs to retire. We need consolidation of the NIH and CDC into one organization that BASES it decisions on science with top level leadership appointed for three-years periods.

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For fun, search for the 1983 ish video interview of Fraud-chi claiming that children can get HIV just from living in the same household of Simone whe tests positive.

Like Xi-den, Tony has always been on the wrong side of the truth. He should hang.

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Anthony Fauci is the Putin wing of the party here in America.

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Fraud-Chi 👍😄

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You mean in 1983, when HIV first showed up and no one knew how it was transmitted, so he erred on the side of caution? I wonder what lifesaving efforts you were making in 1983 . . .

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Ya Uncle Joey Twitter Fauci and Collins all made us Play hoop scotch for 2 years now and still don't know how many people lives saved and Walensky wants the American people to believe this!?! These are the same people Twitter is convinced that a Man with Balls is superior to a woman.

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I haven't played hopscotch in years! Ah, the good old days. I've heard a couple estimates that over 2.2 million lives were saved in the US. I'm not sure anyone can give a for-sure answer on that. Here's one article (there are a bunch more if you google) with charts:


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I think Vox News along with the Elite media Twitter all have been Holicinating from they Years of smoking 🚬🚬 Rattlesnake and Venomous Frogs Venom. And just so that you now this is not made up its true as the Hospital is seeing these types of Patients all the time. Them charts they have are done by weatherman and they are inhaling and holding there breathe each time.

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Thank you for this great list! Do you have something similar to help convince friends that the unvaccinated are not more likely to spread omicron than the jabbed? In my community, many ‘virtuous’ citizens are applying vax requirements to every gathering and group they’re part of, in spite of government mandates being lifted. Some even believe the unvaxed spread more severe disease. Thank you.

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I think you mean something that shows the unvaxxed and vaxxed transmit the same. I haven’t seen anything cut-and-dried like that. I thought most people knew they don’t stop spread. So I’m just giving you various articles that can be used to try to convince them but they are hypnotized, so it’s probably pointless.

Basically the vaxxed are ok losing the small “out” group of nonvaxxed, but they are willing to take the risk of being around the “in” group even though they know they’re taking it. It’s a pact between them. Has little to do with safety and all to do with lizard-brain stuff.

Maybe try showing the ivermectin stuff and this Fauci stuff from these “acceptable” sources:



The boosters stop a little bit of infection for maybe a few weeks (after the week or two right after the shots where they are highly likely to get infected), but the vaccinated are, as seen in data, far more likely to get infected than are the unvaxxed, so they are by far the main spreaders both because of their greater numbers and because of their greater susceptibility. After 2 billion got the shots, there are more infections than ever. The vaccines increase spread.

https://news.yahoo.com/pfizer-ceo-says-fourth-vaccine-192846068.html Pfizer CEO saying “booster is not that good against infections, and doesn’t last very long”

Gridiron Dinner, which required proof of vaccination. 70 cases so far, out of around 600 people. https://www.businessinsider.com/eric-adams-tests-positive-for-covid-after-attending-gridiron-dinner-2022-4?op=1

Recent study showing Florida did better than NY, including a lower death rate:


discussion of the study: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/11/florida-states-handled-pandemic-best-new-york-worst/

I have never heard of the concept that the unvaxxed spread worse disease. That makes no sense. It takes very little virus to get sick. How sick one gets depends how much virus one is exposed to plus one’s own body. It’s the same virus. The vaxxed have just as high levels in their nose as the unvaxxed.

Vaxxed have high viral load https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3897733

“Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people.”

https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/why-anger-towards-the-unvaccinated?s=r (talks about how vilifying the unvaccinated was planned and intentional). Here is the associated study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/

https://fee.org/articles/harvard-epidemiologist-says-the-case-for-covid-vaccine-passports-was-just-demolished/ (2021)

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867422000769 recent, explains why the vaccines don’t stop Omicron infection, because the vaccinated body is stuck responding to the original strain.

One aspect of people fear of others is the myth of asymptomatic spread, so I’ve included a couple of studies, done pre-vaccines. There’s no proof it happens; if it does it’s probably extremely rare. (I do believe there can be presymptomatic spread, as with a cold, and low-symptomatic spread.) I also believe asymptomatic spread probably happens among the vaccinated, another reason to be less scared of the unvaxxed and more scared of the vaxxed.

prevax study of over 400 people showing lack of asymptomatic spread https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0954611120301669

another prevax study showing lack of asymptomatic spread (millions of people)


Some of these are Substacks, which the people you know won’t read, but they explain the data. I don’t know how to look up UK, Scotland, etc. data the way they do, but these articles show screenshots and sometimes links.


another substack about how boosted are far more likely to be infected



Data shows kids in Pfizer trials are MORE likely to get infected than unvaxxed colleagues.

https://www.ucdavis.edu/health/covid-19/news/viral-loads-similar-between-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-people (2021) Viral Loads Similar Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People


COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified (2021)


The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing (2021)

https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/579068-vaccinated-just-as-likely-to-spread-delta-variant-as-unvaccinated-study/ (2021)

CDC director: vax can’t stop transmission anymore https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-director-covid-vaccines-cant-prevent-transmission-anymore/ar-AASDndg


israel—quadruple vaxxed, record cases, etc. --clearly the vaccines do not stop spread, they increase it


Here’s a list of all my fun Covid/vaxx links, which includes the above links. https://raindrop.io/saver/cov-20588896

It’s an ongoing thing, feel free to share the list.

Good luck!

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Thank you so much for this list! You’re right that it’s very difficult to get the hypnotized to pay any attention. If I offer a link to a study, they counter with another link (from the Atlantic or an AP fact-checker) that contradicts it. I thought I’d try offering many links. I hope ultimately they will start to change attitude when they start living their lives again, get the virus, and get over it. Anyway thank you for this fantastic research.

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I would ID all the people who are unvaccinated and star having events with them. Big fun events. Vxed

People omitted.

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Such a good idea, there!

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Here in America, you cannot find a licensed doctor to prescribe this animal medicine. If you get caught you will lose your medical license here in America. Anyone who is telling you any different than this is flat out a liar and an evil man and whoever is pushing this is part of the Putin wing of the party like Anthony Fauci.

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You have been misinformed. Plenty of “regular” family physicians have written scrips for ivermectin tablets. 1st hand knowledge here….

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This person who posted that is not merely "misinformed." He is putting up posts that are good example of irresponsible ways of speaking.

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You are correct. I was trying, with all my might, to not be snarky! 😉

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If what you say is remotely true they can't Prescribe it for Human use. When they get caught if they have a License they will lose it here in America. Doctors have to obey FDA rules.

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BS. They have been prescribing IVM for human use for decades for a multitude of issues. Where the heck are you getting your information? CNN???

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I am in America. Not only are physicians writing the scrips but Walgreens and most all pharmacies have been filling.

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Ivermectin has been prescribed for humans for decades… I had a state side filled prescription of ivermectin for parasites and hcq for malaria prevention in the 90’s when I lived overseas and worked in orphanages.

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Of course something that is processed and formulated for animals should not be consumed by humans. Common sense 101. Doesnt mean a differently processed form of human ivermectin is poison for humans. Please.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Absolute lie. Doctors in my BLUE state are prescribing IVM and it has worked. First hand experience, and with family members and a seriously ill close friend

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"First hand experience" invalid. To determine if a drug works, you would need things like doctors, controlled situations, that sort of thing. Also, the adjective "absolute" is completely unnecessary here. That came before "lie," in your message above.

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Good luck finding a doctor in the Bay Area. They don’t even admit to obvious vax injury.

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This is not true. My physician prescribed it for me and my husband. Many of my friends have also obtained prescriptions from their physicians. I have first-hand experience that it works. We followed the #FLCCC protocol. My symptoms were gone within 2 hrs of 1st dose. My only issue ended up being loss of smell that happened on Day 5 and didn't return for 5 days.

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You have Heart worms?

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Or maybe common cold?🤷

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Try to keep up. It was COVID.

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Pathetic. It is not "animal medicine" any more than is aspirin. Millions of humans around the globe take it regularly and it is listed as an essential medicine by the WHO ... and not because of it's use on horses.

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It did start out as animal medicine.

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Anthony J Barton a pseudonym for Alex Berenson? Same position on Ivermectin…

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That's what I think too. Someone also mentioned that on another substack.

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YOU ARE AN IDIOT www.sevencells.com I got mine from there

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AJB was being realistic. He is a longtime beneficial commenter. I got my IVM scrip in NJ but not every state is ok with that. . AJB is saying like it is..

AJB half moon tonight. The internal parasites come out from dark corners.

If anyone has IVM please take one shot in the next week (please ok with your doctors

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Nobody here is an idiot. Otherwise they would not be here right?

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Lot of people have Heart worms tonight! 🤔 what is going on?

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Half moon tonight. . Deep embedded worms come out at full moon. A shot of IVM tonight and again in 2 weeks.

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Nope, had friends order it from Del Ray, Florida via the FLCCC.


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Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.

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You must be sad you can't get folks to bite on your troll lies.

FLCCC helps people find telemedicine visits and then get the IVM Rx.

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I got human Ivermectin and HCQ from a doctor. What you're saying isn't true.

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I ordered some from India, for my family and friends, one of whom is an MD here. Wasn't hard to get the tablets.

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What if it's laced with Fentanyl?

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Now why would solid Indian businessmen want to kill off a booming offshore trade in a known antiparasitic/antiviral by spiking it with fentanyl?

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Yes it is hard but you can from a naturopath, my friend's sister got it, and some states are starting to allow it. I got it from Seven Cells compounding pharmacy, they do an online consult, it's quite easy to get it online (can also order Stromectol, which is the same thing, sometimes the name varies a bit, from India). You can also buy the "horse" kind without a prescription and greatly adjust the dose.

This whole thing is similar to Lyme disease and longterm antibiotics, after years of patient activism for evidence-based medicine, the "good," ILADS (non-Infectious Diseases Society of America/IDSA) doctors can now prescribe.

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Yes, like Lyme disease & many more tick-borne diseases, Some naturopaths are available, but few and far between. 2008 - a study by UC Davis showed these pathogens can persist in the body beyond a round of antibiotics and remain undetected: https://www.dvm360.com/view/lyme-disease-lingers-after-antibiotics-study-shows CDC, NIH - Public health?????????????

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LLMDs (Lyme-literate Medical Doctors) from ILADs are available (though there aren’t that many) and can practice now without being persecuted but are expensive. Dubya went to one.

The IDSA pushed a Lyme vaccine that caused narcolepsy and was pulled.

The scientism faction, as propagandized by Rachel Maddow/Quackwatch/Wikipedia to protect insurance cos., is 30 days of antibiotics. They ignore Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)’s work on behalf of his constituents to get treatment. They ignore science and data. They ignore human suffering, as they do with vaccine injuries.

MSNBC, Dems, and Big Tech are hazardous to health. Whatever they push with vigor, the opposite is likely true. Such as GMOs. Their idea of public health is sex-change operations for all.

If you get bitten by a tick, go to a vet! They know more—no wonder the Pfizer CEO is one (who doesn’t have the morals of a normal veterinarian and sees people as cattle).

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"before man had legs"? By that do you imply that mankind evolved from legless animals/amoebae? Man was created by God in the image of God.

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Man was a bacterium, then a fish from out of the oceanic Petri dish. Plus some lightening and other things frightening. And now he evolves by static & friction.

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Actually man seems to be darkening rather than lightening. He has a very dark soul. Man's heart is desperately wicked. Who can know it? America is definitely darkening in several ways. But thank you for the "science class".

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Well aren't you the pissy little mistress? Look in the mirror and bitch!

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The virus that was made in a lab was around before man had legs? Adam had no legs?

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Cold is a similar type of virus.

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you mean it existed before Adam had legs? We could all be related to the mudskipper.

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It is still common cold and will always be

It never dies out

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As Bob Grant used to say "it's sick out there and getting sicker" and he wouldn't be any more accurate than what we are seeing today!

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The American Marxist! They want to destroy the Nuclear Family and so much More.

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You think getting vaccinated makes you Marxist and divorced?

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Walensky the CDC Twitter the Elite media

I will be embarrassed to tell my children that I lived during a period where my country was so godless that people actually fought for men to compete in women's sports.

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I say we eradicate and eliminate Dr fauci.

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Put Dr fauci in the same room with lunch box Joe Kamala hairy ass and Nancy Frankenstein pelosi

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

The room is in a nursing home by the way

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I believe that you meant "Cameltoe Hairass" and "Nasty Poolousy".

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I love that song. Was in some movie or musical

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deletedApr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022
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You usually tell the difference between those who were just bamboozled versus the 'trust the science ' crowd by how they relate to those of us who refused a transfection.

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How true. Everyone who "believed" the government is there to keep them safe were the ones who went ahead and took the jabs in the beginning. As more and more information from those like Alex and the Doctors like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Zelensky was provided, the numbers dived and then, the government's coercion efforts began.

How terrible that over a billion people worldwide are now guinea pigs and a good percentage will pay for their participation, willingly or unwillingly.

I believe it was at TGP that an article noted that over 700 atheletes with the median age of 23 have either serious health issues or have paid the ultimate price, their lives after taking the jab. Think about that. These are young, physically fit adults who should have never been targeted by the government. Them and children and yet, that is what they are STILL doing. Colleges are forcing this poison, even now.

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If you look at hospitalization and death rates, you can see how clearly wrong you are. And if you believe a covid vax gives you cancer, you're the one impaired by cognitive dissonance and ignorance.

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I didn't know that's what we're calling smart, informed people you disagree with. I'll let myself out and y'all can keep getting worked up by people making money off you + each other by lying to you.

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It was always up to Americans to assess their own COVID risk.

But it’s nice to have permission from Tony “The Science” Fauci.

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Except they never provided the tools to do this effectively! We had to figure it out without them.

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Actually, we had to figure it out "in spite of" them.

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

I found this awhile back.....I barely budged the "risk" needle....So No Jab For Me!!


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That was fun. I was still in the green zone, very low risk. WooHoo!

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So, Dr. Fauci, what changed?

Please don't lay down a stream of the Fauci bullshit about how the science changed.

What science changed? What studies tell us it changed? Be specific.

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Vinay Prasad called for Fauci et al. resignation this week and he is a big time influencer in the scientific medical community.

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Did he? How did I miss that

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“ Vengeance is not and cannot be the goal of revisiting Covid-19 policy, but accountability should be. What that means is that people who held actual leadership roles, making actual decisions, and who were spectacularly wrong— Collins, Fauci, Walensky, Murthy, Marks, etc.—- should not hold further leadership roles. The White House officials who pressured Gruber and Krause, leading to their resignation should not serve again, and be dismissed now. “ https://vinayprasadmdmph.substack.com/p/accountability-not-vengeance

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Ah, I did read that. My apologies, and thanks for the reminder.

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Tony IS “The Science”. So if Tony has changed, so has the science.

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Dr Truth Science.

I am the “Science” and the “Truth”.


I would say the opposite.

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The bank account changed -- billions made and pocketed.

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The FRaudci clown has a patent on one of the snake poisons. Not sure if it's Remdesivir or one of the C-19 viruses/kill shots.

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It's called "mission driven science". I just about puked when I read a quote by Jennifer Doudna saying what great fun it's been doing mission driven science to create the technology behind these shots.

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Permission today, tomorrow who knows ?

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The WHO is going to take over all decisions regarding pandemics, and vaccines, and every country is just going to go along. No differences in countries, or states...

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Yep... Steven Kirsch just highlighted this. Very scary and utterly stupid.

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Why would you fear WHO recommendations?

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IMHO, who would NOT fear any recommendation from the W.H.O.. and I mean going back considerably BEFORE THE TIME OF COVID... GOOD GRIEF, people need to do their own research into this organization, into the background of the major players, relationships, just so sad that people tend to be so shallow on these things because it takes a GREAT DEAL of dedication to dig out this kind of information. By this I mean, when it says "a study recently found"... don't take ANY of it to heart, DIG OUT THE ACTUAL STUDY, read the abstract, READ the study, LOOK at the variables, the construction of the study, control groups, double blind ?, very FEW of us bother to do this, so....you can pretty much just say most anything and if it is "short and sweet", people take it a factual !

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I read about that also. Now The Fauch can $lither into the $hadow$.

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Who's on First?

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You will have permission to do nothing and you will like it.

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Two years too late🙄

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Of course, thinking people understood this by mid-2020. Quite a sorry state of things when it took the "experts" almost two years to figure this out.

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Imagine that, a highly contagious virus susceptible to mutation couldn’t be defeated!

I am shocked, SHOCKED

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"...to find that gambling is going on here." "Your winnings sir." "Oh. Thank you very much."

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LOL, I laugh every time I picture the stink-eye that Bogey gives the Croupier!

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One that animals get too! And the govs. of UK, Singapore, and Iceland said about a year ago that there would be no herd immunity from the vaccines, after their vaccine rollout was met with a huge uptick in cases, just like happened here!

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2 years and $120 billion later....let's not forget what this was REALLY about.....millionaires, billionaires. countries putting up historic monuments as collateral. Medical institutions raking in profits for "covid protocols" doing more damage than good. This is the biggest racket yet!

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…and as an excuse for mass mail-in voting.

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That's probably why parts of China are on lockdown. To prevent American mail-in ballots.

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And 5 trillion printed and 5 trillion borrowed. But hey, who’s counting

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Yeah, we knew this by March 15, 2020. More than 2 years.

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I knew it. My primary doc didn't. Go figure.

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By March 15 you didn't even know the mode of transmission.

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It's a coronavirus. You know the common cold. Its mode of transmission has been known for decades. Claims that we needed to figure out such attributes are disingenuous at best, evil and manipulative at worst, and more likely.

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Blue states knew it too, only blue state political leaders had agendas to attend to...

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Still happening. The other day I wasn’t allowed to eat at a restaurant in Oakland OUTSIDE cause j have no vax card.

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Don't forget test and treat, No Doctor Needed. With the Brand New Drugs brought to you by the same' Jab' companies!! All you need is a ' Positive' test result from PCR tests which were supposed to be terminated at end of 2021. Nuts!! I know as I'm in one of these' Blue' states.

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Ohio’s republican governor didn't figure it out. We'd still be curfewed and locked down if the other republicans hadn't stripped him of certain powers that he totally took and assumed. Amazing coincidence of how he opened Ohio back up on the eve of the new law going into effect.

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Not many people know that's why he really opened up the state. The uniformed ones think he did a great job. He's a snake!!!

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I'm glad you know! For anyone who doesn't know it was pretty f-ing obvious (first time I have sworn on any public forum). But then, a lot of things have been obvious. Perhaps they were in the hypnotic "thank you" stage.

I will NEVER forget in one early on press conference he said very confidently that delaying getting cv was good because they were learning more about how to treat it everyday. And yes, we know who all those real drs are and thank god for them and when they had it figured out early on.

If he truly believed that his job was to "save Ohioan's lives" as was his daily mantra spoken repeatedly in daily press conferences that lasted at least an hour, 7 days a week, where the f was he on supporting and sharing ANY of that. He could have been a leader in that area, instead he delivered $$$ v lotteries.

And don't get me started on the obimination of how this state has morphed into doing "case" counts. Ridiculous! Kathryn Huwig has done a marvelous job at looking at Ohio’s data.

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They always had it figured out. This was war gamed out. They just wanted to usher in they’re glorious reset.

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It wasn't ever about defeating a virus, It was about a JAB in every arm for the NWO tracking system.

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Yup. But. I was just at Safeway in San Mateo county. Basically everyone wore a N95. Granted the average age of the shoppers was 75, but…. Target in San Jose was totes unmasked. Plenty of folks still think it’s like Ebola.

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Hey, Fauci.

This you, you piece of shit?


What happened in a week, motherfucker? Science change again?

Watch yourself around any dark alleys in PA, doc.

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Hey, calling him a piece of shit is very unfair.....to shit.

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When my septic tank isn't down, I can at least flush a shit.

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Thank you! 💩

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

I've missed you, Guttermouth.

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I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your life gets better soon.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

After you destroyed the economy, got Biden elected, and pushed a vaccine that has probably killed more than it's saved. How about you GFY Fauci - and If I were you I'd move to a country without extradition.

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Where are you getting official numbers for people who died of the vaccine?

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It was always up to Americans to make their on health risk assessment on a virus with a 99.97% survival rate. But the “smartest people in the room” wouldn’t let us. They decided to destroy our economy and sow hate among their citizens instead. We are governed by ignorant, incompetent assholes.

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This should be on a monument somewhere.

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How were you prevented from making your own assessment?

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Fauci is just catching up to where I was two years ago.

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they are doing this to push the clot shot at least yearly for the rest of our lives. so disgusting

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So we tanked the economy, ruined millions of lives, and added 10 trillion to our national debt for nothing?

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Yes, that is an accurate summary.

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It took the idiot two years to figure that out? And how much damage has he done?

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How many people lost their jobs, relationships, health and even their lives because the government and Fauci took complete control of individual medical risk assessments in the form of mandated vaccines?

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Thousands. Tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands. 40% increase in the death rate. Only partially accounted for by covid deaths.

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He is the biggest fraud … nothing he has said has been correct…

1. Early 2020, he said we didn’t have to worry about covid

2. That masks were useless on an email but then In public states we need 2, 3 masks.

3. He still does not acknowledge that the virus was released from a lab

4 . He said the vaccines were 100% effective but now we are talking fourth, fifth shots .

5. He said we would reach herd immunity if we were 70% vaccinated but here we are. 6. He said if you recently had the flu, you did not need a flu vaccine but cannot explain now why everyone needs to get a jab even they have recovered from covid.

7. He told people it was safe to gather over the holidays with your vaccinated loved ones but not unvaccinated , hereby causing further fear and division among friends and family .

And this is all after the aids debacle with azt . He is either extremely incompetent or a modern day mengele . I choose to believe the latter.

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It’s like with media always making their “mistakes” in favor of one party and ideology. It’s impossible for anyone to be so consistently incompetent, or they would at least get a few things right out of dumb luck.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Fauci did EVERYTHING to ensure COVID 19 COULD NOT BE ERADICATED by making the majority of people take Vaccines that actually make it impossible for immune system to "eradicate" Covid 19. It is still protecting Ralph Baric and mates like Peter Daszak from ANY PROSECUTION.

Check out some amazing stuff from @ichudov & Arkmedic, "proving that HIV-like gp120 inserts in Sars-Cov-2 come from: Peter Daszak's 2018 DEFUSE proposal.

These gp120 inserts are instrumental in infecting immune cells such as monocytes and T cells, like HIV does."

In the past people like Baric and Daszak when they realized what they've done ...they jugded themselves because they had consciousness. These days they choose to get richer, reclusive, protected and supported to continue work on developing more viruses that destroy humans across the whole Planet. Psychopaths.

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Criminals are gonna criminal.

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Nailed it!

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How can we eradicate him?

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Why would you need to? Has he made your life terrible in some way?

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He said "... we may need to revert back to being more careful and having more utilizations of masks indoors."

He is a lunatic, a fraud, and malfeasant. The lies drip from his lips like crap. The feigned sincerity and the fraudulent competency is enough to make anyone throw up. The freak requires caging.

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Speaking just for myself...fuck this guy

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You spoke for millions of us.

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Oh, personal responsibility. Imagine that.

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There are no outside viruses. There is no covid risk...it's a rebranded illness. There is absolutely no proof anywhere of any germ transmission. Fauci's life has been one big lie starting with the fake aids/hiv epidemic. Germ theory is just that...all theory and no proof of anything. But it sure sells a ton of drugs and injections, but never health or longer life.

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No HIV and no covid-19? Germ theory has been debunked?

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He finally read the Barrington Declaration. Did he sign it too?

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Very good letter Maeve! Thanks for sharing it.

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Love it

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Hey Mr. Vaccinated, sounds like you got it all figured out. Using your own hallucination theory on life, I'm happy that your happy and secure. Thanks for sharing.

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We went to our local bagel shop for breakfast this morning. (Locally owned and operated). Glorious! Dozens and dozens of patrons. The line snaking out the door. Not a mask in sight and no “social distancing.” All sharing thesame cloud of air. Normal. Freedom rings in FL.

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Florida for the win. I love it here! Moved permanently from NH on 8/3/2020. I can't imagine spending the last couple years in a blue state

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This confirms it. He's retiring and doesn't want to be dragged in front of Nuremberg trials. All I can say is, Nice Try. Fauci is the poster boy for the wuhan flu mask and vaccine mandate disaster. Creepy psychopath, right up there with Gates, Schwab and Harari.

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Hmmm....does he think a convenient timing of retirement protect him from being on trial??

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Aren’t we still plagued with mask 😷 mandates in schools and planes? and much worse, don’t we still have 💉 vaccine mandates for some professions?

Let’s go Brandon!!!

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Instead of all the gnashing of teeth, why couldn’t this have been the party line to begin with? Two plus years, a halted economy, feuding friends and family members, division of society, ruined businesses, muzzled kids, remote learning….all the mandated vaxxes, lost jobs, scared public. It’s a disgraceful disaster, and his face is front and center

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Would be nice if they played the Before and After on this. ABC but not likely. Other media should point out the hypocrisy. A matter of life and death. So disgusted.

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Because Trump already took that line, so Democrats had to do the opposite.

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That's exactly as planned.

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This makes me want to vomit. The pain and suffering he has put us through has been life altering. It’s disgusting.

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It's what I did from the beginning fuckhead. It's why I ignored every single measure and piece of advice including the vaccine.

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Thanks for saying this, Fauci... only after the economy is destroyed, many individual lives destroyed, people, especially children, psychologically traumatized by the mask mandates that are worthless for avoiding the virus that's gonna virus, for pushing through the research that developed this scourge and then ensuring 'the pharma mob' (especially your personal baby doll, Moderna, cleans up)... it really means a lot coming from you. I wouldn't wish your soul baggage on the lowest of the low... even HELL won't won't you.

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He will be back ... or some fascist like him.

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After we destroyed people’s lives and livelihoods he states what was always the only reasonable option

This was all intentional

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What he should have said 2 years ago, if he was honest

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Someone should tell that to our idiot Governor in WA, Jay Inslee. He thought he could crush the virus and that the unjabbed were bioreactors.


Speaking of Jay being a moron, Alex, please do the corrupt climate change racket next.

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Inslee STILL thinks he's single-handedly crushed the virus in this state. The man is incapable of learning.

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You think you have it bad in WA. Be glad you're not in Cali.

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or Canada!

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😂 But you had 100 degree weather today & we had snow, so we win today 😂

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Fauci's pronouns must be she/her because that sounds like a fat lady singing.

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What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end.

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Some of us have been making our own calculation on risk for two years. Sure am glad we finally have his permission.

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Liberals believe children should be able to be prescribed hormones that make them the opposite sex but grown ass adults shouldn't be able to be prescribed ivermectin. Fucking twilight zone yall.... Imagine someone not being able to be given a medicine that has probably a zero % chance of death when taken properly but being FORCED to take the covid jab which we all know has killed and maimed many.

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What a vile little POS. Assessing one's own risk is part of life. Fauci should be jettisoned into space. Sadly the aliens would probably jettison him back.

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Put him up in a little satellite to orbit the earth for the rest of his days.

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Maybe he can hitch a ride in Jeff Bezos's new penis rocket 🚀🚀

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OMG. After devastating people’s lives. Thanks QUACK.

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Then release all the medication like ivermectin and hcq so people can decide if they want to take it!!

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We have the data on the Jab. short-term but acceptable. We have no data on IVM despite the 50 year safety record. We need to sell a new technology! Don't get in the way! Obviously you can think for yourself....not what we need. Step aside or get steam-rolled over! And you said you had no choice! lol

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There are over 80 double blinded studies on ivermectin which have shown it to be effective and safe. It has been around for over 50 years with very little side effects. The jab CANNOT be the only option especially since it DOES NOT stop transmission. Let people have a choice. Ivermectin can be a game changer. We won’t know unless we use it!! What’s the harm if we try it???

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I think Sunshine's comment was heavy on the sarcasm.

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Needs therapy for sure

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Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

TY Andrew, sarcasm is a default! Marci - no sarcasm here. It's a coronavirus. There will never be an antidote for a cold. It replicates and cannot be vaxxed. Immune system is key. Vit C daily, Fish Oil, Vit D, L-Lysine, eat well, clean, organic, be well. Most important - be informed. Confusion is completely understandable. I appreciate you have done your homework. Smart lady. I have IVM to share and let my bestie unjudgemental friends/family/neighbors know about this option. And it is not fentanyl but I feel ashamed and embarrassed. Weird days my friend Marci ;)

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Your an angry person and need therapy. Let people decide if they want to take ivermectin . They can look at the 80+ studies and make an educated decision. Covid IS NOT like a cold. A cold does not cause blood clots, strokes or heart attacks.

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Translation: The vax has made things worse. Please forget that I ever said 70% vax rate would achieve herd immunity. I know damn well the MSM won't remind you because those whores are getting big advertising bucks from big pharma. Yeah so the vax made things worse. Vaxxed people can transmit. They can still get covid. They may be at greater risk of getting covid repetively. However I still have to say that people should get the vax. The alternative is to admit that messed up big time. So I've done all I can. The mess is now up to each individual to deal with on their own, including the vaxxed injured. Me, I'm gonna retire soon. I've helped enough.

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That’s because the mass hypnosis has been effective and the hypnotized zombies can take over the policing. There are now no restrictions in CA but people are still walking around in masks and restaurants are still discriminating.

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You remember how just before the movie ends the monster gets up one more time......

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oh god...what "we" should have been doing all along! (well my family and I were anyway...NEVER listening to the fools out there!)

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*slow blink*

You don't say.

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I truly believe that President Trump was correct two years ago when he wanted to open everything up by Easter.

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Everything we've learned since then shows it wouldn't have made any difference at all because the seasonality of the virus trumps anything we do.

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Gee, I thought the jab was supposed to eradicate it. That and masks and social distancing and such.

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IKR?! A certain RINO governor (ok, DeWine in OH) said the jab is 100% effective! How’s that working out?

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And lockdowns! The demolition of civil society and of the global economy for billions of people worldwide. Mass suffering, desperation, and starvation in the most vulnerable areas on earth. All of this was deliberate and intentional.

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Question: is there any reliable data or studies out there that are looking at the difference in covid reinfections and severity between never vaxed/never had covid, vaxed/never had covid, vaxed/had covid, vaxed/boosted/never had covid, vaxed/boosted/had covid, had covid/never vaxed, had covid/vaxed, had covid/vaxed/boosted? Etc., etc. where the studies are actually verifying with testing everyone's status.

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I read recently that some UK health agency had been publishing health stats about COVID regularly and they were showing that in March 2022, about 90% of COVID hospitalizations and deaths were in the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. I also read that they were going to stop publishing those those data. Funny, that….

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I'm not jabbed. Never will be. But it's obvious to me that if a huge percentage, an overwhelming percentage of your population is jabbed then you are likely to have a higher percent of infection of the whole population in the jabbed than the unjabbed especially since it is clear that immunity is not likely as a result of being jabbed. We need to be reasonable in our assessment of statistics.

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The base rate fallacy is the most basic thing ever and everyone knows that. 90% of the deaths are in the vaxxed and 70% of the population is vaxxed. Meaning, the vaxes are useless or worse than useless. There are numerous Substackers who have broken down all details. Obviously age and comorbidities play a role.

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Alex wrote about this yesterday, I believe, in this 'stack.

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Good one!! Makes me dizzy just reading it.!!

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In light of the fact that they plan on ditching Title 42, which will allow up to 18,000 over the southern border per day, I believe Covid is done. It won’t matter who comes in, we will actually be more at risk from drug resistant tuberculosis than for the plandemic from the common cold. They need to shut up, and reevaluate what medicine actually means and where they want to go in the future. I am a retired nurse. If I was still working in the field, I would have walked away out of protest. The lies, the compromise to the regulations, all these things need to been critically evaluated, such as gain of function which is hideous and abusive. This abuse must never be allowed to occur again.

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When do you think they will allow us unjabbed Canadians to cross the land border into the US?

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I wish I knew. The mandates and lockdowns in Canada was a complete surprise to me, although Trudeau has been tightening the noose around the citizens necks for years now. He may need to be removed along with several of the others in the government who bow down to the world economic forum, in order for Canadians to breathe free again.

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It's insanity. I don't know how he continues to get away with it. Unfortunately he's not going anywhere for the next 3 1/2 years now that the NDP have crawled into bed with him :(( I keep hoping they will accept the reality and let us fly again (in Ontario the jabbed are getting Covid at a rate of 3 x the unjabbed)!! I don't see it happening anytime soon though, he just wants to punish us, without good reason. And the jabbed don't care cuz it doesn't effect them. So.... our best hope is that the US will let us in so we can go through, and to other countries that don't have these insane mandates.

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I believe Trudeau will be brought down before 3.5 years. He is following the Klaus Schwab plan, like many others. He was genuinely shocked when he was confronted for his draconian measures. He thought he was going to be applauded for the things he was saying.

The British gathered data on those currently being treated in hospitals and it has been reported that it’s the vaccinated who are being treated. I would not get this vaccine if they were offering $1M to do so.

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They actually had a million dollar lottery in Ohio to “incentivize” jabs; an independent study showed jab rates went down after “Vax-A-Million” (I kid you not) was introduced a year ago

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Oh wow!! That’s crazy. Like bribery really!

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Oh gosh, I sure hope you are right!! We just need the Conservative party to get it together and give the people a good option. There is so much that doesn’t add up about all of this.

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Can you remove Trudeau? Seems like once WEF gets its Young Leaders in place they are difficult to get rid of….

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I don't think so... unfortunately he is likely going to be around for a while :((

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Wouldn’t it be nice to tell them, you are failing and you must leave now! WEF is like a virus on steroids. However, we have to have plans for what we will need to replace these draconian policies they are ascribing to today.

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It might be too late. Are there truly free and fair elections in Canada?

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I chose to rely on faith and hope.

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Can you imagine if a roving band of illegals, like 20 or 30 of them, decided they were going to invade your house? How in the world could you stop them if the police and military wouldn't or couldn't? Republicans better win the 2022!

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Now? Fuck this guy.

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Then get rid of all the damn mandates! Especially the one requiring Americans to test to fly home from a foreign country! It’s absurd.

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State infection and death rates are a function of humidity, average household size, percent over 65, percent over 80, percent diabetes, income, demographics and policies. But, the results of this formula were never publicized. Why? Most likely because the results didn't fit any of the narratives advanced by fauci and company. We still only have fragmented studies showing that lockdowns were killing people and that masks were ineffective. We pay over 15,000 CDC employees an average of $115,000 each to allow us to be the best informed, instead, they used their skills to keep us uninformed.

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