"But, deep down, I think I believed that being vaccinated (and boosted) would keep me from getting Covid-19 AT ALL."

That's because you were exactly and emphatically told those things multiple times and coerced to take shots on pain of your job and freedom on that basis.

"Why? Not sure, honestly."

It's okay. Just blame the unvaccinated for the suffering you've experienced for voluntarily swallowing 2 years of lies. It certainly wasn't your Democrat leaders' faults, and it certainly wasn't your own choice to indulge your utterly dysfunctional fear and anxiety that has bracketed your life since long before COVID.

Fuck these people and their "revelations." Fuck their awakenings.

Apologize for all the people you judged, ostracized, and cut out of your life. Apologize for your fanaticism and bullying and willful stupidity.

Then we'll talk.

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Exactly! And the dementia patient in chief is STILL saying this.

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In his threatening little pervy-lean-forward-and-whisper-while-squinting routine.

Just like half a year ago when he threatened and bullied half the country as a state of the union address and tried to sic the other half of the country on their neighbors.


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He’s a fucking moron. I cannot stand him. Sorry for the language but I’m so upset about all.of.the.lies.

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I'm done with the whole "feel bad for elder abuse" stuff.

He's a bully and a tyrant. He's just a bully in the body of an old man losing his marbles.

I'd still kick Wheelchair Hitler out a window.

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Notice the only time there seems to be life in Biden's eyes is when he talks about beating someone! He thinks he's a big man and fighter but is only a small man and POS at that!

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Yeah, but what's really pathetic is you know that's just a glitch in his brain where he actually thinks he's like, 40 years younger saying something with that much enthusiasm. I don't credit him with a single present-moment-minded thought, at this point. He seems to be a 100% (barely) walking (incomprehensibly) talking shell/puppet.

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Athletic Biden avoided being drafted by claiming that he had asthma.

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anyone who tells how tough they are-aren't that tough

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Don’t forget about CornPop!

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Threatening with veiny fists clenched and a bony index knuckle protruding, he's a nasty lying old piece of shit.

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He's ALWAYS been a mean, vindictive man. And now he's senile.

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I think I love you....hope youse a guy, cause I'se not gender confused!

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I'm not sure he has any marbles left to lose....

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FJB deserves every bit of rank humiliation, dementia served or otherwise, that rains down on his hoary head. The calcified wannabe whore Jill Biden as well.

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Ditto. Horrific. There is 1.. Just 1 Rescue for research animals in this Nation… including many many Beagles that need Homes; a Ranch In Wyoming

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And now we're also finding out about monkey torture.

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He's always been a lying corrupt blather mouth. and handsy

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Apparently you're in good company.

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There is no shortage of such people in high office worldwide.

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right...his message of Unity worked superbly hasn't it

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Don't forget this was the same guy that about 15 years ago told a white audience that America will be a better nation once they breed out all the white people. :)

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He will say whatever he needs too at a given moment. No integrity in the least, but what can we expect from a 50 year swamp creature right :)

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He is still working on that. It’s just that his meaning of the word is different from what most think. Once those with differing views are eliminated, then he’ll have his unity.

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...love you guttermouth... did your mom ever threaten to wash out your mouth with soap & water?... no? well maybe for the better...

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I actually lost at least one job (and probably at least one more) in my youth for having a compulsively filthy mouth.

I got it from my dad who apparently got it from the Army. My mother did absolutely nothing to correct it because I suspect she thought it was more feminist.

I very strictly do not curse in front of kids of any age, though, which people seem to find hilarious these days, so I guess in the long run I ended up being the prude.

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I curse like a sailor when I get really mad, but I’ve trained myself to say (with great feeling) “Dag Nabbitt” instead, and that normally makes everyone laugh. Even the kids. It feels just like cursing if you say it with proper emphasis. 😉

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...nothing to apologize about 💕🐱💕

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Hey Guttermouth, as a parent of 2 young kids, I just wanted to say thanks for not cursing in front of kids. I don't mind cursing from adults, in front of adults, but it really bothers me that some adults don't have enough self control to watch their language in front of little ones. Even our friends with very filthy mouths know to keep a lid on it until the kids are out of the room, but it is amazing how many people won't extend that basic courtesy anymore. Our neighbors across the street curse up a blue streak AT their 6 year old, and wonder why we don't send our 7 year old over to play. 😬

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Kids should stay innocent as long as possible, or at least see examples of decency.

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Yes and she did probably twice!!!

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That first sentence is absolute Gold!

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He's nothing more than a puppet. You give him too much credit. He deserves none.

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Dementia patient and chief. Funny yet terrifying :)

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I agree. I need apologies from these people who allowed the bill of rights to be shred. Talk about “violating norms.”

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"Well I just think if you're going to make me unsafe you aren't actually entitled to civil liberties. It's a global pandemic."

Same motherfucker that tweeted this. Different day.

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Agree Gutter....this time I don’t think it is going to be very easy for any of us to just let these people sneak out and change jerseys at the third quarter and pretend they were on the team all along (as usually happens). I won’t do to them what they have done to me, but, ain’t gonna be no kissy face make up and pretend what happened didn’t happen either. My own brain has a built in ‘way back’ machine.

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Funny my husbands does too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Sorry, but I think these POS not only deserve to be “rewarded” for their positions, they need to be. Theses parasites have lost little if anything at all while forcing millions to lose income, employment, careers, professions, family members, families, pets, homes, businesses, everything. There needs to be a reckoning.

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Potent comment!

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Maybe I feel unsafe among the vaccinated. I feel like I have to wear a mask and goggles in public just to keep their prions away from me 😷

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Cillizza said this? Is there a screengrab posted somewhere? Google has blackholed it and duckduckgo can't find it.

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Dr. Shiva (MIT) discovered that Twitter built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call their “Twitter Partner Status.”


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It was on Tucker last night

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Tucker Carlson Friday night show chronicled it too.

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I just found it by searching for his name (on google) and twitter, it's all there.

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Not for me. I'm talking about the quote "Well I just think if you're going to make me unsafe you aren't actually entitled to civil liberties."

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our inaienable rights and our daily life, the very breath in our lungs comes from God our Creator, NOT our mental prowess or by any other person or their actions.

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Brava. 😘

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

ABCDEFU- is what I say to them all. I’m in healthcare. I. Have. Had. It. These people are smug, condescending, and self-righteous. Although - I’m willing to put that all aside IF they wake up and join us - and allow us to say, I told you so!

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It does give us insight into what Jesus must have been thinking of the mob as they were nailing him to the cross. Speaking for myself, I’ll need a lot of God’s help following his example to forgive them as “they know not what they do.”

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Same here. I’m praying for His perspective and love to fill me. Daily. It’s hard but nothing is impossible for the Lord.

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I can’t help but think about the commands to “turn the other cheek,” and “love thy enemy.”

I will, but only because I love God. And I might throw in an “I told you so,” too.

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Jesus wasn't a doormat, He left plenty of ppl on the wayside because of their arrogance. Shake the dust off your sandals and move on to someone who will hear the truth in humility. The arrogant block God's Spirit. Jesus is the Way to the Father....it's through humility that we find God. I am the way, the truth, the life. Humility is the way, humility is the truth, a humble life is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven! Jesus is our map of what our Father God is like. Be arrogant and you repel the spiritf! Be hard and ruthless and unforgiving and discourage others and YOU WILL REPEL THE DOVE of the Spirit. God has provided! We do nothing to deserve what has already been done. Except receive in humility and thank God.

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... daily routine: thank Jesus, then ask him to thank his dad for me💕💕🐱💕💕

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I understand your statement but just to clarify: the Bible says that those who put their faith in Christ all have direct access to the Father, who can joyfully hear you when you thank him

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I have never though it our duty to punish in God’s name but I have never thought it our duty to forgive in his name either. Both are above my pay grade.

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Jesus commanded that we forgive. I guess if you mean do we have the authority to grant God’s forgiveness on behalf of him, no. But Jesus was very clear about how we should forgive others. Jesus said, "If you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins" Matthew 6:15

The Bible has a lot to say about forgiving. I do not believe this means always forgetting though, and it doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. It just means we don’t harbor animosity or personal ill will against those individuals, no matter how corrupt and evil. Jesus is our example here as they beat him, mocked him ,tortured him ,lied about him, and then nailed him to a piece of wood to die a painful slow death.

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I do not advocate running them to ground and lynching them, though many deserve as much. But they need to be held accountable. Not McCabe accountable but loss of employment, all government benefits, loss of most if not all of their I’ll gotten gains (income from their government jobs) and known by one and all as the criminals they truly are. With the possible exception of Dan Rostenkowski (SP?), there are not a lot of the criminals in our government that get anything like their just desserts, which goes a long way to answering why corruption is so prevalent. They are rarely caught and then even more rarely made to pay for their crimes. That MUST stop.

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IF they can return all the lost income, jobs etc to those they stole them from through their actions, then I’ll forgive them. Until then, let them be excommunicated and fend for themselves.

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Instead of perpetuating the US vs THEM why dont we join forces against the assholes who deserve all of our rage.

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I'd be glad to.0


Tell me how this numb nuts is going to help you keep your job or get the mask off your kid's face at school.

Again, I'm very willing to move past this, but not unilaterally. Now that he's had his great awakening, let me hear a "what can I do to help?" or "how can we end this, since you guys have been on this track since the beginning?"

All I hear is a sheep bitching that his wool got shorn. I don't see him jumping the corral.

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SO many ways. Start with your "elected representatives", then go to your local School Board, then your employer , then your local "public health" officials, then to your "Doctor'. Ask questions about their advice and views. Challenge them, read and connect with others in your community. This is a crisis of authority. The incompetent lot of them have been lying and promising their constituencies things they can't deliver forever.

Unplug from govt support, be less dependent upon institutions. Out the bullies, challenge their advice. Find good local support (food, employment, medical advice) that fits your values and needs. Stop looking to institutions to do everything for us.

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I'm sorry to say that all my "elected representatives" are ink-blue loons perpetually on the lookout for more ways to make our lives a misery. Every hear of Pramila Jayapal?

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I'm sorry you live in Seattle...a place that shows what happens when people reject Jesus and follow the god of progressivism.

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Most elected representative on the national level are lemmings. My congressperson from Florida votes Pelosi line on everything

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My thoughts exactly but better put.

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The vaxxer zealots can't see how they are perceived by others because they are so pathetically self righteous.

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bingo! which is arrogance, which is pride, which is how ppl are taken advantage of! play to their pride and how they've been mistreated and how they deserve to be happy and how they deserve to be coddled and protected and you've got a victim to manipulate and control. It's a bit like sexual grooming.

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I'ts what satan did to eve in the garden! Oh, God must be keeping something from you, you poor victim...you could have so much more if 'someone' wasn't doing you wrong. It's a very bad road downhill once you start buying into the lack mentallity and how you are missing something you deserve.

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Imagine being so clueless, so lacking in self-awareness, so lacking in self-knowledge, that you post 6 tweets highlighting that very cluelessness... LOL.

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pure arrogance!

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Forget journalists...we need mainstream Politicians of both parties to admit failure, To admit that the narrative of "safe and effective" died one week after the roll-out of the "vaxxes".

It's nothing but silence about the effect and damage being caused by these "vaxxes",and yet the presstitutes and dumb-ass politicians keep shilling this garbage crap. STOP ALREADY !!

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I just want ONE.

ONE mainstream politician, ANYWHERE, to admit the information was incorrect, the predictions and models were terrible, and the choices were WRONG and innocent, healthy people guilty of no crime were hurt and killed.

Really. I don't expect the world to become a good place. I just want ONE. ONE person of actual fucking principle and courage to give me hope.

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Do you subscribe to Coffee and COVID? Read it every morning. Ron DeSantis has basically said everything we’ve done has been wrong, wrong, wrong.

From this am. “ The Governor emphasized that Florida is going to focus on successful options for TREATING PEOPLE not failed policies like locking them down. “We are not going to indulge in any of the insanity that you see happening again in some parts of the country,” DeSantis stated, referencing colleges that are shutting down despite mask and injection mandates. “A lot of those heavy-handed policies have been total failures, and we’re certainly not going to be indulging that.”

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Luv luv luv Coffee & Covid!! Keeps me sane along with Alex

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I love C&C. I wish I could afford the subscription fee but $50/mo is WAY too expensive for me. I wish there were more affordable options besides just the limited free sub.

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Agree. For $50 a month, I want a lawyer on retainer, lol.

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Isn't he the governor who won the Emmy for his press conferences over covid?....

No wait.... Nevermind

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Nope. That was MY 'governor'. The one who took his place isn't any better.

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Jeff Childers is awesome!

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Ron Johnson & Rand Paul are the only ones who realize it seems. They’ve been trying to wake up the others who are sleepy, Joe style

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Have a sister in Wisconsin and she says the libs there are massively pushing the dis-crediting of Ron Johnson. They FEAR him in a big way because he is front and center and calls a spade a spade. Gotta love Johnson! Sure hope he runs again!

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Actually, Rand Paul has been a strong advocate for natural immunity exceptions and against mandates. However, he has also been a big-time cheerleader for the supposed safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. This CNN host admitted the vaccine failure before a single Republican senator has. Maybe that dam will break next week.

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I agree Rand Paul is jerking our chain. He’s a physician that is unvaxxed and is hiding behind his natural immunity. He’s not stupid he knows these clot shots are deadly why doesn’t he come out and say it. Senator Ron Johnson is the only politician with balls and the moral fiber to fight this genocide. All these bloviating GOP politicians will end up in the same afterlife community as Fauci for not fighting this evil.

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Right! Johnson has repeatedly made the efforts to call out the VAERS data and effective, safe and cheap use of early treatment options like Ivermectin, HCQ etc. One of the very few GOP with actual balls to do so!

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Rand is an advocate of natural immunity because he had COVID last year. The same as Thomas Massie. If you folllow Massie on Twitter you will see he is better at articulating this problem than Rand is. I don't understand why Rand is being so cagey. And, my husband was a major donor/volunteer in Rand's 2010 primary so knows him personally.

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Maybe the pharmaceutical cartel gives him $$$$$? You're aware that Big Pharma controls all three branches of our government, right?

If not, you need to read this book:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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ALL politicians after their first term are bought and paid for...

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Rand? Come on! He talks a big game with Fauci but never puts the hammer down. Fauci lied to Congress with no penalty. And he dictated using Remdesivir as standard hospital protocol, causing kidney failure and ICU victims to die by filling their lungs with fluid and drowning.

Rand owns Gilead Pharm stock; known fact...no doubt he owns the vaxx makers stock also, but I do not have proof of that.

Rand sounds tough but no follow through, sorry.

The only good news is the upcoming ICC (Int’l. Criminal Court) lawsuit/trial.

Pray this comes to fruition as promised. A new Nuremberg that should put many of these kil ler’s & complacent “just doing my job Nazi helpers”.

That will wake up millions, a True Awakening.

Not like Mr Mamby Pamby in this tweeters pathetic “victim” of his own foolishness. Poor me says he. I been deceived. Waah

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Do not put your hope into that trial. IF it goes that far, it will not be covered by the media anywhere as they were willing participants in the crime. I have a little experience with international tribunals. Waiting about a decade for a response.

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Totally agree with Rand. Lot's of huff and puff, but without any substance in the end, Fauci still spewing at will. Let's HOPE the ICC has a better outcome!

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And, Thomas Massie (KY)

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Jim Jordan?

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I love Jim Jordan but have not heard him on this issue. Anyone?

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Then why won't they address 911 issues...

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I heard Louie Gohmert (Texas congressman) the last 2 days publicly blasting the vaccine safety and the infringement of personal rights. It was encouraging to hear him be courageous enough to tell the truth.

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I’m a big fan of anyone who hosts Robert Malone on a show he’s hosting! Yay Gohmert!

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"This vaccine is not just a 'one and done' shot that you take before going back to work. We are seeing a pattern now, clearly, that Fauci, the CDC, FDA, etc. are planning to mandate booster shots every 6 months for the rest of our lives after an endless stream of new variants conveniently pop up. On twitter, this post would likely get removed for medical misinformation - thank God for Gab." Congressman Paul Gosar. He has been breaking taboos on his Gab account. 😆

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We have one, just one single decent, moral federal politician in the whole of Australia, who is speaking out against the federal and state government policies - Senator Gerard Rennick. The treatment of him in the media is appalling but he refuses to give up and is doing all he can to bring truth to stop mandates, boosters and now jabs for kids, before its too late.

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He has his witchy out in Australia! Soo much empathy for the Australians!

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Me too, but clearly they are gutless and soulless! They are in too deep.

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I know how you feel Tajitu. It may take an honest to God uprising by true patriots.

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The people I want most to admit their utter failure is all the healthcare professionals especially doctors who completely bought in to the “v is the only answer” narrative and abandoned their critical thinking to the horrible detriment of those who trusted them. And their arrogance... It’s all horrific. They’ve ignored science all the while screaming at us to follow the science. (There are awesome exceptions and they are amazing and too few.)

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Yes. More than politicians and journalists, I need to see doctors and nurses who totally gaslighted us, lied, and prostituted themselves to Big Pharma come clean, confess and repent. Then maybe I'll give them a chance to earn trust again. Maybe.

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They've eternally lost my trust. They will never regain it. I'm done with the contemporary western medical paradigm in its entirety.

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Agree. Our healthcare system is corrupt and driven by money. Just like our corrupt government and media.

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They did more than that, they violated their oath to “do no harm”, if that is still a thing these days.

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Was all about the dinero...

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After several meetings with the palliative care team, your family decides to withdraw care. We extubate you, turning off the breathing machinery. We set up a final FaceTime call with your loved ones. As we work in your room, we hear crying and loving goodbyes. We cry, too, and we hold your hand until your last natural breath.

They've (medical professionals) been at this for 17 months now. It doesn’t get easier. The pandemic stories rarely end well.

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Ooh, spooky and sad. I'll go get all my shots right now.

The one thing I enjoy more than being threatened is being scared.

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Don’t stay up too late waiting. They’re just now completing step 1. They need to get all the way to step 8 & 9 before they start seeking out those whom they have harmed and working to make amends.

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The Twelve Step program for Covidians will be a difficult journey. The Truth can be over whelming to the Skulls Full Of Mush.

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The Five Stages Of Herman Cain Award Winners:

1. Candace Owens meme

2. Sam Elliot cowboy meme

3. Prayer warriors summoned

4. Alex Berenson Loyalty

5. Last relative alive opens the GoFundMe page for their funeral expenses.

Good luck you wild and crazy kids!

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I'm 99.98% certain it will be okay, random person who subscribes to no substacks and has no profile and just showed up here to make two lame comments with the same talking point about relatives using GoFundMe after we inevitably die of covid.

I'm curious, do you get a list of lines that focus-groupped well and you need to use them all to get the full fee, or do guys like you just come up with one thing that sounds clever in your head and use it over and over like a kid endlessly quoting Napoleon Dynamite 10 years ago?

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I can not add anything to what Guttermouth says. It is exactly how I feel.

Just perfect.

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Despite his “realization” he still tweeted that letting Kyrie play was a terrible decision. So he clearly hasn’t actually figured a damn thing out yet.

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I made that exact same point in response to his tweet!

“"Awful decision" thus proving your earlier mea culpa for being a useful idiot for nearly 2 years was a faux mea culpa, and that you've actually learned NOTHING over these past two years.

Your self-congratulatory attention-whoring is breathtaking.”

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Good energy here. I'd like to add since sociopathic liars don't ever apologize in earnest, if he does apologize I'd prefer to just kick him in the balls, rather than talk.

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I think you're SOL. I don't think he has any balls to kick.

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Chris has balls?

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Crap. Just saw your comment. I said the same thing!

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Cillizza, well educated at Georgetown, is a herd animal.

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Graduated from Georgetown in 1978 - it is NOT the place it was back then. Don't know why it's gone woke but shame on the Jesuits and administration for allowing it. Lot of alumni from my time are just as aghast as I am.

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And no doubt it has more than something to do with the Jesuits, I hate to say ... the list of Jesuit alumni is filled with the likes of Fauci, Newsom and a host of others. I myself endured Fordham for a year in 71-72.

We have been betrayed.

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I for one am glad they are waking up. It can only benefit us. How hard and painful it is for any of us to acknowledge being terribly wrong.

Sure they should deeply and sincerely apologize, but that IMO comes later after they get over the stunning and painful realization of their own ignorance, then begin to see what they have done to others.

We surely have a right to be disgusted and angry, but let's wisely leverage their breakthroughs to encourage them to see the other things they have denied!

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I'd be in agreement with you if he was truly interested in anyone else other than himself and his precious blue check! Nope! You reap what you sow!

Now they can fuck off! There's no way I ever trust these traitorous sons of bitches.

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My statement did not recommend trust nor am I recommending friendship: I think of working on them as guerrilla or undercover action. Getting all angry in someones' face typically hardens their position. I have seen Marxists become strong supporters of the USA and our freedoms. David Horowitz comes to mind. Try, verify, move on to another target. (Make no mistake, I am fed up with the Branch Covidians. It is illegal to do what I would like see done to some.)

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There's a big difference between old school democ-rat and leftist marxists. David Horowitz like Glenn Greenwald were never marxists. In fact they understood what folks like Alex Berenson, RFK Jr., me and others understood. That there was something very evil at the core of this. My military training informed my perception that this was a psychological operation coupled with a full on biological attack. I don't care what people call themselves politically. I only care that they understand fully what's going on and exactly what's at stake.

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I read several of Horowitz's books. He was about as hard core a communist as you can get until Vietnam woke him up from his idealism. You might find his biography interesting.

I agree this is a psyop, which according to US law is illegal, yet it appears to be in large part perpetrated by our own government.

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You seem to have a propensity for understatement.

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"That's because you were exactly and emphatically told those things multiple times and coerced to take shots on pain of your job and freedom on that basis."

Also this is not a traditionally defined vaccine. It is a very short term prophylactic.

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Why? Because early on, Orange Man thought hydroxychloroquine might be beneficial. Therefore, no matter how hard he tried to get PPE and ventilators, even after he approved Warp Speed, he was thought to be a Covid denier and therefore all Trumpistas were as well (and all Covid dissenters were assumed to be Trumpistas as well). All part of the Great Divide.

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Yes, I am familiar with his theories and find them to be worthy of serious consideration. I would also add another possible theory mass hypnosis that we first encountered after the war in Iraq: pride.

It was pride that kept a majority of Americans that had bought into the WMD narrative to admit that their own government had bamboozled them with a war of false pretext even to the point of sending our sons and daughters overseas where many were maimed or killed, though their hearts were in the right place.

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Amen x 1000!

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Hmmm, it's almost as if the vaccines are at best a therapeutic with waning efficacy and a terrible side effect profile, eh?

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Vitamin d, zinc and Quercitin are far superior therapeutics. But these elitists were too educated to listen to us (the new unseeables)

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A study by a man known for being wrong about everything but has a ‘Dr’ in front of his name and the force of a prestigious London college behind him has stated that the study “ found a significantly increased risk of developing a symptomatic omicron case compared to delta for those who were two or more weeks past their second vaccine dose, and two or more weeks past their booster dose.” So the new ‘booster’ recommendation will soon be boosters every other week…

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15 boosters to flatten the curve!

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And flatten the population

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Oooh god!! It feels good to have a good laugh..it's been AGES ..🤣 thanks everybody!

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Why are you laughing? The covid shots are INTENDED to kill. They are working as intended. If you still don't understand this, you need to read this book:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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I know full well..but the intended humor in the answer made me laugh!

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Virus gonna virus. Just leave us alone and quit messing with my freedoms. I already lost a job thanks to these evil people and their evil agenda. BTW, highly recommend Robert Kennedy’s book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Its out just in time to ruin one’s Christmas. He exposes all of it in there. Read it and weep sort of book. The audacity.

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My wife lost her job as well. Sorry for your circumstances. My wife is getting RFK jr’s book for Christmas and I am getting Berensons book. It will be an interesting Christmas as one of my sons is pro-vaccine and the other is ambivalent(but starting to see how ridiculous this all is).

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Both are excellent -- I'm reading both right now. Scott Atlas' book remains "out of stock" all over the place. I can't figure out what is going on with it. It is sure to be very informative.

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I like Dr Atlas. A reasonable doctor is really hard to find these days…

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It's available as a paperback on Amazon

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Thanks for trying but I just checked and it is not in paperback, only hardcover, Kindle and audiobook. I ordered it from Amazon on the 10th and no word yet from them about when it [paperback would be fine!] will be back in stock.

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Thank you. I truly believe that things work out how they’re supposed to. My husband is retired and he and I are both retired now!!

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The first chapter will scare the daylights out you.

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i am more of an angry type of person. i am sure i will be infuriated...

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You're right, you will be. I've been furious for almost 2 years.

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Such a well referenced book!

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

I challenge anyone to prove the efficacy of any of the jabs for covid. All of the companies making them lied about their results; fudged their findings. And how can such a poisonous mixture do anything but harm millions of folks? Just by chance you can avoid covid the same amount of time that they claim it is effective. The unvaccinated are the control group.

And then there is the graphene hydroxide...like injecting micro razor blades into your body that tear you up from the inside, said the late Dr. Andreas Noack, killed two days after he released his video on the subject...you can hear it on bitchute. It might not have helped him that he implied the P.M. of Austria (his home) might be acting like Hitler in supporting the vax. Seems the police arrested him while he was doing another video. He was beaten horribly and died as a result.

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The efficacy doesn't matter. It's now become a religion, and we must participate in their religious ritual. The injection is their lucky rabbits foot or four leaf clover. It will keep them safe from death.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Except it won't. It is their religion, bowing to the covid masters in our govt.

Communism is about obedience and worship of the state; giving your life if necessary. I think millions have given their life for the vax, only they don't know it yet. Unfortunately, their god cannot save their soul or their life.

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Yikes! They will blame his death on Covid and though they are right, it just isn’t how most of us think the virus kills. There will be more ‘Covid related’ beating deaths…

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Yeah, why isn't Cillizza banned for this heresy?

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But be fair and balance that with the perfect profit profile!

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The reality is myself and many people reading this don't deal in bullshit. We only want the brutally honest truth. We don't give a fuck about party lines. We know trump is a very flawed man but that the democrats are worse. I remember the liberals going nuts over the lockdown protests in April of 2020, all the while staying silent when the BLM protests came six weeks later with numbers of people that were 1000x greater than the April protests. I remember people stating you couldn't die of covid if you were vaccinated, I remember people saying you couldn't spread covid if you were vaccinated. I'm a former liberal myself, I was indoctrinated in my younger years that Republicans are all evil, racist, money hungry people who don't give a fuck about the poor and minorities. I'm embarrassed I ever voted Democrat. It truly has become a cult. I used to wonder why so many people would kill themselves because a madman like Jim Jones said so. After the last 19 months I can understand why. When Twitter and fbook censor you for telling blatant truths about covid, why in the hell is that giving me confidence about putting that "vaccine" into my body?

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I realized that I am still a liberal. The change is that the left and the current base of the Democratic Party is not liberal. I don’t think the traditional base of the Republican Party is liberal or that the Trumpists are liberal, but I’m pretty sure that they are far less of a threat to liberal values than the democrats.

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Exactly. I was middle of the road and haven't moved. The Democratic party has chased their elites down a rabbit hole and now I can't vote for them.

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Same. I pulled the lever for Trump and was aghast at all the ‘classical liberals’ making formal statements about why we had to choose JB/KH. No f’ing way. Some have egg in their face now. The ones who don’t are covascists.

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I also voted for Trump. My progressive family were completely baffled and n complete denial. But, as I told them, I had become a single issue voter around the curtailing of civil liberties due to the pandemic. Trump wasn’t great, but Biden was far worse. If Biden had come out strongly for civil liberties rather than chasing the current progressive doctrine, I would have voted for him instead.

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Why would you vote for the man who unleashed the vaccine from Hell on us?!?!

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Trump did not "unleash the vaccine" on us. He had no control over Operation Warp Speed.

I'm sounding like a broken record, I realize, but I must say this again:

You really need to read this book which will enlighten you by presenting vast amounts of meticulously researched and end-noted evidence, all of which is staggering, shocking and horrifying:

The Truth About Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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I think Trump got seriously duped on Covid and agree he is not the person we need. But he was lightyears better than what the blue shirts were pushing and I knew JB would never have his own agenda… it’d be the stuff we saw in 2020. I’m now a single issue voter on Bill of Rights (yes, even a staunch supporter if the 2nd Amendment now) and am thinking my next big cause is to help push back/expose all vaccines.

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So you think Biden has been better in regards to vaccines? Or just don’t vote? In this case, I would rather vote for the person who is at least hinting that they would like to preserve a person’s choice on whether to get vaccinated.

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Why are you voting at all? SMH...

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forcing vaccines is fascism imho, not liberal. Not protecting small businesses is forcing an even larger divide between haves and have nots and the middle class or those who want to go their own way, are falling through that gap.

Someone wanting to open a hippie boutique now in LA would find the street and the govt up against them.

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Imagine being politically conservative in Massachusetts, where my family has lived for 125+ years.

I attribute this to being brought up in a family of small-business owners. When you watch your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins work 70-hour weeks, live modest lifestyles, THAT is the best education.

Many years later, my boss told me, "I love hiring people whose families own their own businesses. Those people work like crazy and they're cheap about the company expenses. That's how they were brought up."

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Oh you silly straw man. No one forbids you to go to the grocery store without a vaccine. Hell, these days they will bring it out to your car for free or for a small insignificant fee.

You are FREE to spend your time doing other shit... like choking on your own fluids in the Covid Ward

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Both Dems and Reps are globalists who act on behalf of oligarchs against their own constituents, us. The old paradigm of left vs right is over. It's now globalist elites vs all us little people. The sick globalist ideas (i.e., Great Reset, mandatory jabs, lockdowns, open borders, balls-out degeneracy) emanate from the elite/academia and our politicians impose these sick policies on us. Americans still don't realize that our elections are utterly corrupted. Everything in America is now utterly corrupt, perverted, idiotic, suicidal.

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Thank-you. I needed to hear that from a former dem. BTW, I don't know any racist Republicans. Not saying they don't exist, there's one of everything, but I have never met one, that I know of. Everything you describe Republicans as being, is what I have experienced, personally, in most Democrats, in my area. Closed minded, racist, my way or the highway, fanatical, people. Personal experiences differ, not all of something human is the same as the others.

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The whole race bait and switch tactic is simply commie 101. Deny and project. What "they" accuse you of "they" actually are or are doing. What's beautiful to see is how many of my Hispanic, Black and Asian friends see right thru the tactic. There was reason Trump got more black votes than any previous conservative President as well as huge Hispanic turnout relatively speaking in 2020. This is only going to increase in 22 and 24. So many puppet voters are having what I call WHF moments and seeing thru the false messaging and charade now more than ever.

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Before COVID, my son was a liberal Democrat who graduated from an Ivy League indoctrination camp. My husband and I had many heated discussions about politics with him every time he came to visit. We never thought we’d live to see the day that he flip flopped but indeed he has! He states his party left him (they hate all white males except Biden) and now we all are hoping and praying for a Desantis run in 2024!! The Democrats have NO Zclue how badly they’ve fractured their party with all of the lies. The RINOS have no clue either btw or they’d be pushing hard for the same things their base wants but here we sit day after day and NO ONE speaks up for the American people except Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. It’s a very dark time in our country.

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Bless him for opening his eyes, and ears! --- I agree with your views on all. The RINOS gots to go! They've really hurt us this year.

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The RINOS are still clinging to power and perhaps think they can restore the Republican party to what it was in the Bush years, but they don't yet realize the Republican Party has left them for good. Frankly, the RINOS need to re-register as Democrats at this point. Increasingly, the Republicans are becoming the party of the average working people, and the Dems are now the rich and radical corporatists they always accused the Republicans of being. In its shift to the radical left the Dem party has changed in a way that the classic liberals can't identify with. I know a lot of Latinos in California who enthusiastically supported Trump and who now vote Republican, and a lot of former Democrats who refuse to vote Dem right now. Same with so many Independents. In the turmoil of the 1960's the radical left couldn't get power, but they didn't go away and these people are now in government, education, and other positions of power and what is going on now is their big push for total power once again. We need to squash them big time before this goes any farther. One way to do that is to not vote Democrat, period. Not now. They must be removed from power and ostracized. If you consider yourself a classical liberal, you don't have a place in the Democrat party right now. That party is now for radical Marxists. So the traditional Democrat and Republican parties no longer exist as they once did, and perhaps it's time for people to seriously re-align themselves in their voting preferences.

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Love seeing those in college come around to actually "seeing' what is being perpetrated by the deceptive puppet administration!

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Seriously...WHY if someone said to you, being a black person, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black," would you vote for that person? That screams racism to me, but the blacks (around here) seem to be fine with it. 😳🤪

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Yeah, people are really intolerant of others who are "different." He got on my nerves sometimes and there were times I wanted to join the Twitverse, just to tell him to chill, but overall I felt he was doing the best he could with every single person in Congress standing in his way. It had to be horribly frustrating. So, to punish him, and us, they voted against his differences. Their getting their punishment, but we're being punished, too. Luckily, the clot shots, should lower their lifespans and possibly make them sterile, so maybe we'll have the last laugh after all.

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Thank you so much 💗 for summing up my feelings about the left party I have belonged to forever. I am in Toronto Canada and not only did I always vote New Democratic Party (which gave Canada its health care system) but I also started a union with two other people and have always done all sorts of advocacy work. Not only did I say enough to all of it last year , I am now speaking with and writing all the left local advocacy charities etc to see what their stance in on Canadians human rights and are they asking their staff to vaccinate. If I don't get " they have freedom to choose" then they don't get my money.

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This "wake up" by long term leftists is real. I have heard many Biden voters in my area in the states who are having WTF moments or serious buyers remorse. Most of these people voted based on emotion and not policy which is usually where most go wrong anyway, but none the less nice to see the awakening happening! Lots of mama bears too who are realllllly pissed off at what is happening to their children by the blue state and blue city Marxist tyrants.

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Awesome. Thank you.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

I'm a Ron Paul libertarian constitutionalist (and therefore a madman, clearly), but used to vote toward the progressive end of the spectrum. I now realize that participating in the process was a waste of time. The entire structure needs to topple as we withdraw financial participation, but I doubt we can crack mass formation among all the Karens, so next steps are unclear to me (especially in Canada, where I now live).

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It was the Republicans that passed most of the laws that enable vaccine tyranny. It was Reagan who appointed Fauci. And Trump unleashed the vaccine from Hell on us even against the advice of his advisors.

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Reagan may have appointed Fauci, but he was followed by numerous other presidents who left him in his position decade after decade. No one ever seemed to question him, even after all the fiascos he presided over, the most glaring one being the AIDS epidemic.

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wish I could see/here this on video but "they" would stop it

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ahhh. remembering fondly when a vaccine would... well ... vaccinate! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Ah don't be so sure of that one--- this is not the first failed "vaccine" there are tons of them. And there is a whole area in the medical profession now of looking at the explosive growth in childhood chronic illnesses and wondering how that came to be. I have a colleague that has done extensive research and analysis on the connection between chronic childhood illnesses, weak innate immune systems (why?) and vaccinations-- even the oldy kind

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totally agree. Even smallpox has a horrible history. and I have a vax damaged son so I know... They've been poisoning us for a long time

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The pharma companies need to be liable for damage. The 1986 law that granted them immunity from damages needs to be repealed.

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Don't do that! There won't be any pharma companies! Oh, wait...

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Exactly for a very very long time.

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I think this whole debacle has given us a window into the power grabbing, corrupt big pharma, and their cozy relations with FDA, CDC, NIH etc. Sometimes lemonade comes from lemons. There definitely need to be trials though. These lemons are crimes against humanity

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So true! If you can say there was any good coming from this COVID debacle, it would be that-- people now understand the business model of Pharma as it has always been. The difference now is that the funders, powers that be are ok with us seeing this model on a very global level because they have other problems they dont want us to see.

The timing of this BS is perfectly aligned with a massive debt default issue-- mostly in Europe (negative bond rates for 14 years) and also in the US. They had to shut down the economy-- cool it off so they could continue their looting and extortion for as long as possible. How do you do that globally -- a " pandemic". Read Mark Carneys (head of Bank of England) August 2019 (Sept?) speech.

The funders Schwab, Gates et al are trying to protect their money and power by doing what Bush and Powell did for Iraq-- look here this is what we found we must go in and get Iraq-- but it was all a set up to get into Iraq for different reasons. THIS is how the Western world works now-- "look over here-- not over here"

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It is NOT cozy. It is totally incestuous.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Speaking of corrupt pharma, does anyone have a source for ordering contact lenses overseas? I’m in US but I refuse to get my prescription filled here and give any pharma company my extra money if I don’t have to. I need Alcon contacts and am looking for an online company in Canada or India to purchase them from. Thanks in advance. (Pharma has opened a huge Pandora’s box now that we know we can get the same meds for a deeply discounted price overseas. I hope everyone starts doing that btw!!) I guess that will keep the FEDS busy opening every package from another country.

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Like the 2008-2009 flu shot that doubled your likelihood of suffering severe illness from H1N1?

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Hopefully, they're also looking into the explosion in autism. From 1 in 10K, to 1 in 30, in, what, a decade.

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Childrens Health Defense has LOTS of great information about that. Something as innocuous (😳) as peanut allergies are connected up to Autism/Spectrum disorders. I find as a medical professional that if you see society trying to "normalize" a disorder or really accommodate it -- that is a good indicator for Pharma/vaccine damage.

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Of course. Peanut ingredients are used as adjuvants. It is staring everyone in the face but no one will look at it.

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🤨? Really? I've only heard of much worse adjuvants. Hg, Al.

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I didn't know that. I thought it was alluminum salts that caused problems in the adjuvants. I thought the peanuts issue came with with growth medium

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Well you both have given me pause to go look this up and Snopes throws some shade on it. And yet it was easy for me to find this page? https://www.creative-diagnostics.com/peanut-oil-vaccine-adjuvant.htm So I don't know

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That would make perfect sense. --- Like ALS from vaxx in the services.

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and all the asthma produced by so many jabs

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They expanded the definition of autism, tho.

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They expanded it so that anyone who wanted some free government services or unlimited SAT time for their darling snowflake could get the autism label from a doctor easily. This completely obfuscated the only autism anyone really cares about which is the severe autism where someone requires lifelong care and supervision. And now it is that much harder to help them or understand any potential causation. The narcissism of the elites destroys everything but themselves.

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I got extra test time for autism and I didn’t need it. At least until I got older and started taking hard math classes where I need the extra time to look over all my ADHD mistakes. But on the other hand I don’t need a cheat sheet to memorize formulas like the neurotypical kids do. The only accommodation I ask for is not being forced to attend class for a grade. And maybe less strict deadlines on homework because it forces me to focus on getting it done so much that I forget the material.

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I don't at all think learning disabilities are a myth or not to be taken seriously, just that the wealthy and well-connected are gaming the system.

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Do you mean, "Being on the spectrum?" It being a type of curve?

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not really. just word salad

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All going exactly as planned.

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ALL vacines since day 1 are a fraud...

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I am starting to believe this. Where can I move my family to to get away from them???

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Any state with concealed carry, if ya know what I mean...

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When kids are not allowed to live in an unsanitary world, they don't develop immunities. Play in the mud, eat dirt, handle frogs and other things.

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🙌🎯 A former friend bleaches ev-er-ee-thing. Then gets horrible colds, flus, pneumonia all winter long, while being horribly anxious about getting sick all winter long. 😑🙄 Needless to say, she's a vaxx Nazi and we're no longer friends. Friends fo 51 years and she can't be my friend because I disagree with her pathology.

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For years and years people have been warning about the overuse of anti-bacterial hand soaps etc.

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We are microbe.

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When I was a child I ate my boogers and food off the floor. No wonder I never get sick.

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No boogers here.😱😳 But, the 5 second rule can still apply.

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ohhh but we were told the gene therapy experimental injection was 94% effective :)

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Yeah. Pfizer calculated their clot shot’s efficacy based on 170 confirmed COVID cases among trial subjects, but 3410 suspected but not confirmed COVID cases were left out of the calculations. After reading Peter Doshi’s BMJ article about this, I read key parts of the Pfizer Final Trial Protocol and found that it was designed to allow massive cheating. No ethical vaccine maker would have proposed that protocol and no ethical regulatory agency would have approved it.

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But here we are.

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I've been a fan of vaccinepapers.org for ages. Not that it's a badge of honour, but some of us knew Wakefield was framed up from the beginning.

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Are you aware that at least 3 commonly used vaccines don’t prevent infection…only prevent the symptoms? Tetanus and diphtheria vaccines are antitoxins aka antitoxoids. Look that term up. Tetanus isn’t transmissible but diphtheria is. Also, animal research done after the 2010 pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak in CA showed that both the acellular and whole-cell pertussis vaccines (in Dtap/Tdap and DPT vaccines respectively) prevent the worst symptom of pertussis (the awful cough) but don’t prevent infection or transmission. A press release about this was posted on the FDA website but removed when it became embarrassing to the vaccine industry. Research by Santa Fe Institute confirmed that the animal studies explained the dynamics of pertussis outbreaks in human populations. SFI also pointed out that “cocooning” babies by vaccinating their adult contacts for pertussis doesn’t work.

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Yes that is absolutely right. Many of the "vaccines" are not really vaccines in the way people conceive of them. Hopefully more people red pilling from the Covid nonsense will start to take a broader look at how they have been scammed by the overall vaccine schedule. (Who knows maybe Berenson will take a look too).

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those should never have been considered vaccines. Just revenue streams

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Newest grand baby is due anytime within the next 10 days... dearest daughter has been very worried about things and made me get the flu shot at least, since I won't get the Vax. She's had whatever shots her OB recommended prior to birth to protect the new baby, I think the DTAP, but new baby probably has more to worry about from toddler big sister than he or she will from me or parents. I didn't realize it was called cocooning, though... thanks for that.

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Have her watch Vaxxed 2 before she obliterates that child's health.

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poor baby

two jabs at birth then at least 57 in the next few years then already had mRNA inutero.

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I know of a young mom (who came from a family that never got childhood vaccines) had her baby July 5. About 4 days later she got sick with Covid, and was mildly sick for about a week. The baby was just fine, not even a sniffle. He is now 5 months old, continues to be perfectly healthy, and as of now, hasn't had any vaccines. I hope he never gets any, given what I've learned about all vaccines.

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I suspect you mean TDaP, not DTAP. (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis.)

I was given that vaccine about three years ago, against my will, while in the ER after having nearly been run over by a car. My medical record said I was due for a "booster" of that "vaccine." I was in no shape to try to convince the medical staff to not give it to me. It made me very sick.

I thought at the time that the sickness was solely due to the criminally bad, abysmal medical treatment I was given for three broken bones. (That's a long story, way too complicated to go into here.) In my opinion, there's no such thing as a safe vaccine. Period.

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Excellent-- thank you 💗

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When this end (and I'm still hopeful that it will end), will the definition of "vaccine" be restored to its actual meaning that was understood BEFORE the pandemic?

And, BTW, "global pandemic" is redundant, but it's apparently the approved term from the Department of Redundancy Department.

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Adding "global" makes it scarier.

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I'm waiting for all of the studies on the positive effects on climate the lockdowns had and why we need to lockdown to reverse climate change.

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That ended when profit overruled public health. No Money in Prevention.

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Exactly! That's why Big Pharma with the help of the government went after the vitamin/health food industry many years ago to get helpful vitamins suppressed as much as possible, and required the removal of statements on vitamin jars pertaining to which issues the various vitamins etc. were helpful for. There was no money or control in vitamins.

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I think this quote is appropriate here. “Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK Jr exposes the decades of lies.”

—Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate

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“Maybe start not calling it a vaccine you ignorant fool.”

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The Gene Jab?

The Clot Shot?

The Fauci Ouchie?

The Devil's Dose?

The New Normal Needle?

The First Of Many?

The Obedience Collar?

The Stroke Poke?

The Clinical Trial?

The Poisonous Prick?

The Cardiac Concoction?

The We Don't Know?

The Stinging Sterilizer?

The Dear Leader Delight?


The Poke Me Harder Daddy?

The Pearly Gates Uber?

The Guidestone Gambit?

The Social Validator?

The Heart Palpitator?

The Life Terminator?

The Sheep Eradicator?

The Mystery Science Juice 3000!?

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The thank you may I have another injection?

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The Jab-fer-Job?

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Gorgeous list! Thank you Thank you Thank you

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Lots of good ones in there! Good job! Thank-you!

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Thanks, I just thought of another:

The Mandated Malarkey?

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The Guidestone Gambit wins the day!

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I really appreciate your sense of humor. I needed a smile and an LOL today.

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Wait a minute - you've gotten more "Likes" than did my comment that begat yours?? ;-)

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Thank you for the inspiration, I hereby award my likes to you (or we could call it teamwork).


The Warp Speed Weapon?

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The whu-flu prick?

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The American way lol

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The Orange Man’s Koolaid?

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50% of America has to catch up with the rest of us.

One-at-a-time is gonna be a looong process.

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Not when their jabbed friends and family start dropping dead. It will go quicker.

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Let's hope so. But from what I see in my own brainwashed family, there will probably be large numbers of them who'll go to their deaths thoroughly believing all the lies and propaganda. Their psyches are too fragile to contemplate reality. Or they're too unconsciously terrified to contemplate reality. Probably both are true.

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The worst part is, there are so many like him. I have people in my neighborhood who didn't go out for almost a year and are scared to death of getting the virus, including their teenage children. So, as much as I roll my eyes at their choice of "information to believe," I can't help but wonder the damage it has caused to the generation that has parents like Cillizza? No wonder they are hopeless and depressed and committing suicide at record rates. What have they done?

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My teen and I had COVID in mid-March 2020. I’ve been so grateful, because we’ve been fear-free of the virus since then. But the mass craziness and the threat of vax mandates have my kid seriously depressed and feeling hopeless. It’s not just the kids with propagandized parents who are in serious trouble. I’m modeling activism for my kid but the threats are so huge…

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I’m sorry to hear this Kayla. Your son is not alone. I have seen a lot of teens/college kids off the rails from no fault of their own. And they really have taken the brunt of the tyranny until the mandates. Wishing you all the best

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Thank you!

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You won't lose money betting against Chris Cillizza

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My wife has a coworker who went through the same feeling. 100% masker outside of home. Boosted. Got sick a few weeks ago and tested positive. She was totally shocked. Started to regret her decisions over the past 2 years. She said "I should have been living my life this whole time!"

Welcome to Team Reality.

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The cognitive dissonance - it burns!

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He didn't "miscalculate", he as misled by everyone who was permitted to speak by big tech and the media. Look at the December 11, 2020 press release from Pfizer. It's a self-congratulatory note about being the first vaccine authorized to "PREVENT COVID-19". They weren't hedging about serious illness, transmission, hospitalization. They said "PREVENT". And anyone paying attention knew that was bullshit since the summer when breakthrough cases exploded in Israel and the UK. Thanks to Alex Berenson for being a major voice to get the truth out about that. On a personal front, my pfully pfizered wife caught the Wu Flu during the last week of September and lucky unvaccinated me had his first symptoms a week after she dd. The vaccines are neither safe, nor effective.

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He chose to be misled, meaning, he wasn’t misled at all. Rather, like

most everyone at CNN, hearing (let alone seeking) any news that went against the narrative would endanger his job as a “journalist”.

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Precisely. As a journalist, he is committed to asking no difficult questions. It's on you, Chris.

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And presumably, you've both recovered well.

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At least he is not grasping at the "but it will keep you from dying was the point" straw

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Omg you’re right. Kinda refreshing!

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I just read all 200+ comments.

I'm struck by the ANGER and FURY that has been unleashed.

Perhaps this is the real backlash for which I've been waiting. I've repeatedly asked myself, When will people finally say 'ENOUGH?'

And by 'people' I mean, vaccinated, unvaccinated, 'vaccine-hesitant,' masked, unmasked, parents of school-age children, covid recovered, etc. ETC.

Have we finally reached The End?

Man, I sure hope so!

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Here is just preaching to the choir. We are all unusually independent thinkers to end up here. I have let go of all expectations for when anyone else will wake up. I'm just going to enjoy my fear-free life and see.

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But it’s a terrific choir. Some independent thinkers are also loners. Others are not. I come here to enjoy a bit of time among fellow choir-members and to recharge my batteries before I walk among all the sheeple who - at least for now - vastly outnumber us. I do agree that “preaching to the choir” is useless. But “singing with the choir” is not. Here, we can help one another become more confident, more knowledgeable, & more resourceful re strategy and content.

This choir can also help us better distinguish between methods and content that work well in this war, and those that haven’t worked for others, which we can more quickly discard. As long as we’re the minority, we must prioritize, economize, and recharge as efficiently as possible.

Finally, reading the comments on Alex’s substack is so entertaining that I sometimes need to remind myself that skipping over erudite responses to, say, Dr. Mercola’s newsletters, is wiser than feeling guilty for even one nanosecond! (Anyway, let’s not aid the smugly vaxxed in their campaign to blame us and to make us feel guilty for being Maestro Alex’s choirboys and choir girls.)

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Its all relative the perception of being outnumbered. If you are in ground zero BLUE yes, but the country has vast expanses and many more RED than you can imagine and remember. Mama bear is AWAKE after what happened in the Virginia election a while back and around the country that night! The commiecRATS know they over-poked the bear and 22 closes in...

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I wish I could be "fear free." I'm still afraid of what FJB and his cronies have in mind for us, the unclean.

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Life is uncertain and there is always tyranny coming and going. What we have over the blue check types is we didn't buy into the scaremongering and so we can ignore the virus and enjoy each day we have. This is our great dividend.

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No, we haven't reached the end. We're barely past the prelude of the satanic drama we're living through.

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If you wanted to hear anger, you should have heard me, from your house, for the last 2 years.

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Did you hear ME? My head banging against the wall?

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Top notch observation Chris! It’s not like anyone got banned from Twitter for actually doing journalism six months ago. 🤔

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Time to ban Chris from twitter?! He's become anti-vax!!!!!

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Spreading misinformation the vaccines are safe and effective click here to find out more…

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Alex, look at the NFL this weekend. They are scrambling, rescheduling games, because there’s an outbreak of infections. Dozens and dozens of players are all testing positive right now. All at the same time. Most all are vaxxed since it was an NFL requirement. Let’s see, they started camp and mandating all players get jabbed back in June, about six months ago. Seems about the right time for this to be happening. Almost like clockwork.

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As an addendum, players were not required to get the vax per say. They would just be under different protocols than vaccinated players. Teams could get fined if it turned out that a spread happened because of an unvaccinated player not following the NFL's confusing protocols. But there was as strong push to get the players vaccinated, and now they're realizing that they're dealing with more covid than they did last year with no vaccine. Reality is coming in real quick on everyone.

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If covid is so bad, why only move the games back 2 days? Won't people still be 'sick'?

Another subtle admission that it's not covid causing the problems, it's the covid rules.

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NHL too. And England's Premier League canceled 5 of 6 matches today.

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What's truly terrifying is that there are people genuinely just realizing this.

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They were too busy enjoying their status and hurling scorn at the unvaccinated untermenchen

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Lol. Twitter will probably ban me again. https://mobile.twitter.com/Dboylon80/status/1472259400559517696

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I say ban ban away...its a badger of honor :)

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That is probably my 10th account. 🙃

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meant badge lol not that ferocious animal.

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And they're allowed to vote & drive cars.

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Yup. Just read an op-Ed in the Atlantic that the “journalist” felt betrayed that he got Covid after getting two doses of the vaccine and being so careful. He described getting better after a week or so. Symptoms seemed on par with a weak flu or bad cold. Then he said he got boosted…

But then admitted that likely he’ll get Covid every year and we just have to accept it

So if the ultra woke, blue checks are finally realizing that vaccines are shit, then team reality is gonna start winning more. And how the vaccine mandates are still on the table with how bad the vaccine failure is (see 100% vaxxed colleges closing due to Covid) then hopefully the vaccines will be scrapped too. At least the mandates.

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But that's what's infuriating me. They're NOT. They're NOT apologizing. They're NOT realizing the vaccines are shit. They still think they can comply their way out of this, even if they now understand the things they're complying with are useless lies.

Let one of these mea culpa posts actually say "I understand why people didn't want the vaccine and I support your choice now" and I'll be even remotely impressed.

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Narcissists live in a delicate emotional universe. They can never admit they were wrong. They will genuinely 100% believe that they themselves believed something else all along, than admit they were wrong. And that is who the legacy media is mostly drawn from. The narcissistic children of wealthy elites.

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Exactly! I always get the feeling like the majority of the national media don't even know people actually live and thrive outside their little bubble of elite-think.

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This guy is realizing it though, as he said “the vaccines actually don’t prevent you from getting it”

Slowly, we are making progress

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As Thomas Sowell would say, they are all "Stage One Thinkers."

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Its coming, this is a start🥰

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That emoji is exactly what I picture. In my head there's also a unicorn crapping a rainbow and people of various skin hues hugging.

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Once a cynic always a cynic?

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I have a strong suspicion that the use of the word "idealist" in relation to Kant's philosophy has a different meaning than the meaning we give it today. Idealism is philosophical term, arcane and probably unfamiliar to most people today.

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And these are the total and complete ASS HATs that shamed the unvaxxed. Where's the apology for spreading misinformation...total fucktards. All of them. I.AM.DONE.WITH.COVID...forever.

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The only think shocking to me is we’re going on nearly two years here, and these people are more irrationally terrified than ever. You’d think they’d have started asking questions about this Convid scam long ago, but no. Personally my patience has long run out, I feel nothing but disgust for them now. I will neither wear nor inject their fear. I’m done.

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Plus the fact that their irrational fear is continually re-ignited, as we are seeing with the new Omornic virus, which is nothing more than a mild cold.

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Wow. Bless his little heart. I think a visit to another kind of “hospital” may be in order.

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You’ve got me laughing. Thx!

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Anybody who blindly trusts companies that can pay BILLIONS of dollars in fines for fraud and criminal conduct -- as Pfizer and Johnson & Jonson have done -- deserve to be made to look like idiots. At least there is some hope for those people once they admit they've been taken by snake oil salesmen. It's the ones who still don't "get it" that we need to worry about.

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In the case of vaccines, they were paid to produce them, paid to inject them and have no liability if they cause an adverse reaction. You have to admire the business model.

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Yes its called extortion. Seems to be the business model for those who have politicians in their pocket. Fund a few campaigns and you are their bitch.

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"You have to admire the business model." Is a twisted, perverted, sort of way, yeah, but I have ethics and a conscience, so I'm probably in the small minority.

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Pretty sure Herdimmunity is using sarcasm there.

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I’m not so worried about the ones who don’t get it. I’m more worried about the ones who realize it and decide that they’re all in anyway.

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I’m still amazed that they actually drank the Orange Man’s Koolaid. The Trump vaccine was every bit as much of a failure as any TDS person would have expected.

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I actually had included a comment much to that same effect but deleted it before posting. I still have hope for the Orange Man's followers (though, waning) and try to limit my efforts at enlightening them to avoid the risk of offending the remaining few for which there remains some hope. :-)

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What an idiot - blinded by his stupid political hatred for people who pay attention and don’t agree with him. Jesus

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That time when reality slaps you so hard across the face you don't slap back....

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but in his case, hopeless. not very bright.

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I just got back from a Zoom memorial for my uncle who despite being fully jabbed caught Covid around Thanksgiving and sadly passed away 3 weeks later. He was immediately vented as soon as he was hospitalized and given the deadly Remdesevir. I told his daughters (my cousins) to look into the FLCCC protocol but they refused to listen. I have a fully jabbed cousin trying to get pregnant using IVF and is being encouraged by others to get the booster. As the oldest of 12 cousins, they have always looked up to me and asked for my guidance and advice for all their big life decisions. But now as I watch them make these dangerous mistakes from jabbing themselves and their toddler children to their total refusal to try early treatment, it kills me that before this plandemic they trusted my judgment completely and now because of their vaccine fanaticism all those decades of trust are gone. There is nothing I can do. I’ve been effectively muzzled because I know nothing I say will change their mind

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I'm sorry for the loss of your Uncle. Suddenly, being ignored by someone who always enjoyed your counsel is a terrible feeling. My heart goes out to you on many levels.

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Thank you!

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I’m sorry for your uncle too. I am feeling the same in my family I’ve always been looked on as the “intelligent” one but now I’m a crackpot tin foil hat wearer because I use the internet. It’s sad

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Exactly how I feel! I was always the “smartest” one in my extended family and now I’m the crazy one. I know one day we will be vindicated but by then it might be too late to save humanity

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So sad

So deadly

My friend’s lungs are destroyed

A month on a vent fighting to live

Praying for her

Other friends COVID this week

Took control of their own health


Next day much improved

Go to the hospital and risk death.

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Maybe Chris could even crack open a book about his “beloved Saint” Fauci sometime. How might hd process that?

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Chris, I hate to break it to you but not only do the mRNA's don't prevent Covid, but they also change your immune system forever. Be careful next time you get a sniffle, because your immune system may be parked in neutral.

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'Cause he does? People were so fast to dismiss everything he said, because he's 🤔🤨, quirky. Where was the critical thinking then? (NO, I'm not saying he was right on everything, but he was right on a lot of stuff.)

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I actually feel sorry for him. People are so wrapped up in their ideologies that they have no clue about what is really going on. That would be me if in 2012 I never researched the George Zimmerman case, I found a website that opened my eyes to the reality of narrative engineering. It was quiet the education. One of my oldest and best friends got COVID, her whole family got it, she is like me a Trump supporter but unlike me she was totally unprepared. I told her what to take where to find it, I gave her a link to monoclonal antibodies sites in her area and she thought it was just going to be a cold or something and ignored my advice. I even sent her some vitamins, A weeks later she is still sick but is starting to take my advice (a little late) because some people she knows (not her family) died from COVID. She is unvaccinated and i think she is mad (maybe even at me) for not getting the vax. I am vaxxed and wish I wasn't but I have a plan and i am prepared should I get sick thanks to people on sites like this who provide links to important therapies. It still angers me that the push is all about vaccines and not therapies because people are and have died unnecessarily due to the greed of govt bureaucrats and the drug companies. Please say a prayer for my friend and her family that they get through this soon. Thanks.

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Let's hope the supreme court rules accordingly to block the Brandon workplace mandate once and for all. I'm extremely disappointed in Kavanaugh and Barrett so far. This issue alone will determine if they were good or horrendous appointments. There is no way to find redemption for them if they blow this.

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ACB and Kavanaugh seem captured

The underwhelming SCOTUS picks of Trump

Trust God, not men

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Yeah, gonna have to agree this whole reality thing is a tough jab to take. Weird explaining to my DIL (3rd yr resident Duke Med) whose father, uncle, aunt, cousin are all MD’s that subjecting themselves & patients to multiple exposures to life threatening adverse events is way worse than just getting Da’Rona & treating it with cheap therapeutics. Oh- and losing 50#’s- wtactualf ya fat asses do ya need ‘splained?

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I need some new conspiracies, all my old ones have come true!

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hahahaha! Sad but so apt and funny!

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My most-used words this year: "fucking morons..."

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(snicker). I've been the only one so I haven't gotten to say it out loud.

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You thought being vaccinated would keep you from getting covid because that is what the powers that be told you... Now, if people would just acknowledge that they were lied to and stop believing the liars...

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Everyone check out Dr Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan. 3 hrs of truth bombs.

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It’s very sad when people would rather see people die than admit they were wrong.

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What is even sadder is that those people say that same exact thing about us, the free-thinking, common sensical resisters.

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there's that. for sure

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We should welcome all comers to Team Reality. It takes some guts to publicly admit you're wrong--I respect Chris's doing so.

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Hear hear! Lets join forces and go after the people who deserve our rage-- Pharma, the funders, WHO, UN etc.

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but he's whining... about nothing. he's been part of the "they are mostly peaceful protests" machine.

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He didn't admit he was wrong about shit. He can't even remember that he was explicitly told the things he "guesses he used to think" about the virus. "Gee, I dunno why I thought this stuff, how silly, oh well," he giggletweets, and probably still thinks his unvaccinated former friends and family members should be driven from their homes and made to die on ventilators.

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uh huh. nicely said esp the "giggle tweets" and the end desire

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I disagree. It takes guts to examine and then publicize WHY you allowed yourself to be so wrong.

There’s no evidence the perpetual-POS Cilizza (sp?) has come even close to doing that. In fact, he did the exact opposite of that:

“Why? Not sure, honestly.“

He’s a garbage American, IMO.

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YIKES, isn't that what those of us who are unvaccinated are being labelled with? how does you doing the same make things better? We are all angry-- some of us try exercise going for walks in nature-- I am not down with blaming people who are just figuring it out. I welcome it.

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Yeah. but it's all about how he feels about it, not how he was wrong and up for freezing out the unjabbed.

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I apologized the someone who screamed at me to put on my mask the other night. I was wrong to scream back. I told her I was wrong.

That's what I think change is about, not the anxiety tantrum this guy is doing.

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I think he just wants to work for The Atlantic where this Navel Gazing self absorption is considered writing.

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How much Junk

Could a

Bluecheck chuck

If a Bluecheck

Could Chuck



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Now I'll be hearing that in my head the rest of the day. 😆

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Love this!

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It’s like he’s struggling to let all the information we knew about vaccines - I mean drug therapies for viruses - prior to this scamdemic back into his tiny brain again. Almost like a truth virus is starting to take hold. :)

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This is astonishing only because the simple truth he professes to have just perceived has been perfectly evident to all who shoulder common sense and a healthy skepticism regarding herd thinking. Mr. Cillizza is an infant. God alone knows what other fantasies he self-comforts himself with.

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Even my own doctor's office has changed its stance on the vaccines. "Oh, they're just to keep you out of the hospital." Far cry from "You won't catch the coof with a vaccine!" Uh huh.

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Operation Mockingbird. Managing the public mind via controlled "journalists."

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Exactly, they are not journalists, but propagandists, and also presstitutes, govt megaphones etc.

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I actually stated above in another reply about presstitues.

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right...this is nothing new!

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more brazen the past few years perhaps

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SO true.. because you know yourself (since you already show knowledge of such things) that they are getting more impudent and insolent because they are more confident than ever they are right while of course as part of going lunatic, they do not see it all they are going lunatic.

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Yes, it's nothing new but it bears repeating until more people understand this. Many westerners do not yet understand that our own not-so-bright elected and unelected "leaders" are destroying us at the direction of the oligarchs elite. Many of our countrymen and fellow westerners do not yet understand that we can no longer trust our leaders, who used to do a pretty good job of taking care of their people and countries but who are now a bunch of criminals, the sign of end-stage capitalism. Our countrymen are guilty of trusting and believing the authorities who wield the world's best propaganda and psyops against them and want them dead.

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Me too, I,as a physician, failed miserably, in thatIdidn't read the Phizer & Moderna studies before getting vaccinated. After seeing what has happened since I was vaccinated, I regret making that decision.. I had to travel a kot in 2020-21, & took HCQ prophylactically... At this point I would never consider the current "boosters"

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At least you admit it. And lucky FOR YOU, and only YOU, that you can get prophylactic medications. The rest of us are f'd.

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Actually , Bandit, prophy meds are available to almost anyone for a fee. Unfortunately, in most states a Dr or nurse practitioner cannot prescribe either HCQ, or ivermectin w/o at least talking w you about your health, allergies, hx of heart problems, etc..

Since any Dr has to make a living, just like I suspect that you do, they will need to charge you for their time. + prescribing blind is a ticket to losing one's medical license.

In, I believe most every state, you can contact Drs, & in many states, nurse practitioners who will prescribe either or both HCQ & Ivm for you after a phone or zoom type interview. In some states, main line pharmacies still will not fill these prescriptions, but there are lots of alternatives on the internet.

Via the internet you can contact America Front Line Drs to start that process

BTW, in many states one can't prescribe meds for yourself or a family member as a physician

My own, univ of Fla based internist would prescribe neither of these meds for me if he did, he would lose his job!

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Now: In general, do you trust Chris Cillizza, this "journalist," to understand events and policies so he can explain the world to you?

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I live in Manhattan, and have not gotten the vaccine(s). Now I have 20+ years as an Autism Dad of a son who was "vaccine injured", so I simply have prior knowledge that led me to that decision.

My Dad was an Infectious Disease Doctor, so it was not some instant "that was it" for me. My wife was on "vaccine damage" discovery way before me.

This is the way I see it: 1) Some vaccines work for sure, not for all, but certainly they are worth the risk. 2) Some vaccines are silly, and are just there because of the 1986 Vaccine Act which removed liability from #BigPharma 3) We REALLY need to look at the Vaccine Schedule. I took probably 8 shots in the 60's-70's when I grew up. Now there are at 54+ shots on the CDC Schedule, and some of those combine 2-3 shots so it is more than that in reality. The point is, we need a study on the CUMULATIVE effects of the Vaccine Schedule since the 1986 Vaccine Act. It has NEVER been done for the obvious reason that Big Pharma does not want the answer. They point to "numerous studies", but there is NO CUMULATIVE STUDY. You can't keep pouring toxins in people's bodies and expect the same results. 4) I still maintain hope that Covid will cause a re-set of #BigPharma and #BigFood. What "We The People" put in our bodies should be our choice, we need REAL information to make those choices, and we need to start having REAL conversations about it.

Finally, in my daily life I focus on my son's Friends with Autism to build a purposeful life for them. It's relatively easy in comparison to what Alex Berenson, RFK Jr, Great Barrington Threesome, and others have done for us. I am genuinely amazed at the amount of crap they can take.

#AeternusUmbra (watch forever)

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Take all the poison you want, but NONE of the poison shots are "worth the risk". SMH...

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If we ever get real data again, I might disagree with you. For now, without real data and without real Regulators not waiting for a job in #BigPharma, I probably agree with you. I reserve the right to take a vaxx again someday. I have not had a vaxx or flu shot for probably 15+ years.

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This all got started with the poliomyelitis fraud. Arsenic and DDT in the environment were the catalysts. They actually used to spray children back then with DDT. Salk admitted on his deathbed he lied about the spreading between people. No study has EVER proven that a "virus" can spread person to person. But under Natural Law, you can put whatever you want in your own body. Keep your environment and what you put in your body clean, no more sickness period...

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My experience too. I was vaccine hesitant until my son got his MMR. Years of research led me to look closely and watch the lying.

Nutrition and skirting the jab laws helped us get my son to a great science degree and then they shut down his life. We'll get through this too.

I'm sending best wishes to you and your son.

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Reminds me of all the people who eventually realized they were wrong about Iraq's WMDs. They slowly, quietly admitted they were misled but never accepted responsibility for all the damage they did.

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May Powell rot in hell

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You didn't "miscalculate". You were lied to, by people you still trust...

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Exactly so lets focus our anger, disdain and action on those who lied to him. Join forces.

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F Chris C. He is a lap dog propaganda s**tbag!

He will write more lies and deceptions tomorrow if not later today.

Now if he or his family died from Covid, that would be justice.

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You're on extra fire this a.m. Love the book!👍

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How can he be uncertain of why he believed vaccination would prevent him from contracting Covid? Fauci and company only spent months making that exact claim.

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To be fair Fauci reasons kept changing and this guy is clearly a "go along get along" type. Lets be grateful and happy that people are saying "heh wait a minute"

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but the go along to get along people make horrible things possible, like Covid prisons and shut downs and genocide

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Yes they do, so we should be happy when prominent ones flip 😊

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but has he, really? I just see whining

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and changing the narrative and moving the goalposts the whole time

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Now ask yourself Chris, what else have they been wrong or lying about?

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Who the hell is Chris Clitzilla?

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interesting spelling

what is his name anyway.

who the hell cares?

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Exactly. Though I've heard of some other CNN talking heads I've never heard of this person. His whiny twittering style is rather. shall we say, vexing. Alas, I don't have cable but my boyfriend does. My TV is a Sony Trinitron with rabbit ears that I rarely turn on. Just a hopeless, un-injected Luddite am I.

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