This was what everyone needed to hear, IMO. He offered refunds if people wanted them (most don't, but it's the principle, especially if people who aren't well off gave from their savings, etc, to help in this historic moment), & in so many words said he didn't break his promises, instead of pretending like he never said those things. I was always going to wait & see what comes to pass before i made a final judgement (i try to give the benefit of the doubt when someone hasn't lied to me before), but this statement makes it much easier to do that with peace of mind (for me anyways). Thanks for this statement/acknowledgement.

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I’m with you on this. I try not to rush to Judgement especially when it comes to court cases.

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He offers refunds (from the settlement proceeds?), not meaningful results.

Write it down. There will be no historic moment here. There's only an unfortunately all too predictable dud. Nobody outside this substack will remember this a day, week, month from now and it will have changed absolutely nothing for anybody else in the world or on Twitter. Judge Alsup is clearly tweaked that he gave Berenson a chance to actually make a difference and watched him piss it away. He'll be back on Twitter and in the blue checkmark club again shortly. The true very not historic objective achieved.

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That's because there is nothing new under the sun. These legal theories have already been tried and tested in California courts and no judge there wants to go against twitter or any big tech company. It sounds like Alex Berenson is claiming that he is getting some discovery, but he has very limited discovery as the case was mostly dismissed already. If Twitter agreed to publicly disclose something, it's only because they don't care and it is definitely going to be a dud. Maybe something Tim Pool will do a show about, but nothing illegal (they wouldn't agree to disclose something like that). So it is guaranteed to be a dud even if some limited discovery happens in the end. Don't get fooled by these gofund me campaigns - it's no different than the GOP raising money for election fraud investigations and never doing any work on election fraud. People need to stop getting fooled by grifters. Alex sounds like a nice guy, but he has a bad case of gell mann amnesia. He will spout on vaccines and covid (being a skeptic because big pharma is something he knows about from his previous work), but then goes and repeats the party line on Russia bad, Ukraine good and virtuous and Putin is the devil who needs to be eliminated. Where is that skepticism of the narrative? And it is a narrative, anyone with an open mind can see it's just another Russia Hoax, another Covid / vaccine propaganda, etc. Different day, new propaganda.

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Never heard Alex discuss the Zelensky 'ethnic cleanings' campaign waged against fellow Ukrainians in the Donbas and Crimea. Hmmmm.

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As I have said before.....very smart, classic liberals and freedom loving, constitution loving libertarians --- have teamed up....over a few recent issues. We still have tons of differences, but we can still read someone like Alex Berenson or Bari Weiss or Glenn Greenwald.......because of a few outrageous things these authoritarian Globalist Democrats are trying to pull off.

But don't be confused, they are not Rand Paul libertarians......they are classic liberals....at best.

Enjoy their writings while you can.

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Glenn Greenwald is an actual skeptic of everything - you don't hear him ever follow the narrative. Alex Berenson is a Glenn Greenwald wannabe.

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Greenwald is on a different level — he’s willing to go against the deep state and publish their secrets that they would kill to keep. Twitter is a loser platform that few will care about in 5-10 years.

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Don't even know why anyone cares about it now. It's a good place for public people to get fans, but in reality Twitter is just a sewer of opinions no one really cares about. It's used by a very small percentage of humans. Of course eventually there will be another new "better" thing... as all things go.

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Greenwald has never shown the balls to speak out about the vaccines though. Lost all respect for that guy.

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Maybe not explicitly (maybe it's not a big thing for him there in Brazil - Bolsonaro is not a vaccine fanatic) - but he's made comments that tell you where he stands https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1477791686583586816?lang=en

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If he really wants to be a GG wanabe, he needs to come out of the closet.

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I'm just here to collect my props for being 100% right about this. Today Mr. Berenson is back on Twitter with his blue checkmark intact. And he's even responding to Elon Musk, who asked if he could share more information about Twitter's relationship with the government, that he wishes he could share more but he can't due to his settlement agreement. He's "hoping" he'll be able to disclose more information in the future, but it's only a hope, not the promise he made that there would be no settlement without the ability to share everything.

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Tells you something about how much a blue checkmark twitter account is worth if you know how to grift.

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Wow! Have to say, I love when a judge puts their foot down and says you can act accordingly on both tracks. I've seen this up close and personal right before trial. The opposing party knew their case was crap and then tried to have a negotiation rather than start the trial. The judge pretty much laughed them off.

Here, the parties already conferred and had agreed to a discovery schedule. This really increases the pressure. Horsey Legal offers a guesstimate that the Lil Bird would rather find a settlement than be forced to turn over scores of documentation it doesn't want to ever see the light of day or land in the hands of an adversary (the plaintiff).

It also would appear to this Horse, Alex has held the line on a dual track in some vein. There's been no capitulation to any right to discovery and clearly, there's been no sign off to any settlement.

So, some folks got way ahead of their skis here. Once again, I can only tangibly offer my pending congratulations to Alex. That and he clearly is standing firm from where he sits and is offering donors their funds upon request while the case is still being sorted.

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Horsey: There are a few people on this site that have far more knowledge than I, and you’re one of them. Thanks for your input.

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Are you saying Horsey is acting neigh-borly?

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Funny, good one!

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Horsey is correct. The certainty of discovery means that Twitter KNOWS the documents subject to discovery prove Alex's case beyond doubt. Thus there is great incentive to try to negotiate a 'deal'. It is the "least worse" result for Twitter.

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This makes absolutely no sense. And because it can't possibly make any sense, you're going to end up shocked and dismayed when you learn that you're not going to get to learn what really went on at Twitter. All you're going to get to learn is the stuff Twitter was fine with becoming public. They wouldn't settle otherwise.

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I appreciate everything Alex has done the last two years, but this is a load of nonsense. The parties have reported the case settled and that’s all there is to it, despite the judge’s outburst. The parties will finalize their agreement, everything will likely be confidential, and that’s all she wrote. Maybe Alex has negotiated some provision whereby he will be allowed to disclose what he learned in discovery, but that’s highly unlikely.

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Lawyer speak to me is like a foreign language Horsey but you seem to have a grasp of it. From what I comprehend, whether this discovery of documents is extended or not is just a delay tactic. But it is what it is and the real truth is the lil bird would rather take Elon Musk's money and settle with Alex than have all their dirty little Marxist policies exposed on Tucker Carlson. Am I close?

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Today is the day you should have learned that Alex got what he wanted and it wasn't what you thought it was or what he promised. Did not stand firm....or stand at all really.

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You're free to take from this whatever conclusion you feel is valid. I can't change your mind. All I would ask is that you go back and examine the whole story, not pieces of it. The context is Twitter violated the first ammendment right of Alex Berenson, he was banned because his investigation uncovered the truth about this virus and it went against the Marxist's narative. He sued, they settled, which often is the case in law suits, and he was reinstated. Whatever outcome you expected or whatever you precieve to be the truth, his grievance was vinticated. I would conclude that he, and those of us that backed him and stood up to this woke platform got what we wanted. They backed down. What am I missing.

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You're missing that his stated motivation was not vindication or money, it was to expose their foul play and their backchannel dealings with the government that would certainly amount to 1st amendment violations. He consistently told us this was not about him and that's why he both asked for public donations to the cause and promised he would not settle with any kind of NDA that prevented or restrict him from sharing any and all discovery from the case. But as you know now, that didn't happen and it was, indeed, all about him.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

How does one stand firm from where one sits?

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Where does he get the money to pay those who want it back???

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He should still have most of money because the lawsuit is not progressing to trial.

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So was he just going to keep the money?

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Indeed. But he has a public image to keep up in order to maintain his fleecing, so he'll make a token offer only if you go ask for your money back.

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I have no idea.

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You're theory appears based on the hope that there will be no sign off on the agreed upon in principle settlement. That the case will continue to be "sorted."

Berenson said himself in his first post that the settlement will be filed and case dismissed, but he can't speak further on it until then.

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He also said he likely would not be able say much more after that, either.

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All good bro, people on all “sides” are so quick to judgement and emotion. You’ve done amazing work.

Haters gonna hate

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Not everyone who questions if others are acting with good intentions is a "hater". It's a lazy, disingenuous put-down solely intended to stifle discussion. Throwing it around says more about the speaker than those it's aimed at.

People are tired of being told to "trust the plan", that sort of nonsense just doesn't cut it anymore. Berenson said he'd do one thing, solicited donations for that action, and now is doing something different. He claims he can't tell us why he apparently lied before because it's a secret.

I've seen this movie way too many times before, people who continue to extend the benefit of the doubt to this type of behavior are fools.

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Yes, I do mean to stifle discussion, as there is none to have with haters. And better yet, I do enjoy name calling, it is quite affective.

Go run along and complain about something else that doesn't affect your life. Or, better yet, go actually do something about the issue(s) you "care" about.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Thanks for making my point, your intent is to shut others down rather than have a serious discussion. Now that folks know that they can consider your comments in that context.

You behave like a buffoon and are apparently proud of it. BTW, it's "effective" not "affective" which you would have known had you paid attention in school. What's actually "effective" is keeping one's cool and knowing more than the other guy. (OTOH "affective" means to make people emotional so maybe that's what you do mean, which would be bizarre.)

So Addi, how's your name calling working out so far in life? Do you have a spouse, children, a nice home, a good job, money in the bank, and are you happy? Are you successful? Those of us that use our brain for more than insulting people and blaming others for our own self-induced misery have these things. Anyways, best wishes.

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I am very happy, fulfilled and love life.

You are welcome, hater.

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So today the scales have fallen from your eyes, right?

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Me thinks lil bird didn’t want to cough up data proving what we all know & would’ve thrown endless $ to keep the legal battle on loop. You did a great & brave thing taking them on, proud to have donated.

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Brooke: Ditto!

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Ditto to Brooke

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we all KNEW. The proving was always icing regardless

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Anyone who, in these comments, attempts to paint Alex in a bad light (ie. Alex sold out for (metaphorically) 30 pieces of silver) are either shallow and/or ignorant or an agent of those who wish to silence him / harm him. If they are honest, they would understand that a settlement that requires the discovery be made public as part of the settlement is the victory we were promised. What Alex wanted to expose was how government and Twitter were colluding. The discovery would reveal that. When we take into consideration that Alex's financial ability (including our support) is minuscule compared to what Twitter has at their disposal, if release of the discovery is part of the settlement, to settle is the best option of all and the winners are us, the public. Anyone else who comments otherwise here exposes themselves as a disinfo agent for Alex's opposition and/or those who align with them politically. Wake Up!

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Chester Hunter - well said and thank you for saying that!

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Yeah you misunderstand. The discovery is not being “made public.” All he’s saying is discovery would “happen.” If the deadline is being extended at all, that means discovery has not even occurred yet or is not complete. Settling it will absolutely put an end to discovery. All of it—-ALL- will be sealed up for no one to see after settlement. And if they can sign papers fast enough- which would be in both parties’ best interest do as not to incur more (now useless) attorneys fees, they will, and avoid more discovery altogether.

It just seems shitty that people donated hundreds of thousands and the case settled a month later, having changed NOTHING. That money has not been spent. And he’s getting paid. He should return it.

And you’re ridiculous with your pandering, “disinfo agent” stuff.

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We shall see. And note that I stated comments like yours fall into one of two camps... yours may just be the "ignorant camp" and not "the disinfo camp."

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Chester your post reveals your ignorance of how this works. First, the discovery deadline has been extended-meaning discovery has not been completed. Second, any evidence produced in the lawsuit will remain confidential-that is the entire purpose of settlement. Twitter is buying silence. And alex is letting them. Wake up. Read a book. Talk about ignorance.

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AL - It is starting to look like you were (are) right. I took Alex's statements to mean the discovery would be disclosed (and I cannot take his promise any other way). I am sad to say it is looking like nothing will be disclosed beyond his "three sentence statement."

As I promised, if it turned out like you stated it would, I would admit you were right. This is my admission. Again, I took Alex at his word.

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Just a reminder - Alex stated -

That’s why on June 6, I wrote:

I will NOT agree to any settlement that does not preserve my discovery rights about third-party communications AND give me the right to publicize them. There are other things I will (and have) given up, you have to give to get, but this is the reddest of lines.

Note I didn’t just say I had to have discovery, I said I had to have discovery AND publication rights.

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Great. But if the case settles before discovery begins or ends, what happens then?

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Settlements have stipulations. That's all I need to say and until all is final my speculations are simply that, but so are yours.

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Alex said he wouldn't do that and yet, before the settlement is completed, you are stating the terms of the settlement. We'll see who is right. If you turn out right, I will give you that credit and admit I fell for a false belief based on what Alex promised. If not, I hope you will admit you were wrong.

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"if release of the discovery is part of the settlemen"

Yep. I'm sure other interested parties including and especially Elon will be keen to parse out the discovery in details

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Consider: If "Brandon" were to say right now, "I will not seek re-election," he instantly becomes a lame duck.

If Alex said, "I'm hanging on until I reach a settlement with Twitter," then it's game over before it even starts. He would essentially admit he filed a nuisance lawsuit.

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Time to re-watch Brewster's Millions. Alex is Monty Brewster in real life.

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And JAM is... in real life.

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You got me thru some rough ass times man

Still have my support ride or die

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Am glad you’ve slain this dragon. It will free up more of your time to do what you do: unflinchingly tell the truth. G-d bless you and keep you and your family.

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“where I promised all of you there would be no settlement without third-party discovery”

Take a hint, he can’t say it any clearer!

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You should know now, after today, that you've been played.

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Lol Im breaking out the popcorn No Alex I don’t want my $$ back this is too much fun go gettem😄

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Just destroy Twitter and you’ll have my undying love forever

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No one is going to destroy twitter but maybe, in a best case scenario lawsuits like this one will reform it. If it were to actually be a space for free speech it would be a benefit to society. As it is now it just one more piece of modern tech that's destroying our lives.

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If you just send me $50 billion I will buy it and destroy it I promise

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Destroying Twitter would have been to litigate the matter, not settle it. Settlement is great for Alex but it does nothing to the reputation of Twitter or settles any legal issues. The question is now dead. For now, until the next lawsuit. For now, Twitter can keep doing what it did to Alex and roll the dice on the next case.

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The judge denied an additional delay to deliver the discovery materials. This suit is not dead. Nothing was signed. The judge simply called Twitters bluff on the delay tactics. Go for it Alex.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Wrong. It wasn’t Twitters “bluff on the delay tactics.” Both parties had asked for the delay (i.e. the STIPULATED request- meaning they jointly asked the court) for the sole reason that the case is settled and the parties need a couple of weeks to dot the Is and cross the Ts. You’ve missed it entirely.

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Both parties had "asked", but neither has settled as there is no agreement yet. The judge is calling someone's bluff and refusing the delay. I did not miss it entirely. Dotting I's and crossing T's can take time, but until the agreement is signed, it is not settled, and Twitter may still try for another delay. I cannot believe that Mr. Berenson will accept an agreement that seals the discovery away from public review.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Really? You clearly don’t know how this works. The judge isn’t calling anyone’s “bluff.” He’s just pissed that this high profile case, which actual verdict would have been significant, was bought and paid for before discovery would have revealed pertinent info.

No settlement in the world is going to release the discovery for “public review.” It will all be forever sealed and kept from the public. Don’t believe it? Watch and see. That’s how settlement works.

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But the next guy would know he can “win” too

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Not really. Every case is different. For every Alex there are 1000 people censored or banned by Twitter who don’t have similar damages Alex does. Free speech is murdered and there’s no recourse. He had the best opportunity to bring this to the forefront of justice but he caved (as did Twitter so it wouldn’t have to produce sensitive information such as it’s collusion with the government). Now everyone has to hide all of that data per the agreement. It’s a complete sham. At the very least he should return every dime given to him.

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He shouldn’t have asked for money in the first place

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Yeah and we should all give everything we have to the poor.

I’ll take any kind of win over these Nazis.

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I get why it’d be better to hear all the dirty laundry but if Alex settles, he deserves all the money for his bravery and at least the word is out that these tech bastard Nazis won’t get away with it 100%

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Just 99% with some cash?

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Twitter settling tells me they were guilty. That's the best one "little people" could ever hope for! (No offense intended, Alex.) Twitter is probably swatting at many "mosquitos", but Twitter is a behemoth because of all you people who subscribe to it. I never have and never will. I can only vote with my feet, fingers, and money. I am also only 1 "little person". Twitter could give a damn about 1 person doing ANYTHING. They swat subscribers down like a fly swatter. What do they care?

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Twitter isn’t perfect but you have to try! People do share ideas there to the MASSES!

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You tell them! Everyone has a stinking opinion on everything without knowing anything. So Annoying.

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I'm choosing to stand by Alex I've been shown no reason to doubt the man's sincerity, all you people going bat shit maybe you should let this thing play out Before you start tossing out baseless accusations and jumping to foolish conclusions

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

It is foolish that people donated money to Alex for this lawsuit. The outcome was never - I repeat, NEVER - going to benefit anyone but Alex. Did you think the end result would be a reformed internet media platform that would henceforth honor the First Amendment rights of its users? Especially it’s users who speak truth? Folly. And Alex can forever hide behind confidentiality agreements to avoid sharing with us the extent of the ‘victory’ won in the name of Free Speech.

Live and learn! And exactly what great fight has Alex been fighting for the greater good anyway? It’s always been about Alex’s reputation…..not about anything else.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

not true, let's see things continue to unfold. I made some comments today without much insight. I'd like to still believe Alex is the trailblazer he has shown himself to be these 2 years. And HE IS A FIGHTER....I DON'T BELIEVE HE'D THROW IN THE TOWEL JUST FOR MONEY. ALEX IS GOING TO EXPOSE TWIT FOR THEIR COLLUSION WITH THE GOVT.

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I would also like to believe the outcome will benefit us all. I am just not so optimistic it will result in an ounce of lasting change for anyone - but Alex.

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It’s exactly what he did. “Exposure” will not be an option if settlement occurs. The issue will be dead. Twitter will move forward as if nothing happened.

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Oh bull. The man obviously is a stickler for honesty. He has put his whole reputation and career on the line rather than play along with the scandemic. I may not agree with everything he says but there is just no way he puts forward anything that he thinks is anything less than the truth.

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Neither truth nor honesty was put in question. Only the beneficiary of his lawsuit is questioned. Twitter is cancelling accounts and silencing voices on nearly a weekly basis. Will Alex’s final outcome benefit any of these people? I think not.

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I was responding to the harsh assessment of Alex which very definitely was hinting at shady and selfish ulterior motives on his part. Alex has constantly over two years now been about exposing the lies about the vaccine and the censorship of him on Twitter for exposing them. That’s his primary focus and like many others I am very grateful to him and cannot stand armchair critics that have not lost what he has with his very brave, noble and unwavering stance.

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So what would you do about Twitter? Got any bright ideas? I mean as an individual. Shit posting?

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I’ll continue to support stoic freedom of speech fighters like Alex and defend them from arrogant a**eholes

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God Bless you. We’re glad you’re here to help.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Take your rhetoric and wash down your black pill with it. You don’t know anything and saying anyone who donated to Alex is a fool is downright asinine.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Here’s some truth for you…you may want to consider that there is nothing more important than a man’s reputation. You seem to genuinely misunderstand what we have been about here…us fools…Twitter is dead already. Free Speech is not in need of defense. The right is already granted. Why don’t you hop on back to Twitter and be in the company of kooks, liars and power grabbers. I am sure you will feel more at home.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

What WE have been about here? Lol. Are you named on this lawsuit? Are you fighting to preserve your. rights? When Alex’s reputation is restored, how will that help you to protect yours? Will you sue Twitter? OR Meta, Google, or legacy media? Will Alex donate to your legal fund? You seem to think you have a claim to stake in Alex’s fight …you don’t. You just get to root for your desired outcome like you’d root for a sports team. But after the game, life will go on and his victory will have zero bearing on your life and the preservation of you rights. The right is already granted …yet ignored and attacked and maligned. Perhaps you haven’t seen how the ‘right’ of free speech has been honored and enforced for all the Jan6 demonstrators? How have the lawsuit settlements for Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse helped to tame the lying, smearing, libelous behaviors of social and legacy media outlets. They pay out $$$ but continue their attacks to squelch your rights…..defying all to make them stop. Will they stop even if Alex wins? If Twitter is already dead, Alex loses regardless….and so do you.

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Ok so what would you recommend, O Wise One?

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Praying that I’m completely wrong and that Alex is infinitely more successful in this endeavor than We can imagine.

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Ok, but, the general public see few instances where Twitter is held accountable, or attempts at it. So, this gives folks hope that some part of the truth is being acknowledged. I support people standing up and wish we could see more.

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Your cynicism is revolting. You do know that it says more about you than it does Alex, right? You know that, right?

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To be clear, my ‘cynicism‘ has nothing to do with Alex but rather the process. Your naïveté is charming.

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Enjoy your proceeds, buddy. Glad I never was a paid subscriber.

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How can you... who brought this against censorship and who promised to show us everything- and raised $$$ on that idea, have settled for a confidential settlement???

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Nothing is settled. There are settlement discussions which do not forestall the discovery requirements, per the judge.

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Right, but if both parties had their way, the case would have settled before the discovery deadline and case dismissed. No third party discovery.

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You may want to update this post...case is over, no more discovery and nothing will be made public, other than the fact that Alex was reinstated.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Obviously there’s zero knowledge of how the sequence of a trial works, and that’s fine. AB is all good here.

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When did AB promise to show us everything? Are you even faintly familiar with how pretrial settlements happen?

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He did. June 6 substack article.

Whatever. Parties settle. It must be a decent settlement. But the idea was to take Twitter to the mat on 1st Amendment issues. Now that will not happen. People financed Alex's lawsuit not for justice, but for a wormy payout.

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An un-fortunate wrinkle in the way legal system functions. It is what it is and where the rubber hits the road

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I'm good with waiting for the truth to come out, Alex.

I believe you've been forthright and as open as the legal side of this morass will allow. You're right, none of us know what we don't know - so, until then, full speed ahead and best wishes!

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Good job, and keep up the fight. Thank you for keeping up informed.

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Thank you Alex for the work you’ve done over the last 2+ years- you really helped my family.

We appreciate you!

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Me too. So very frightened. Not of Covid but what I saw unfolding that now continues to loom even larger. Things that I never imagined happening in our country. My instinct and info I heard from Tucker Carlson who was reporting on the virus and activity around Wuhan before anyone else which led me to Alex. Facts were so impossible to find and certainly to trust. I counted on those facts to keep me from fear. I believed him. Still do. Don’t ever let these assholes who subscribe to the blue check guy get you down. Everyone knows we donated to your legal fund because you needed it. Because we needed you to survive. Twitter is a cancer on our nation. I was so hoping they would settle so you can support your family with the work you were obviously born to do.

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Your generosity shines on this thread, Lisa. To all the doubters, if you don’t approve of the juggling required to stand up and fight, go do something yourself.

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Alex, you did so much the last few years for all of us. You helped me get through covid! You did it all for free. So today you get reimbursed for your hard work. God bless and keep up the good work!

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You should’ve said that up front … again, you don’t truly know your audience if you didn’t anticipate this reaction

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Exactly. 90% this uproar could have been avoided if Alex had made it clear from the beginning that he wasn’t selling out. It was just handled inartfully. We have some very appropriate trust issues, having been betrayed by our government and every institution, watching our freedoms being eroded by the day, getting constantly stonewalled by officials that respond to our questions with ad hominems and non-answers. We have been burned by our hollowed-out regulatory agencies with the bought-and-paid for “independent experts”. We are hungry for detailed, truthful answers and clarity. We are rightfully suspicious of “settlements” that just move dollars around and perpetuate the status quo.

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Alex - You can do what you want obviously BUT you should absolutely refund every cent donated for your legal cause, without anyone asking for it. This was not a Legal Defense Fund. It was an offensive lawsuit that most of not all got behind because we are sick and tired of being bullied and shut down by The Left and this includes Twitter. You settled and that obviously pays handsomely otherwise you would not have done it. This includes a massive BDA and no public admission of guilt. So, you may have been able to have one looks is behind the curtain to see a small morsel of evidence that makes you feel good or at least good enough to also accept the mountain of cash for going away and being quiet. The right thing to do and to remain credible would be to refund all money immediately and move on. Possibly you got a note via carrier pigeon from Musk asking you to do this and he promised let it all out once he closes on his purchase this October. That would be great but also won’t move the needle much on your credibility. The “I can’t talk about this…” defense just only goes so far. So, I am still very happy that you undertook this action but the majority who supported you and the effort got absolutely zilch. .

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The lack of open discovery is disappointing. I suppose this result will still discourage Twitter from randomly canceling people out of fear of litigation. Or maybe they'll just do it anyway and know that people can be bought.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Bingo. Everyone has a price. Twitter just writes it off as the cost of business.

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A piss ant who would attack an ally on national TV, and not have the balls to apologize (still waiting on your “evidence” - not that one piece of shit study you fell back on) - is the same piss ant who WOULD sell out for 30 pieces of silver.

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You must come from a long line of the mentally feeble.

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I appreciate that - especially since it is coming from a long line of pussy ass suck ups.

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Parties settle and this one must have been decent to stop this case in its tracks. But the idea was to take Twitter to the mat on 1st Amendment issues. Now that will not happen. People financed Alex's lawsuit for justice in what would have been a landmark decision, not for a wormy payout to him and his lawyers.

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What about those of us unemployed because we wouldn't take the jab and could only send thoughts and prayers?

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Colonel Mustard (in the library with the lead pipe? sorry, just showing my age!) - I can't speak for everyone, but I personally count the thoughts -- and especially the prayers -- as support!

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CLUE! I loved that game....I wonder if you can still buy it new. I am looking for some board games for my ESL students.

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Hi Eileen - the Vermont Country Store (dot) Com currently has the "Classic 1949 Edition of Clue" listed for $34.95. Seems a bit pricey to me, but I have bought quite a few things from them in the past and found them to be reputable.

(They also have a MUCH more expensive "Luxury Clue Game" available. Just be careful to search for the right one!)

I agree, it was one of my favorite games from the fifties as well. And, thank you for teaching ESL!

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Thanks Randy for the info and tip..I will most likely get the original. I played the game in the 70's and it was very popular then. Did not know it was from 1949!

I went out on my own teaching English about four years ago..formerly Canadian! I combine my love of good food and cooking with English conversation for the Swiss kids who have an unremarkable, and rather dreary English program at school. They cannot hold a five minute conversation in English after many years of lessons in school; after one year with me, only once a week, most are quite fluent. At the very least, they understand everything. I call it "Lunch in English with Eileen," and the kids and parents love it. I use their spare time at lunch, make the teaching fun and relevant, and they learn the language along with eating wonderfully prepared food, and even learn how to prepare some of it. When they are at my place, English is the language spoken and they know it, and they use it! They know the benefits..I do not have to remind them. I treat them as if they are the smartest people in the room. :-)

The best thing: I was able to bypass all of the stupid Covid restrictions; the children knew masks and sanitiser were never allowed in my house. And blah blah to staying apart from each other ..how idiotic! We shared cookie batter spoons along with laughs, made a lot of mess every week in my small kitchen, and they learned how to think for themselves. Asking questions is how we started talking about a variety of topics. I have noticed a marked difference in how children think, how they are reluctant to share their views, ridiculous levels of compliance to authority, and how they all seem to hate school. They never fail to mention this every week. I loved school when I was their age. I will never go back to teaching in an institution. Curiosity is the hallmark of an intelligent person. So many of these children get that knocked out of them.

What are we doing to our future? I am happy to help along the few that I can, but wish that more would break free from the chains of these jails, and witness what can really happen when we let nature direct the course of curious minds. There is so much room for change, but I am hopeful! I have to be. I hope to be Grandma one day. My two adult children want children of their own. Now, where to get that Clue game! I cannot wait to play it again with the kids next year...another school year with fantastic food and English conversation. ( Yes, I do speak German fluently but never with the children..I stay in English always..that is key! ) If anyone wants to know my methods, and would like to start something similar, I am all on board to share! It works!

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I AM IMPRESSED, Eileen. Bravo for all of that (including your methods, resistance to masks and distancing!!). I would have benefited tremendously by having such a teacher for history, "social studies", and English Lit rather than my "name, date and place" memorization routines popular in the late fifties and sixties.

I took 2 years of German in Highschool, but never really had a chance to practice it since. It's mostly evaporated now and, really, I wasn't that skilled in the first place.

Btw: the URL I gave does need the "www." in front of the "Vermont Country Store (dot) com" bit (and the spaces need to be removed too). I just don't know how precise I can be on Substack while giving outside URLs. I reckon you already knew or figured all of that out. Hope their game suits your needs. I did notice that it is now produced in China. Bummer. But what isn't these days?

God bless you and your teaching results!

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Were you inquiring about a refund? [JOKING!!!!]

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Here's another promise Alex made in that June 6 Substack:

"I have agreed to a single 10-day delay on discovery; there will be no more delays."

Apparently Alex didn't mean what he said about that!! And maybe that's why the judge won't agree to the entire delay this time.

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Exactly! I supported Alex financially to a very good amount considering my limited income as a retiree, by subscribing and purchasing his book and all his booklets and by sending money for the Twitter fight. This is the third time that Alex has gone back on his promises. He promised to describe in detail his issue with Dr. Malone, and he did not. He promised to give specifics about the issues with ivermectin. Not only did he not do that, he never gave any substantive information about how we could prevent or treat Covid. This is the third time that he made specific promises and specifically asked people to donate based on those promises and now he's going back on them. I appreciate everything that Alex did on a positive level . I also feel betrayed and this is the third strike. I unsubscribed after giving him a chance for weeks on the Ivermectin issue. I will always appreciate the positives that he did for us but there won't be any more money coming from me. It's very disappointing.

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"He promised to describe in detail his issue with Dr. Malone,"

Pray tell, when did he do this? I don't recall seeing a single word on the substack about it, and I've brought it up more than once, as have others. I switched my subscription from annual to monthly so I can bail if I get really annoyed.

I agree there have been plenty of positives, but some things really do need to be addressed.

By the way, did you see this Twitter thread? Alexandros Marinos's retweet is interesting, and the comments are similar to many comments here.


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Hi. It was right after he attacked Dr. Malone on Fox News. A lot of us were very perturbed about why he was attacking someone who was standing up against the leftist narrative on Covid. He said he would give more details to explain and he never did. It was at the same time that he made the statement about explaining his negative comments on ivermectin. He also never did that. Thanks for attaching the Twitter comments. Yes it's interesting. I still think that it does not take away from the positives that Alex has done but it certainly tells me not to give him any more of my money. I really believed that he would not delay discovery and he would not settle without full disclosure. That is why I donated for the Twitter fight. He has definitely going back on the not delaying discovery and he apparently has gone back on full disclosure. I would not have ever donated without him making those two specific commitments. That's why I think he should refund the Twitter donation.

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Hi, again.

Thanks for the reply. I found the substack and searched the (nearly 2200) comments.


Alex does say he'll have more to say about IVM (and he did, certainly in one or two substacks on studies reporting failed results). But, the only thing he says about Dr Malone is,

"I am less worried about Dr Malone's grandiosity and more about the way he touts ivermectin..."

I cannot find any mention of addressing the Fox News incident any further.

Here's someone who comments on the incident the day after:

"I saw this last night and was actually a little taken back in the exchange. For some unknown reason (though I have suspicions), instead of Alex Berenson using his time on Fox News to confront the malicious and fraudulent manipulation of medical science, he decided to attack the credibility of Dr. Robert Malone.

"There could be nefarious motives for this; however, the Occam’s Razor perspective is simply that Alex Berenson carries a thin-skinned trait of social awkwardness and is unaware how his engagements with people can be off-putting."


I wonder if it even crosses Alex's mind this was not a good look. Or that he did anything the least bit wrong.

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Great comment.

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I certainly hope that you are restored to Twitter as the world is a much better place with a everyone's opinions, yours especially.

Thank you for fighting the good fight. Litigation is wildly expensive.

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Opinions are like butts, everybody has one. Not sure we need to Twitter to see a lot of butts.

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I am a little concerned that a confidentiality agreement is part of a settlement agreement in this case. Will we ever know the extent of Twitter's deception?

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We don't know any of those details, nothing is settled. The case continues and the judge has indicated the discovery schedule remains in force.

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Technically, yes, until they file a request for dismissal based on an executed settlement. It's a mere matter of drawing up the papers. The parties have agreed to drop the lawsuit in exchange for a pay out. The judge is mad because it seems the plaintiff was not serious in litigating the legal issue so much as he was making some fast cash.

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No. Almost all settlements are completely confidential. That's one of the benefits of settlement to the Defendant. The benefit to the Plaintiff (Alex) is cash.

We will never know what the court would decide because it will never be litigated. Alex gets a payoff for dropping the suit. That's it folks.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

I would like a refund. I sent a check directly to your attorney. What is the process to get my money back?

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Not sure what some of you are reading but Alex said this.

“Whereas, the parties have reached a settlement in principle.”

“even then I won’t be able to say much about the specifics of the settlement, as those are largely confidential.”

Now what does that say? We have agreed to settle and it is confidential. If that is not correct then it is really easy to say otherwise but Alex has not.


Alex, if you haven’t settled tell us. If it isn’t confidential tells. That will clear everything up.

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He's saying they agreed to settle. They agreed on a number and probably some basic terms, including confidentiality as to the terms of settlement, including the amount. The "in principle" part only means that no one has yet drafted, reviewed or signed the agreement, which will happen as a matter of course. It's done.

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It’s Outrage Culture days



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I'd like my money back. I sent a check directly to your attorney. What information do you need to make my refund happen?

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Keep the money. It was a good cause and the weight of your support from readers played a part in your leverage. Hope this means you are back on Twitter to torment the deniers.

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This changes nothing. There is apparently a settlement agreement, which will most likely contain strict confidentiality provisions. The fact that discovery can continue for a few days, while the agreement is finalized means very little.

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I want the info in discovery, you deadbeat grifter.

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Grifters gonna grift. And none has grifted harder than you, Alex. Glad your hypocrisy is catching up with you.

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I really appreciate your writing. Even if you did change your mind, that would be fine with me. We don't need to search for reasons to condemn each other. Enough of that already.

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Is this a fellow Yale "made guy" winner of the race type deal?

Of course it would be fine with you.

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I'm not sure if I understand your meaning. Can you explain? What does Yale have to do with it? is "made guy" a mafia reference?

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Yale has to do with it in the sense that Ivy League educations are grooming factories for Establishment Brainwashing.

An elite signifier.

It is clear to a discerning person that Alex Berenson is deeply split and tormented about his formative upbringing and his education and former elite Journalist status and being kicked out the door of the club on this ONE issue.

As a result of this ONE issue, he derived a grateful audience which he occasionally trolls like The Joker and resents. Over things like Ivermectin and War in Ukraine.

I don't know you or care about you one bit. I'm sure you are wonderful.

But you reveal a giant blind spot in your "activism" when you say stupid shit, "Bro, even if you do change your mind about taking on Twitter and all that exposing the Gov't stuff because I like you writing, bro."

You reveal that there were likely no stakes to any of this to you.

They are effectively, ops. Psy ops.

Now...a few people are able to resist the op such as Mark Crispin Miller.

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Hi Sage. I subscribe to both you and Charles and find value in reading you both. It’s funny how I’ve never seen Charles comment in his own Substack, let alone someone else’s, but I suppose I don’t linger on the comment section myself too much. I was, however, compelled to come find this exchange based on your latest post where you call him a “whale” so here I am.

It’s easy, what with the deception that we have experienced dialed up to max, to don on the boxing gloves and punch away at whatever target. Ironically, Charles writes a whole lot about the war mentality and how the way to heal is just beyond that Trojan framing (h/t for the phrase to el gato). Consequently, he sometimes gets attacked for being a pacifist. And I’m sure he would even disagree with folks coming in to his defense on posts like this, but out of all the voices on Substack, his rises above the noise and I couldn’t see it get stifled.

The dissenters and skeptics writing on Substack span a wide range and we all serve a purpose. Our audiences might be slightly different but we are all ultimately wanting to help whoever is willing to listen come usher in the new evolution of human consciousness. It’s a group project.

You use wit and sarcasm and your creative expression draws out visceral reactions and your readers tend to be already in the know and needing to blow off some steam. That is a needed outlet. Heck, Alex here has a similar style, but his audience tends to be more main stream, so his voice is needed too, no matter how derisive he can be towards Malone or ivermectin. Hopefully, either can stand on their own. Proof is in the pudding, amirite? There are people who are at the very beginning of realizing how they’ve been lied to. Someone like that coming over to your stack might be completely turned off by being called stupid for taking a jab. But they might stroll over to Charles’ words and let the truth that lies within resonate on a level that makes them look deeper into the chasms of existence.

Anyway, Charles, is hardly a “whale”. I laughed when I read that. I strongly urge you to check out his writing. His humility is so palpable that he’d even reject someone saying it is so out loud. We don’t need to spend our energy on admonishing one another. We got some real work to roll up our sleeves for. We got some exploding pintos to warn the world about. Cheers!

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I generally don't call people who got the jab stupid.

Maybe pols who get COVID over and over and still defiantly crow about being grateful for being double jabbed and double boosted, sure.

I don't know or particularly care about Charles and his apparent massive following.

What I do know is that he is making some very dubious premises about COVID being "over" and is glossing over very real Evil in favor of some Psychobabble Let's Heal the Wounds pablum which will necessitate soft selling genocide.

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Is any of this shit real to you, Chuck?

Why would you have to ask your readers what to write about with COVID?

Maybe it didn't really affect you all that much?

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Thank you for asking. The reason I have asked my readers is that Covid affected different people in different ways. When other people share their experiences, it helps me expand beyond my own narrow experience of it.

As for how it affected me, it was profound. I was denounced by my own publisher of 10 years, cancelled from numerous events, blacklisted from the venues where I'd held programs, denounced as a conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, and purveyor of disinformation by formerly close allies. My wife was stripped of her acupuncture license. Two of my sons were harmed by vaccines, which they took against my advice. So I would say that I have been affected, although, admittedly, not nearly as much as some people.

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"Since the amorphous end of the pandemic, Covid has sunk partway into the political unconscious. Formerly hot-button issues are no longer quite so politically charged, no longer quite so freighted with social dynamics of identity and belonging. That means people are ready, maybe, to expand their sense-making and meaning-making around Covid."


COVID isn't over, What About Bob Healer dude.

You're bargaining and bullshitting your ass off.

And using that "counter-cultural philosopher" bullshit language to spread a veneer of "wisdom" about the place. It's fertilizer of course.

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Winners of the race. Pro management class journos/authors.

In the club. Ivy Leaguer. Elite.

Thus how much would you care if Alex Berenson fundraised a lawsuit to with the implied promise to expose Big Tech collusion with the gov't which is ushering in a global totalitarianism and a mass forced administration of toxic drugs?

You're good, right? You got yours.

Alex is gonna get his. Alex just wants to get back on Twitter the pro journalist 6th grade lunch table.

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I see. So the reason I would not care is because we are both elite Ivy Leaguers? That is pretty presumptuous. I spent years in poverty. Looking for coins under my car seat to buy gas. Living with my kids in other people's living rooms. I've paid my dues as a countercultural philosopher. You can call me an elitist, but you have no idea the path I have walked. Not that I suffered much compared to many (I at least was never on the street), but I have never been in the managerial class. The highest salary I have ever received was $20,000 (as adjunct faculty, no health insurance, no benefits of any kind). By making these presumptions you risk introducing divisiveness in the dissident movement where there need not be. One can always find a reason to write someone off.

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Imagine Chuck if you had collected those coins under your car seat for gas and sent them into Alex Berenson to fund his lawsuit for the greater good.

Broke ass Chuck may have taken issue that it was okay if he "changed his mind" about exposing the Mass Cull Psy Op Collusion.

But I guess when you have paid your dues as "counterculture philosopher" (you pretentious fucking hack) that all goes away.

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"Hey Berenson totally cool if you change your mind and if you decide you don't want to expose the Twitter/Gov't coordinated plan to murder the world with toxic drugs. I love your stuff, bro, and stand against these divisive agents who sent in the $$"

Signed Counterculture Philosopher

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Reminding me a bit of AOC.

Her rhetoric when she ran for office. "Make a ruckus!"

Humble beginnings!

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Yeah, you're a real dissident, just like Greenwald who also came up poor and won't touch COVID and the Cull with a ten foot pole.

At least you did wade in, I guess, but I can't stomach your "What About Bob?" psychobabble bullshit long enough to even give a solitary fuck about you, Chuck.

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"Hello, fellow kids!"

I'm exploring right now your Mass Formation breakout variants and your apparent need to think that "we have reached an amorphous end to COVID" and "freighted with blah blah blah...sense making meaning making....blah blah blah...."


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I'm really sorry you feel this way, especially since I have appreciated your writing and consider(ed) you an ally. If we who have put our careers on the line spend our time sniping at each other, how will we build a coherent movement? I agree I sometimes over-philosophize. I accept your criticism, at least that part. But we can't build a movement by purging everyone we deem to be impure. The impulse behind my initial comment was to say, "You don't have to be perfect, we accept you as a valuable voice in the health freedom movement."

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Charles Eisenstein you are the hero of mine, and also a hero of many of the men in my life that I admire. You’re really big, just really visionary in a way few seem to be.

Thank you for taking the high road, because though I too like to fall back on my base reactionary nature, I am grateful for those like yourself who keep me standing way WAY back, to see the bigger picture.

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I continue to support you Alex, keep up the good work. Even way before the Twitter case you provided extremely valuable information for freedom and transparency. I won't forget that.

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With the way Twitter employees work about four hours a week I guess it’s going to take a long time to get it together … maybe they’re gonna have to work like regular people eh?

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I am choosing to believe Alex.

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I gladly donated. No complaints. Tell us what you can, when you can. The fact that lil bird wanted to settle says a lot. Fook Twitter and the horse they rode in on.

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So why report this only one day ago: "Now, I can’t say anything more until we actually file the settlement and dismiss the case, and even then I won’t be able to say much about the specifics of the settlement, as those are largely confidential." It's not about getting money back, but rather about a process that is now questionable. Maybe the judge is smelling a rat!!!

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You've been a straight shooter from the start, and have never let us down. I never doubted and it is obvious to your detractors you did not cave. It sounds like the Little Bird is trying to minimize the inevitable damage.

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Alex, suggest you keep court stuff in court until you have a final outcome.

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The US legal system is as broken as US political system. It is SO complex and crammed with technicalities, pleas and side deals that it has practically ceased to function.

Certainly TRUTH is one of the major casualties, along with JUSTICE, and TRANSPARENCY is long gone.

If you have enough money you can basically get away with murder.

It's utterly IRONIC that this simple case - about FREEDOM of SPEECH - is shrouded in mystery and secrecy and we are legally forbidden to know the details.

So who does the LAW really SERVE?

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Where I come from you would gift back by check to everyone that made it possible for you to receive

“ compensation “ for being wronged. When it was final and you were in receipt of the proceeds. Many checks will not be cashed but many will by those who were happy to help you proceed.

Quite simple. Otherwise you are going out to dinner on the donors money as well as Twitters.

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Could a bit of patience been in order here Alex? Could you not just be quiet for a day or two, allowing Twitter defendants to sweat it out? This angry grandstanding is really disappointing. You look like a media junkie, rather than a smart journalist. Insulting your audience is never a good option. Patience. Silence. For just a few more days. SMH....

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The donation was because you were a lifeline during peak covid. When I started doubting myself I would read your posts and would remain steadfast in my decision. So will take you at your word and hope to see you back on Twitter!

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The problem with settlements where the accused doesn't disclose and pays or negotiates their way to maintain silence/secrecy/deniability is that this rarely results in true reform of the accused. It doesn't uphold justice as much as it perverts it.

I submit to all the very long list of abusers who settle their way out, keeping their abuse under wraps - and merely modify their behaviors to be more careful, at best, while continuing to be an abuser of others. In those too-frequent ,cases settling is a form of enabling.

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This is an example of the world we live in, so many people rushing to judgement before they even have the facts. Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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