As I've gotten older, it has been my habit to go long on decisions. Owning property, relationships and other major life choices. Not taking these shots has been maybe the best from an impact / recovery standpoint. You can always get out of a bad house deal but there is no getting out of these shots once taken. Sadly, many people will find this out the hard way. Pray, plan, prepare, RESIST.

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Feel the same way, however, I'm 59 and fat, so because I didn't take the vax route I felt that I needed an alternative plan. I assumed that inaction was too risky. For me it was vitamin D sufficiency (I take 7500 IU per day and my blood test shows that I'm "only" 43 ng/ml). I also take quercetin + zinc a few times a week, and during the Covid Wars I took 12 mg of ivermectin every 4 days. I have lost 20 lbs in the past year (not good enough) and I walk 10 miles a week. The silver lining in this bio war against the people is that some have learned to improve/augment their own immune system, and also to know that most doctors are blind and obedient followers of authority, no matter how silly and corrupt that authority may be.

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Good for you!! I do the same, except Ivermectin. Can't seem to get it with CC. I do not have Pay Pal. Nor would I. Not giving checks ahead with my info to other countries. Anyways.. I was overweight. 204 at 5'8. I got a 5 month old pup and started training( lots of walking). Lost 70 lbs in one year. Only change in diet was much less sugar and eating in 8 hr window. Nothing after 6 pm. You would be amazed at how easy it is to get used to. I used to stay up til all hours and eat mindlessly.. Before. One thing this nightmare has taught me is how to research. I admit I bought into this the first month. Until... I realized there were NO BIOHAZARD BINS AND BIG BOX STORES COULD STAY OPEN!! That got me started, as well as the whole mask nonsense!! What I have learned is we have all been lied to our whole lives. Everything.. Not just Covid.

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No kidding we have been lied to for decades starting with Ancel Keys' fake, pro-sugar lobby takedown of 'fats' leading to a society built on sugar. Hell, since all vaccines have come out after herd immunity has been reached(yes, Smallpox) I question everything.

I always think back to my mother who was a nurse purposely putting me in a group of kids with red spots(chix pox)...

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And how about sunscreen..... blocks vitamin D, it's full of chemical toxins and our skin is the largest organ of our body. Destroys ocean eco systems. Rickets outbreaks have been happening in small children as they are lathered in sunscreen, getting no nourishing sun on their skin. I honestly think sunscreen promotion is part of a plan to destroy human health for profit. Enjoy the sun, seek shade, wear protective clothing and seek natural sunscreen like coconut oil. Yes, it works and has been used for millennia

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Finally, someone who agrees with me about sunscreen. I do not think they are intentionally out to destroy human health, but they are definitely out for profit.

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I started wondering about sunscreen when we started going to Greece every year and the only people slathering it all over their kids were the tourists. You can literally spot the North Americans by the SPF factor on their bottles, lol

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Yes agreed. Profit is the main driver. Find (or create) a problem and offer a profitable(and perpetual) solution. Seeking profit might lead one to engage in sinister activity to maintain market hold. "The sun is bad for you" narrative has convinced many to be deprived of vital, life essential vitamin D

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OMG you strike hard at the biggest profit in the drug and FDA cult. I got so in love with the sun we found our own private beach where textiles are cancer causing (my excuse). How about Obama's 10 percent tax on tanning beds. The High Pressure system is fantastic. Nothing kills viruses faster than UV. The UVC lights are great for the air conditioning system. Nothing survives.

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Didn't Trump get excoriated for his comments on UV light?

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...and ironically, vit D is very important in the prevention of cancers, some of which The Powers That Be claim are caused by the sun.

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Agreed, stopped using sunscreen years ago. Just look at a chart of US skin cancer deaths this past century. Deaths up dramatically with the intro of sunscreen.

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I figured that out years ago, live in Australia, go to the beach and have never used sunscreen. You always tan very gradually. I do so unintentionally in daffleled sun. Have never peeled. (Did once when I was very young and learnt my lesson). I am glad I am not on any meds. I reckoned correct diet etc would illuminate any “need” for that.

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Wow thank you for this sunscreen insight! I always let my kids get a little sun first. Myself as well. Then I put it on. Skin cancer has been found in my family. Maybe I need an even Less sunscreen strategy. Not surprised.

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A LOT of science research produces nothing. As in nothing repeatable despite claims of significance. Read em and weep. This starts with bad NIH and granting agency decision sending big $$ to the most sensationalized ideas/projects. What do you get in return? Even more sensationalized associations which are not real but they do deliver big grants and headlines.


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I read some time ago that conventional sun screens would reduce the levels of skin cancer - except for melanoma. Higher levels of sun exposure reportedly showed an inverse relationship to melanoma. In other words, sunscreens helped prevent the largely harmless skin cancers while getting a fair amount of sun decreases the rate or melanomas. (Sorry, no references on this - but there is probably more information on line about this relationship).

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Conventional sunscreens have pretty awful ingredients...


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You are so right about the faulty research done by Keys regarding fat in our diets. And then the “low-fat heart healthy” diet became a religion. It got to the point that anyone who disagreed with the hypothesis about the heart healthy low-fat diet couldn’t get grant funding and/or were shunned by colleagues. Sound familiar with “climate change” and with covid?

A fascinating book on how all of this actually happened and how it has negatively affected our society is “The Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz. (Good fats actually belong in our diets. Hooray!) It’s an easy read and is so interesting - not to mention helpful for healthy eating.

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Along with so called heart healthy low fat diets and sunscreen, don't forget to add fluoridated water and artificial sweeteners to the list

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"...couldn’t get grant funding and/or were shunned by colleagues." Sigh. Government never has new ideas; guess what Tony FauXi controls? $50B in research funding and we don't have to guess who gets cash and who doesn't. Pretty frightening, really. BUT! That is why we make the investment into people like Alex - we can learn far more from each other, right!? I love these Substacks because we don't need other sources for the most part. Thanks for the mention of that book. My oldest just finished her BioMed degree awaiting med school and she has helped our whole family readjust our diets back to fat based(tastes way gooder, too :-D).

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Made me smile. You have that right!

Two points about good fats in our diet -

1. Our pcp in MA (from which we escaped over a year ago back to my home state of Florida) was Harvard medical and at MASS General and was the one who recommended the book. He said he knew that’s the way I grew up diet wise (eggs/bacon for breakfast and meat, 2 veggies and a salad for dinner - low carbs ) and said he was furious with himself as he always reads all the studies but incorrectly assumed the low-fat heart healthy diet was “settled science.” Well, surprise, surprise.

2. The other story is about my brother-in-law who has his doctorate in animal physiology and was a prof at Texas A&M and then worked in genetics for a large cattle ranch in Oklahoma. His doc wanted him to lose weight and lower his cholesterol by going on a low fat diet. He made a bet with his doc he could do both by losing the carbs and increasing his good fat. Bingo. He won the bet.

Common sense and moderation solve a lot of problems. Unfortunately, both seem to be in short supply.

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Gary Taubes has written several really great books on this subject as well.

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Exactly! I learned about the Ancel Keys sham about 20 years ago, and I think what I learned from that made it natural for me to be an instant skeptic when the Covid business began.

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Yes!!!! The sugar lobby and everyone fell for it!! All that yucky low fat food with three times the sugar added to make it tasty, fat is flavour folks!!

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Awesome story. Well done. The amount of lying has definitely increased. Although shooting JFK and getting away with it is some kind of high water mark.

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Until I read Douglass’s, “JFK, the Unspeakable” I would have thought you were a conspiracy nut. I read it in 2020 early in the pandemic. The manipulations and the cover-ups and censoring and changing official records of the Warren Commission was rhyming much too close for comfort with the media/state response to Covid. Nothing has changed in 50 years, except the deep state is now out in the open flaunting their misdeeds and rubbing our noses in them. Diabolical narcissists, the lot of them.

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Ever hear Ann Barnhardt's video on diabolical narcissism? I can't quite go all the way with her and some people might be put off a bit with her religious orientation, but WOW she hits the nail on the head over and over.

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Hi Candis, no, I have never watched her video on diabolical narcissism, but I do read her blog regularly. It's where I learned the term "diabolical narcissist," and her aphorism that "anyone who is crazy enough to run for a national office is automatically disqualified for that office." She's over-the-top, an Ann Coulter on steroids (hmmm...two fearless women named Ann), but as you say, "she hits the nail on the head over and over."

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Most disturbing book I’ve ever picked up

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Wow…I had the same reaction.

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Yeah, they learned how to work with and manipulate massive, indirect collective trauma.

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That was just a little reminder. One could argue taking out Nicolas and Wilhelm within a week would have to be the high water mark.

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You do realize that obama changed the weight requirements for what Obese is? Wanting to sell weight loss surgery. Having Gastropresis what I eat takes longer to digest. I use smaller plates, bowls, and cups to cut portions. Very accurate about the after 6 pm, we slow down, burn less calories. 2 pieces of news went through yesterday, the Bentonville Wal-mart warehouse caught fire, and 1 in Tiawan on the same day. Less Chinese crap. BUTCHERED HEALTHCARE by ROBERT YOHO, is a must read. Helps you understand better the incestous relationship of Pharma/government. $5, on kindle. Then you have FJB EO TURNING OUR MONEY INTO DIGITAL CURRENCY. QR'S FOR SHOPPING. AND ANY HACKER, OR GOVERNMENT CAN SUCK YOUR MONEY DRY.

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Also.. Just gotcRFK's book. I am starting today. That will definitely fill in ALL the gaps. Have you read it?

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Lots of footnotes and statistics, but I managed to slog through. Having read it, I'm wondering why Fauci, among others, isn't behind bars.

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my thoughts exactly. Brilliant book, but leaves you feeling so bloody helpless. (plus it made me cry)

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“They” have their asses covered for the moment. Useful idiot demoniacs put in public. The highest rung of their father are the Council of Thirteen.

The good news is the ole no honor amongst thieves. They hate one another. Their father that of lies, thieves, and murderers.

All factions fighting tooth and nail for the council positions.

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It’s a great read. It will shock and enrage you.

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I can only read bits at a time, not because it is hard, but because it is so enraging.

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It is excellent but not an easy read

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Yes. I bought "The Real Anthony Fauci" on Audible and listened to the whole thing over a period of weeks. It is an amazing book, well written. It could easily be recognized as one of the top books of the 21st century. It documents Fauci's 50-year pattern of suppressing the cheap drugs that easily solve diseases in favor of his expensive pharmaceuticals in which he is vested, and often which have proven to be toxic. It documents his long history of utterly destroying the careers of real doctors and scientists who sought the truth and were willing to put their lives on the line to expose him. It is the story of how to create and perfect a medical / pharmaceutical monopoly that morphs into a tyranny. It will become obvious from reading this book that his lack of a moral compass has resulted in many thousands of unnecessary deaths, and many thousands more ending up with poor health. These include many deaths during medical experiments, particularly on vulnerable children and minorities. The health of Americans over the 50 years of his career, during the time that he has been charge of public health, has drastically declined, and this book shows you how he did it. It is a book that could bring Fauci down and I hope it does. Watching Fauci after the book came out, I think it is having an effect. I don't think he is capable of self-reflection, but I can imagine the horror he is experiencing at the thought of his crimes being found out and made known to the world. I personally think that every person who reads this book, just by knowing the truth, the real truth, moves the needle toward a better world. Knowledge is power.

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You have a gift for perfect summation! Wish I could express how I felt reading the book half as well.

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Absolutely!! All great points!! I pray it works!

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You need to read Robert Yoho's Butchered by Healthcare, Pharma, Government to understand the Mechnism how they do it. He published just before Covid, though he does Podcast on it. It's the GLUE than makes the rest make sense. $4.99 kindle. Lots of links you can look up.

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Thank you. I don’t have a kindle. Hopefully I can get a hard copy.

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Yes, it is a MUST read along with Covid-19 Global Predators - long read.

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I am currently reading that one but only a fifth of the way through. A bit harder for me to understand.

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It will curl your hair!

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It’s dark. Then it gets darker.

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It's hard to read due to the constant disgust and anger factor...I could only handle it in small bits. So many people should be in prison for what they have done over the years. Another great read to get a full historical perspective on all vaccines is "Dissolving Illusions." Some of the behaviors we have seen in 2022 with regard to vaccines was also done in the late 1800's with the smallpox vaccine development. There have always been scientists pushing a vaccine and censoring and trying to ruin those who dissent with the vaccine. I was amazed to read how many things have not changed.

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Got it, got two copies, wanted to give one to my daughter and son in law. They both got the shots, because they thought they are protecting the adults. We continued to live our lives mask free, with hugs and people around. Now they read the documents that came out after the FOIA request and say they don't want to hear or read any more. They understand now, and will not get boosted, but... can't deal with more information. They know Fauci lied. I need to start it, as soon as I am done with what I am reading.

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Good to hear. I've got so many books, not sure which to read first.

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YES!!! I read it and will never be the same for it! Prepare to have your mind blown.

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I got it, already aware that Fauci was mass a murderer. And I've still been shocked time after time by the sheer duplicitousness of the man. He is unquestionably the most prolific killer in American in history, including Patton, Grant and any of our other great generals. Think I'm exaggerating? Read the book.

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Oh I am. Also I was about 18.. During the Aids stuff.. I remember him backpedaling on all his lies. My dad said he was an evil man and he was right.

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About Wal-Mart's warehouses...a huge one in Plainfield, IN burned yesterday also. (3-16-22) Totally destroyed. Paraphrasing the fire marshall/captain on site, the warehouse was totally full, packed floor to ceiling. --- Makes you wonder about all the shortages, huh?

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Omg 😳. So many lies at all levels. It’s just like supposedly there are like 8-10 container ships being held out to sea that the LA ports aren’t processing, due to transportation shortages? Is this real?

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The BMI numbers were always ridiculous, IMO.

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It all comes down to the absurd 'one size fits all' philosophy behind federalism. Great for control mechanisms and harvesting the big bucks, disastrous on one level or another for the majority of individuals.

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Did NOT know that. Thanks 4 the info.

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I thought I was red-pilled but that book was/is the biggest red-pill of my life (except 9/11).

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Also the glucose numbers for diabetes and the blood pressure numbers for “high” bloid pressure.

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Wrong about Bentonville fire, Hub plays TV to loud, Plainville, Ind.

Fauci killed millions with his HIV/AIDS treatment.

Fauci killed millions with his Covid treatment.


OBESE study


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Plainfield, IN.

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Some good news is that the New Hampshire legislature has just passed legislation to allow over the counter sale of Ivermectin. We’ll see how that goes.


But the FLCCC (Frontline Covid Critical Care) Alliance can put you in touch with docs in your local area who will dispense both IVM and Hydroxychloroquine. HCQ is less than $1 a pill (IVM is more) but the good news there is that HCQ is actually supposed to be better for the omicron variant (This is on the FLCCC website and they were early advocates and frontline docs using and seeing success with IVM early on.) Having said that, we have a friend in his mid 80s who just got omicron and used IVM with great success. His symptoms were of a moderate cold.

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Seventy-three-year-old retired nurse here. looked at the covid lethality rate in the beginning of the scamdemic then delved into reverse transcription and the effects of injecting a substance (notice I didn't say vaccine) that would force the cells to produce a spike protein that was identical to that on the virus and did some conjecture and decided that I'd take my chances with the virus over the Fauci vouched for cure (99% effectuve, remember that?).

The odds were better without the magic vaccine. Less things to go wrong. Turns out I was correct.

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Love hearing about this. You see where the CDC and others are attacking Ivermectin big time. Research is a blessing as much as grabbing a bullhorn and going to a street corner to yell, REPENT in hopes someone takes notice.

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AB has a mental block about IVM for some reason. But even Dr. John Campbell, who has been the respectable voice of the medical establishment since March 2020, has come around from the sheer weight of evidence and is starting to question (obliquely) why IVM is being suppressed.

Here he is summarizing the latest peer-reviewed study of prophylactic IVM use in Brazil and India (N=223,128!). 70% reduction in Covid death rates.


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The Emergency Use Authorization(EAU) afforded to the killer shots stipulates that "there can be no other treatments available." This is why no other treatments are/were allowed in the US. The medical establishment was then paid $35K for every ventilator use. Our whole response has been criminal and evil.

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I don't think a lot of people know this. The suppression of early intervention and treatment was always part of the plan to push the toxic jab since the EUA wouldn't be granted otherwise. Just one of the many crimes against humanity we've witnessed in the past two years.

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This should be “sprayed” everywhere.

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And why you can't visit, you might sneak some in.

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I snuck IVM into the hospital for my buddy right when he went in.

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Hospitals/Military bases/Express Scripts use generic drugs, which are lesser quality in the main ingriedent. That piece of info came from my Pharmacist of 30+ yrs. I'd take his word over a sales rep anyday. I use Synthroid, the generic doesn't work as well, sores in mouth, hair loss, muscle pain increase. My friend was nearly bald as without her knowledge they switched her name brand for Generic, her's was much stronger as she had had Thyroid Cancer. Plus why should I pay higher prices for what I have at home.

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At least NINE House Democrats test positive for COVID after party held maskless retreat in Philadelphia - NewsBreak

A series of House Democrats have reported testing positive for the coronavirus after attending a party retreat in Philadelphia where President Joe Biden spoke – with seven lawmakers who attended the event revealing their positive results. Another pair of lawmakers who didn't go also reported testing positive Friday


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I am the same way regarding research. A rude awakening no doubt.

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On yes.

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I fell for this the first month, but then I heard the truth about masks and that was that. I need to do research into what else we’ve been lied about. I certainly don’t trust doctors or politicians one whit at this point.

Congratulations on getting healthy!

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Thank you. I understand totally. I was so scared and asleep.. Lol. I made my husband take his vacation the week it was first announced here in the US. Crazy... I WAS!!! NO LONGER!

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Haha! That first day when they announced an imminent lockdown, I decided to never leave my condo again. But two hours later I realized I had to take the garbage out at least once every 10 days, so why not go out every day? I’m now working on not being afraid of these evil plans for a totalitarian world.

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Wow. That pup was a gift from God.

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Her name is Angel. You are correct. She is a Gift from God. My Everything!!

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Made my day to read your response. I know how dogs help us....

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You are a dolll, My new Friend!! Have a Great Weekend! If you have PUPS, Hug them for me!!😍🙏

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Ya plus no body bags piling up and I still do not know a single person in my life who actually died of it and I’m sixty five and know a lot of people.

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Same but 4 who died of illnesses they did NOT have previously!! My childrens father in late Oct. Multiple cancers. Couldn't even diagnose what type. Said rare and unusual. Also many accidents.. Sorens everyday and life star( helicopter). So sad and angering.

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Those who did had Cormidities that would have killed them to begin with. Hub's daughter is healthy, 3 jabbed, her bouts are like bad Bronchitis attacks. Besides being sqeamish lost work is her big fear as a single 40 yr old female, in a male dominate field. IT, but she works hard. Supports herself totally now, first 4 yrs were rocky. But Trump was President when her business took off.

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Mar 18, 2022
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Sorry for your losses mr. Covid

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Ummmm, kind of that. That the vaxxed are dying I guess.

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Just feel you should know this is American docs and American pharmacies (i got mine from Nashville)….all via E-Mail and pharmacy called next day.

I’m kind of surprised people still don’t know about this org that want medicine.



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I do know. I am currently working with my free doctor. Just waiting til they open to see if they will fill without codes. Thank you!😊

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I have ordered ivermectin twice from alldaychemist in India. Used an e-check.

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Wait a minute--70 lbs from your peak wgt. of 204? That puts you at 134 lbs. at 5'8" tall--you'd be looking akin to a starving concentration camp prisoner...!

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Correct!! Love your honesty.. It was only recently I put on another 7 lbs. I was stressed out at losing my dad. Long story. Before Covid. I am at 141lbs now. I want to be about 148 to 150. I felt most myself at that weight.

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If you are trying to order IVM from India Mart, use Wise to transfer money. I've used it multiple times with no issues. You can provide your credit card, debit card or do a wire transfer to pay. It's like PayPal or Western Union but better and with way cheaper fees.

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Mar 17, 2022
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The question is why would that be, exactly? The whole thing is utterly despicable, borderline criminal on his part.

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Thank you James!

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Yup. This I knew..Thank you.

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I lost 40 lbs . 188 lbs on July 4, 2020 and 145 lbs on May 1 2021 . Not vaxxed. Covid19 infection in August and treated with hydroxychloroquine.... I was tired and feverish for 10 days .. and felt like a million bucks on day 11 !

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I also felt like a million bucks after my mild bout with covid, which I ascribe to starting NAC supplements. One thing from my covid protocol that I will continue forever!

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did you know amazon blocked sale of NAC last year!!! very underhanded. been buying there for 6 yrs. really makes you see the dark side, blocking things that work like IVM

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I found it at The Vitamin Shoppe. Online only.

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Swanson still carries NAC along with many other supplements at prices that beat Scamazon.

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Doesn't surprise me at all. I buy all my supplements in bulk from Pure Bulk. Cheaper and the highest quality you can get!

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look into adding vitamin K2 to help boost your D levels.

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Very interesting reply! A few months back I switched to a new vitamin D3 that has K2 included. I hope it helps. Mind you, I'm not complaining about "clocking in" at 43 but I wanted to be north of 50. UV-B rays should be returning to our skies (I live on the 41rst latitude) so I've got that working for me too! I never use sun screen lotion.

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It took me 1 year of 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to go from a level of 34 to 67. I am also taking Vitamin K-2 with it.

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I go the D3 route, plenty of sun, but not for Celtic pale skin, that burns in 15 minutes. Third degree burns are no fun. The K2 complex is much stronger that what is in a multi vitamin.

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@OmahaJoe (and others): Be very careful with D and K. You can OD on them. They are fat soluble meaning they stick around unlike B, C and others which will eliminate excess through urine. The fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K.

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I was told the same but it is almost impossible to OD on Vitamin D3/K2. The research is out there. People have taken extremely high doses without issues. That said, the absolute best way to get D3 is from the sun between 10-2 PM. Have lunch outside, with as little clothing as you can get away with. Darker skin - stay out longer in order to absorb enough D. Light skinned people - don't need to stay out as long to get enough. Download the D Minder app and it will tell you exactly when and what to do depending on your longitude and skin color. D3 is the queen bee when it comes to vital nutrients.

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Taking high doses of vitamin D for extended periods can be very bad for someone. Do some research for yourself on correct, optimal dosages... There's too little and there's too much. Find the happy spot, just enough.

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Unless you have a history of melanoma, like I do.

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