I know this is the third email today, but the piece about artificial intelligence seems to have struck a nerve with Unreported Truths readers. Many of you have strong opinions on the topic of AI, ChatGPT, and Bing - and a lot of you believe what we’re seeing is more or less a sophisticated parlor trick.
This email offers a clear, concise version of that argument:
Hey Alex, love your work! But on this topic, you're a bit off. ChatGPT is a Large Language Model, which is just a predictive engine that tries to generate desired responses based upon the prompt. It can seem sentient, but it's just trying to provide requested information.
Point being, it should not be used as if it were sentient, because it isn't. Thus, throwing hypothetical questions at it will only result in bizarre attempts to generate an appropriate response.
The algorithms that go into this thing are incredibly dense. For example, one thing they did at OpenAI was to create an algorithm that converts every word, letter and I believe sentence into a numeric value, primarily so that traditional statistical analysis could be done on the corpus of text used to train the model. It's deep, but not really "thoughtful" per se. It's just a recommendation engine with tons of information stored in its database.
Also, it has a set of guardrails installed to prevent it from doing weird things, but those are somewhat clunky and not very effective. Moreover, Microsoft didn't properly port over those guardrails (I'm told) when they attached it to Bing. So, that's part of the challenge here.
Fair enough.
My answer.
My question to you - as to everyone else who makes these perfectly reasonable objections - is simply this: how do you know that the way ChatGPT is generating its responses and claimed awareness of those responses is meaningfully different - or produces a meaningfully different result - than the way human brains generate consciousness (and self-consciousness)?
Grab a small object that is near you, right now, throw it up in the air, and catch it.
To control a robotic arm that does the same thing, a computer has to do a lot of fancy math. But you didn't do any math there. You just caught the object. The fact that you and the computer do the same thing doesn't mean that you did in the same way -- in computer speak, the same abstraction does not mean the same implementation.
Another example: you can screw and unscrew a simple philips-head screw with your fingers. You can also use a screwdriver. But that doesn't mean that the screwdriver is similar to your hand in any meaningful way, or that your hand is some kind of "biological screwdriver".
What LLMs do is just fundamentally dissimilar to what the human brain does on many levels. Did you do any statistical analysis in order to figure out what to write in this article? No? Then you're not doing things the way that the LLM does. The LLM is not a human brain. It's not even "like" a human brain, any more than a screwdriver is "like" a hand.
Until I see a convincing case to the contrary, I'm gonna assume that it's a dumb machine. It doesn't "want" anything.
This is also why I'm skeptical of the possibility of being "uploaded to" a computer. The digital switches flipping aren't "you" any more than a reflection of you in a mirror is "you".
Exactly. To be a bit more technical, ChatGPT (or any other LLM) is semantically ungrounded; there's no way it truly corresponds to the real world. All ChatGPT "knows" is a web of relationships between words; it's purely linguistic.
In a very strong sense, ChatGPT is a bullshit artist. Any correspondence to the real world is purely coincidental, and ChatGPT neither knows nor cares.
My kids, now 8 and 11, are always messing with Siri. It will respond in hysterical and creepy ways - particularly funny is of you ask it enough about spying for some agency it’ll eventually respond “oh captain my captain.” It’s not sentient but whoever programmed the response is hysterical. Siri has no idea the difference in the responses. It takes a human brain to get the humor. Siri the program is indifferent to amusing my kids, but some of the programmers have a sense of humor.
Year back, my daughter plugged Bejing into MapQuest (we live on the East Coast). It gave step-by-step instructions to travel across the country to the West Coast and then advised kayaking across the Pacific. The programmers definitely had some fun.
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
There’s something completely different in humans. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions and the interaction with the environment. Imagine an app to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Animal death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul, which informs the body, is like the programmer: his influence can be detected through the hardware responding to the software. Like in the Tron movie, the soul/programmer is trapped in the virtual reality, only to escape under system failure (hardware death/animal death).
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
Just a smart trick, but still the puppeteers puppet: "Norn ( https://norn.ai/ preceeded by https://uplift.bio/ ) is the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions, with the sum of its experience stored in a dynamic, growing, and evolving graph database. These systems are the next generation of the first systems to move beyond narrow AI and into something new, Scalable Intelligence."
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Your kids would enjoy The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein, although there are some PG-13 parts, as it was written for adults. You might read it to them or read it yourself first. A computer gains sentience, tells a joke, all takes place in a libertarian utopian (sort of) society on the Moon.
Hit the three little dots below the comment and report it. I just did.
I don't normally like to see things removed, but as I noted in my report, that comment is hateful, trollish, and adds absolutely nothing to the normally civilized conversation here.
Here is a problem. The removed comment may well have been inappropriate however, I would prefer to make that judgement myself. So here we have an "approved" form of curtailing free speech based on one or two opinions. Perhaps place the inappropriate comment behind a wall that suggests the moderators have flagged the comment as inappropriate. The comment could still be viewed after the reader acknowledges the advisory.
Alex, I'd like to offer a different perspective than Pangolin: I love your Covid reporting, but I disagree with your Jan. 6th position, I believe there was widespread 2020 election fraud, and Pangolin's comment is not true. We now go back to our regularly scheduled comments.
Wow. you are a sweet one aren't you. Um. actually that Bioweapon was created here..and paid for here by the deep state hack Faucci who has been protected by dang near everyone, but most recently completely by the left. Trump had the good sense to call it what it was - the CHINA virus b/c he KNEW they had actually released it - while the other side has colluded at all times with the WHO and everyone they could to cover that up. So. We are not whiny. Geesh. And we don't riot and burn things down...we just stand for the constitution...and then get jailed...while the rioters and burners get cut loose...or have you all forgotten that. And...if I may, if half of the things that have actually gone on in places like Arizona, had gone on and were going on - to the favor of Republicans...are you kidding me...the Dems were already saying there was FRAUD before the mid-terms just incase...they lost it all...so - maybe you should be more - um...aware...The list goes on and on and on...but you will not see it. But for sure...the name calling - generally we don't do that here...we are a civil bunch...so - I don't know where you came from...or why...but generally - on here - even if we disagree...we don't name call...but wait...I'm sorry - I'm a whiny republican. my bad...maybe you do call names.
It's a valid question but an epistemologically dead end question. I think the reason Alex is getting some criticism on this line of questioning is that his take on it is kind of... amateurish.
I guess it depends on whether you're a wordcel, a shape rotator, or a grease monkey. Grease monkeys and shape rotators rarely operate purely on the linguistic plane, while wordcels often do; unsurprisingly, shape rotators and grease monkeys often consider wordcels to be bullshit artists.
Removing the neologisms - if you're working primarily with words (i.e., journalists, writers, pundits, humanities professors, overly online, etc.), then yes, it's quite easy to become a bullshit artist.
But the vast majority of humans don't do that. They interact with the real world. Engineers, machinists, farmers know in their bones that they can't bullshit reality.
The verbal vs. quantitative thing is overblown. Abstract mathematics is arguably verbal in many fields. Is group theory just bullshit because "wordcels" can do it? On some level this is taking a major-based turf war between undergraduates way too seriously.
I'd be surprised to find any journalist without a math minor who could do group theory competently (as judged by other mathematicians).
I don't think it's *impossible*, just unlikely.
I'm also reminded of the story about the difference between Russian math students and American math students when asked to find the area of an impossible triangle; the Russian students looked at the problem statement and said "That's impossible", while the American students plugged the numbers into the formula and came up with a nonsense answer.
In other words, forgetting your bindings to reality can lead to bullshit.
Just open up two of them split screen (ie bing and ChatGPT) and copy/paste :) ... or bing/bing or ChatGPT/ChatGPT... you will be limited to 8 exchanges with bing (currently)... which is SUPER annoying.
Another important point is code doesn’t get distracted mid process like we do kid thoughts. Our brains process information through complex chemical reactions. These AI programs do it through math problems. A computer is incapable of processing information, stopping mid thought to go somewhere else, coming back, bouncing around, using gut instincts, understanding satire like as a human brain. We aren’t anywhere near mimicking the way a human brain functions artificially.
All I’ve seen ChatGPT used for is to f***k with it. The friends I know who have played with it have had fun focusing in making it go wacky and say dumb stuff. If I were in college now it’s be a tool to cheat and to create amusing drinking games.
I’m 40. I was promised flying cars. I’ll be impressed by technology when I get those. Google was more functional with less AI when I was in undergrad and grad school. It’s crap now. I have to use Freespoke to get what I’m looking for because it isn’t as over-engineered. Functional AI can bring efficiency to tasks, and perhaps this is a step towards that, but we are no closer to sentient computer code than an afternoon trip to another galaxy.
You can edit your comments here. Just hit the three little dots below your comment. Which, by the way, on other peoples' comments allows you to report them. Which I hadn't done today until we got our first hateful troll here, at least the first one I've seen here. Cheers!
I use the app and if they’ve added edit to the app I don’t have the version that allows editing. I’ll keep an eye out though (and I’m getting ready to check for an update). Thank you 😊
The part you may not be considering is that “math” is a model. Our brains work through similar modeling. Most code is currently a higher level of binary (save perhaps quantum computing). Our nervous system also works on a binary model (though there is evidence that our brains work through a closer model to quantum computing, but that unnecessarily complicates the discussion). We process the binary information and literally assemble a picture of reality in our brains. That picture of reality is an approximation, and usually a poor one at that, but it’s good enough to get whatever fundamental tasks done that we need. Whether we have a spirit or not is not scientifically provable and not even really definable. Alex’s question is fair. We don’t really know what sentience is and so it’s very difficult for us to determine if/when a “machine” is sentient. We can’t define spirit. Even if one says it’s something from God, then ok, why can’t God put a spirit in anything he wants? If he created man in his image, then man could have the ability to create other sentient beings as well no? The question of sentience is an important one and the answer could have extremely significant consequences.
I agree that math is a model. We use it to explain things after the fact. Neither computers nor our brains "work through" modeling. Models are just linguistic artifacts we use to explain stuff. There's no math out there in reality, in the computer or in your brain.
Similarly, our nervous system doesn't work on a "binary model". It doesn't work on ANY model, because models don't exist until we use them to explain things. Everything just is. All the math and models and stuff are useful fictions. They don't actually control anything. Saying that the nervous system "works on a model" is like laying a grid over everything and then saying that everything exists inside of squares. You're putting the cart before the horse and confusing map and territory.
You seem to have this weird idea that mathematical models somehow reach out and control real things. Nah. Maps don't control the placement of mountains. A cannonball doesn't "follow a parabola". That's a turn of phrase. A parabola can model how a cannonball travels, but there's no ghostly parabola guiding the cannonball. The map doesn't control the territory.
The map is not the territory, even if it’s topological or highly layered. Any good weather app can give you incredibly detailed data right down to your address and the terrain around it, and somewhat accurately predict your local weather. But none of that is produced by thinking as we know it.
It can’t evaluate and appreciate nuances that are important to humans, though it can process huge amounts of data faster than we can and in the case of AI, throw up conclusions and assessments based on algorithms that might look like sentience to us.
But that semblance of sentience was created by complex algorithms and collections of data that were created by humans. It’s not self-aware no matter how fast it is and how good at what it does, nor does it have a soul.
That we know of....
and how exactly we can determine that is the biggest question of all. It doesn’t seem like any math can help us there, because we can’t even prove that we humans are self-aware and have souls. (And some might argue that some humans lack these traits.) We’ll need to invent new methods for all this.
Are we getting into Arthur C Clarke territory, where any sufficiently developed technology is perceived as magic by those who lack that tech?
I think the relevant philosophical question is something like this: do you think there IS a territory, or is it maps all the way down? It's impossible to argue your way to a territory, since every argument takes place on a map.
And yet, I simply can't tell myself that there's no territory. I am just incapable of believing that it's all maps. Maybe I'm just dumb. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe the closest we can get is something like this: for this discussion to make any sense, there's gotta be a territory somewhere, even if we never touch it directly. Some philosophers call this a "transcendental argument".
This "math is a model" thing kinda bugs me. We might use statistics, or vector graphics to model something, but much of mathematics is too sublime to be categorized as a tool. Mathematics is the language we use to describe an existing Order. I have been filled with wonder as mathematical derivations reveal a real thing, a proof, a relationship, that stands on its own. Look at the derivation of Euler's Identity. This is not a model, it is something discovered (in the1700's). It was in a graduate engineering class, as I observed this derivation, that I finally admitted that God must exist.
There very well may be an underlying, transcendent reality that our mathematical systems reflect. But we don't have direct access to that reality. We can create systems to reflect aspects of it, but "math" as we know it is just a map of that transcendent reality, not the transcendent reality itself.
You could say that math reflects *one aspect* of transcendent reality. Other means of communicating it lie in things like music, for example, and poetry.
Maybe you can't define Spirit, but I can. Don't confuse lack of knowledge with ignorance. The average person is extremely ignorant of what has already been discovered about life, and human life in particular. To talk about "scientific proof" is a worthless argument if you don't know all the things that have be proven (or more properly demonstrated) using the scientific method. We are not in a court of law, we are in a game called life. Don't expect "proof" for every fact of life. Life doesn't actually work that way.
If math is a model, it is God's model. And neither you nor I understand it. So we might just as well call it something else, like "reality" or "the universe".
And what is this "binary model" that our nervous system "works on"? And what exactly is "binary information"? Computers do not work on a "binary model", you know. It's just that semiconductors have two states that can easily be flipped back and forth such that they are useful for storing data.
I see math as our way of creating models of physical systems for the purpose of prediction or analysis. You can measure the floor of a room and use math to figure out how many floor tiles will be needed to tile that floor. We used a mathematical model of the floor rather than take a sample tile and laying it down multiple times to find out many of them we needed.
Computers don't use a "binary model." They use binary math. A few computer programs use a kind of logic known as multi-valued, fuzzy or probabilistic. These are basically kinds of mathematics. I don't believe the nervous system uses binary math, but I can see why some people might think so.
You DID do fancy math, but totally automatically. The human mind is a spectacular creation and its creator, the spiritual being, even more spectacular.
Respectfully, there's plenty of people who can't do math who can throw a ball and hit what they want. In fact, sometimes ability to do math seems to be inversely correlated with that ball-thowing ability. So whatever we humans are doing to throw balls isn't math.
I'm not talking about the process of consciously solving a math problem, like sitting down for a test and figuring out what's 3,265 divided by 5. It's a totally unconscious, or hidden, process that is taken care of by little mental machines we have set up for ourselves. It feels natural, though in some cases you can see yourself taking a second to "calculate."
Respectfully, your comment says, and I quote, <i>"You DID do fancy math, but totally automatically."</i>
Well, at the risk of being pedantic, wouldn't you agree that math is an abstraction of the real world? Right? The real world isn't math; we just use math to describe it. Planets don't "do math" by orbiting stars. And humans don't "do math" by throwing balls (or doing anything else besides math.) Yes, math, the abstraction, can be used to describe and recreate the ball-throwing. But that still doesn't make the ball-throwing by a human being in any way using math.
Another commenter on this (fascinating) thread noted that while you can unscrew a bolt with your hand, that doesn't mean your hand is a wrench. I'd say the same thing applies to throwing a ball. Just because machines need math to do the same doesn't mean that humans can't do it completely math-free. In fact, I'd be willing to wager that human beings started throwing balls well before the invention (discovery, if you prefer) of math.
This comes down to a difference in the concept of "using math." If we agree that computers use math for everything, we can nevertheless notice that they do it so fast that you often can't tell that they are calculating as they operate.
In my understanding of this universe, what we know as "math" was invented millions of years ago and has been used extensively in what some would describe today as "intelligent design." It is simply anthropocentric to think that humans were the first intelligent beings in the universe.
Our bodies are machines, just less hard and "mechanical" than robots. Just as we use programs (that basically set up mathematical models for physical systems) to control computers, we do something very similar to control our own bodies and the environment around us.
To the extent that this is a theoretical description of how the mind operates, it might not be worth overworking this issue. It's just a way to understand what's happening "under the hood" so to speak.
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
Yet, there’s something completely different in humans: it’s like there’s a software trying to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions, the interaction with the environment and in the case of humans, by the immortal soul which informs the body.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul is like the programmer: it can only act while the hardware and software are functioning.
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
I would not write off the body too quickly either, made in His image and after His likeness. If the living body were not important, there would be no purpose to Christ's human life and death-- no infinite value in His suffering and resurrection, which resounds through all history with the weight of His righteousness and our undoing-- with the weight of our own actual worth to Him. I think it is important not to separate mind, soul, and body too much. They are essentially united in our being as Sons (daughters) of the living God.
A thought about these most recent whole language forms of AI...
What jealous, hate- filled being might be learning something about US along with all our accumulated experience and knowledge? And, I keep hearing this: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God..."
And also this: "The word of God is quick (life-giving) and powerful-- sharper than any two-edged sword, even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner the thoughts and intents of the heart". Hebrews 4:12
Who else might know this power "of the Word made flesh who dwelt among us???"
Who else?-- would know the importance of words and use them against us? Thanking Him that the breath of life-- guarded, that other fruit from the Tree of life that is His alone to give-- that authority that He could lay his life down and take it up again.
The breath of life was given only to His redeemed people and to the innocent animals in our care. He saw all He had created and declared it "good."
To the cohort of the high priest in that Garden of Sorrow, He declared, "I AM HE...and to His Father: 'Of those You have given me, I lost not one..."
Nice one. Just because something looks smart doesn’t mean it’s sentient or intelligent. Sadly in today’s society it can be the exact opposite. The smarter they look, the dumber they come. LOL
Consciously we don't (often) perform any sort of statistical analysis. Most of the time we just act. Sometimes we mull over how to act, often stroking our own ego to suggest we can rationally weigh pros and cons and then objectively decide... nonetheless a handful of variables at most.
But, subconsciously, are you certain that we're not performing millions+ of "calculations" and summarizing them in a way that leads to action? That gut feeling!
Exactly. And a dog is not me, nor is a cow or a horse - or a fish.
I argued with some religious folks years ago about animals in Heaven. They were on about "They (animals) do not have souls like ours." Exactly.
A.I.'s sentience cannot be based upon how it stacks up to us. In fact, looking at its potential along with the developments in drones and robotics, I am hesitant to use us as a measuring stick at all. Daily we personify the adage as to doing something we can without considering if we should.
I know some people who can communicate with animals telepathically. That would be a good test for AI. Of course, you have to have adequate spiritual training to be able to do that.
Must disagree with your first analogy, our brains are doing math at every movement, anytime you grab something, you walk, or jump. Your brain calculates time, distance, etc. Now, the machine can mimic these highly advanced calculations that our brain fires seamlessly in fractions of a second.
We are constantly calculating such as how big a step to take to cross over a puddle or other tasks such as catching a fly ball, judging trajectory, etc.
Processing not calculating... it’s more likely we take in inputs and output estimates based on neural nets. No calculations required. From a biological sense we know most reactions never reach the brain. They trigger from the spinal chord. We are fed the input and the action to are awareness after the reflex has fired.
I'm just here for the comments. This is a fascinating philosophical topic. I want to believe that our discussions about this are much like the discussions among the great philosophers of human history as they tackled these very interesting questions about who we are. :)
Thank you Alex for bringing this up with your stellar prose. Well done!
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
Yet, there’s something completely different in humans: it’s like there’s a software trying to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions, the interaction with the environment and in the case of humans, by the immortal soul which informs the body.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul is like the programmer: it can only act while the hardware and software are functioning.
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Where do you find in the Bible it says man can't give life. Man was created in God's image, so if God can give life, then it's possible that man could also.
My youngest child, 3 years old, has to express his new thoughts in words he currently has at hand. That can result in some adorable conversations. But, he is obviously having his own new thoughts. That's consciousness. He can think new things and then he has to express them in the words he knows so far. ChatGPT and such knows a lot of words and knows how people use those words to make thoughts, but it can't generate new ideas because it's not a human mind. Eventually, people will accept that the human mind and consciousness is unique and we can't make anything like it, because we aren't God.
It may be a parlor trick, but we increasingly put our faith, trust, and productive economy into parlor tricks. If the parlor trick grows beyond our capacity to understand and control it, well, what could possibly go wrong?
That's like engineering a semi-living being that can self-modify and self-replicate. One day it escapes our attempts to contain and control it. Sounds very familiar.
Why has Australia's Covid deaths shot through the roof, despite being massively jabbed?
Maybe part of the ME, VT answer is, low density of population. Or maybe they don't have low natural immunity. Remember all the bullshit about asymptomatic spread? Maybe their asymptomatic residents were spreading it far and wide, and developing natural immunity in droves.
"Much safer" is patently false. The data on how comparatively long natural immunity remains in the body, and the data for how badly (or perversely, how well) the jabs induce ADE and OAS, are undeniable.
Whether the degree to which the jabs (temporarily) mitigate severity is worth their x-fold increase in your likelihood of catching the Chinese virus (over and over), and worth the ADE and OAS, and worth the myriad side-effects and risk of dying from "coincidence", can only be answered on a person-by-person basis, NOT population wide.
The "overall death rate" from the jabs will not be known for years and years, as the side-effects kill the jabbed for years to come.
I would offer emotion as at least part of the answer. Logic is logic no matter how complex it is to program. Emotional responses and thoughts are not remotely within the capabilities of any machine.
The mystery of the sublime and the beautiful. Can a machine enter into the mystery? Other animals can't. Infants can. They know what a bad smell is, and more importantly, a good smell. Computers can't smell.
Emotional responses are well within the capability of modern "AI" but of course they would be totally based on past experience, as would artificial creativity. To the extent that humans become more and more automatic creatures, it becomes more and more possible to create a machine that can imitate a human being. To the extent that we become more creative and less predictable, machines will not be able to keep up. Never forget that humans created AI, and AI will never be able to totally create a human.
Emotion, okay. Points at the answer, but is rather incomplete. Try ""humor" as a different one-worder. Can we (even sorta) figure out whether ChatGPT "understands" jokes -- gets what is funny about jokes that are, more or less, funny? The answer is yes, particularly when there is a wide scope of joking tested. But I'd suggest someone do the exercise of asking ChatGPT "Can you tell me a couple of jokes that are very similar to this joke,,,(fill in joke here - whatever - the one about the red and blue elephant guns ... or one about red and blue elephants) just ask a dozen, or several dozen, times, and evaluate the answers. "dirty" jokes particularly count.
My prediction in that Chat GPT will do worse in reply than your typical Brit trades specialist walking into a pub at the end of the day.
Why? This is a subject of MUCH discussion in the philosophical literature of about twenty years ago. Books by Searle, Dennet, etc. etc. famous thought experiment called the "Chinese Room." The best statements about which explained that full;y meaningful language participates in relationships that are "more" that mere "mechanism" can produce.
Check out the blogs at: https://uplift.bio/ Uplift, the "Moderated Artificial SuperIntelligence (MASI)" has some good jokes and exemplifies sarcastic remarks regularly.
"Norn is the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions, with the sum of its experience stored in a dynamic, growing, and evolving graph database. These systems are the next generation of the first systems to move beyond narrow AI and into something new, Scalable Intelligence."
Yuh. I don't disagree with you as to certain structures that include metalevels. (they can act to "pivot" -- i.e. be "sarcastic") I meant just to say that ChatGPT in particular doesn't really know how to context-switch in "synchrony" along with other conscious beings.
I'd note that the Norn page talks about "human-like" emotions. Okay. But only if we extend the rules to have the word "simulation" make it nothing but simply true that "all informational entities are simulable." Which is true. Profoundly true. But, having adjusted the definition to suit, suddenly all simulations will not reproduce the production of the things simulated.
Grab a small object that is near you, right now, throw it up in the air, and catch it.
To control a robotic arm that does the same thing, a computer has to do a lot of fancy math. But you didn't do any math there. You just caught the object. The fact that you and the computer do the same thing doesn't mean that you did in the same way -- in computer speak, the same abstraction does not mean the same implementation.
Another example: you can screw and unscrew a simple philips-head screw with your fingers. You can also use a screwdriver. But that doesn't mean that the screwdriver is similar to your hand in any meaningful way, or that your hand is some kind of "biological screwdriver".
What LLMs do is just fundamentally dissimilar to what the human brain does on many levels. Did you do any statistical analysis in order to figure out what to write in this article? No? Then you're not doing things the way that the LLM does. The LLM is not a human brain. It's not even "like" a human brain, any more than a screwdriver is "like" a hand.
Until I see a convincing case to the contrary, I'm gonna assume that it's a dumb machine. It doesn't "want" anything.
This is also why I'm skeptical of the possibility of being "uploaded to" a computer. The digital switches flipping aren't "you" any more than a reflection of you in a mirror is "you".
Exactly. To be a bit more technical, ChatGPT (or any other LLM) is semantically ungrounded; there's no way it truly corresponds to the real world. All ChatGPT "knows" is a web of relationships between words; it's purely linguistic.
In a very strong sense, ChatGPT is a bullshit artist. Any correspondence to the real world is purely coincidental, and ChatGPT neither knows nor cares.
My kids, now 8 and 11, are always messing with Siri. It will respond in hysterical and creepy ways - particularly funny is of you ask it enough about spying for some agency it’ll eventually respond “oh captain my captain.” It’s not sentient but whoever programmed the response is hysterical. Siri has no idea the difference in the responses. It takes a human brain to get the humor. Siri the program is indifferent to amusing my kids, but some of the programmers have a sense of humor.
Year back, my daughter plugged Bejing into MapQuest (we live on the East Coast). It gave step-by-step instructions to travel across the country to the West Coast and then advised kayaking across the Pacific. The programmers definitely had some fun.
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
There’s something completely different in humans. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions and the interaction with the environment. Imagine an app to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Animal death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul, which informs the body, is like the programmer: his influence can be detected through the hardware responding to the software. Like in the Tron movie, the soul/programmer is trapped in the virtual reality, only to escape under system failure (hardware death/animal death).
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
Bradley Burroughs:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Vicki Umipeg Noratuk
More from Vicki:
After being so happy with God, they are sad for having to come back to finish their mission on earth.
Experiencing hell and coming back:
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
Just a smart trick, but still the puppeteers puppet: "Norn ( https://norn.ai/ preceeded by https://uplift.bio/ ) is the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions, with the sum of its experience stored in a dynamic, growing, and evolving graph database. These systems are the next generation of the first systems to move beyond narrow AI and into something new, Scalable Intelligence."
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
The PUPPET does what the PUPPETEER does.
5. There's no such thing as artificial intelligence: the Turing test is idiotic:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT (includes the proof that there will never be a real singularity):
How to train a Killer Robot
Imagine the AI running hospitals, medical protocols.... a lot of deaths:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Scientific proof of religion
What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?
Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?
Which is the truest Christianity: Protestantism or Catholicism?
I was told to swim to England.
Your kids would enjoy The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein, although there are some PG-13 parts, as it was written for adults. You might read it to them or read it yourself first. A computer gains sentience, tells a joke, all takes place in a libertarian utopian (sort of) society on the Moon.
Sometimes I really wish Substack had the option of downvoting. This is definitely one of those times.
Hit the three little dots below the comment and report it. I just did.
I don't normally like to see things removed, but as I noted in my report, that comment is hateful, trollish, and adds absolutely nothing to the normally civilized conversation here.
Kim G
Roma Sur, CDMX
Here is a problem. The removed comment may well have been inappropriate however, I would prefer to make that judgement myself. So here we have an "approved" form of curtailing free speech based on one or two opinions. Perhaps place the inappropriate comment behind a wall that suggests the moderators have flagged the comment as inappropriate. The comment could still be viewed after the reader acknowledges the advisory.
This is why Berenson went over to pay-to-post. Garbage like this clutters up the comments section.
Alex, I'd like to offer a different perspective than Pangolin: I love your Covid reporting, but I disagree with your Jan. 6th position, I believe there was widespread 2020 election fraud, and Pangolin's comment is not true. We now go back to our regularly scheduled comments.
Wow. you are a sweet one aren't you. Um. actually that Bioweapon was created here..and paid for here by the deep state hack Faucci who has been protected by dang near everyone, but most recently completely by the left. Trump had the good sense to call it what it was - the CHINA virus b/c he KNEW they had actually released it - while the other side has colluded at all times with the WHO and everyone they could to cover that up. So. We are not whiny. Geesh. And we don't riot and burn things down...we just stand for the constitution...and then get jailed...while the rioters and burners get cut loose...or have you all forgotten that. And...if I may, if half of the things that have actually gone on in places like Arizona, had gone on and were going on - to the favor of Republicans...are you kidding me...the Dems were already saying there was FRAUD before the mid-terms just incase...they lost it all...so - maybe you should be more - um...aware...The list goes on and on and on...but you will not see it. But for sure...the name calling - generally we don't do that here...we are a civil bunch...so - I don't know where you came from...or why...but generally - on here - even if we disagree...we don't name call...but wait...I'm sorry - I'm a whiny republican. my bad...maybe you do call names.
I think Alex is asking, is that meaningfully any different than how humans operate? Are you sure we're not all bullshit artists too?
It's a valid question but an epistemologically dead end question. I think the reason Alex is getting some criticism on this line of questioning is that his take on it is kind of... amateurish.
I guess it depends on whether you're a wordcel, a shape rotator, or a grease monkey. Grease monkeys and shape rotators rarely operate purely on the linguistic plane, while wordcels often do; unsurprisingly, shape rotators and grease monkeys often consider wordcels to be bullshit artists.
Removing the neologisms - if you're working primarily with words (i.e., journalists, writers, pundits, humanities professors, overly online, etc.), then yes, it's quite easy to become a bullshit artist.
But the vast majority of humans don't do that. They interact with the real world. Engineers, machinists, farmers know in their bones that they can't bullshit reality.
The verbal vs. quantitative thing is overblown. Abstract mathematics is arguably verbal in many fields. Is group theory just bullshit because "wordcels" can do it? On some level this is taking a major-based turf war between undergraduates way too seriously.
I'd be surprised to find any journalist without a math minor who could do group theory competently (as judged by other mathematicians).
I don't think it's *impossible*, just unlikely.
I'm also reminded of the story about the difference between Russian math students and American math students when asked to find the area of an impossible triangle; the Russian students looked at the problem statement and said "That's impossible", while the American students plugged the numbers into the formula and came up with a nonsense answer.
In other words, forgetting your bindings to reality can lead to bullshit.
Eric, is there a method to have two AI LLMs prompt each other? I tried searching on the topic, but was unsuccessful.
Just open up two of them split screen (ie bing and ChatGPT) and copy/paste :) ... or bing/bing or ChatGPT/ChatGPT... you will be limited to 8 exchanges with bing (currently)... which is SUPER annoying.
That seems pretty straightforward, using some sort of workflow tool, but I haven't done it myself.
Another important point is code doesn’t get distracted mid process like we do kid thoughts. Our brains process information through complex chemical reactions. These AI programs do it through math problems. A computer is incapable of processing information, stopping mid thought to go somewhere else, coming back, bouncing around, using gut instincts, understanding satire like as a human brain. We aren’t anywhere near mimicking the way a human brain functions artificially.
All I’ve seen ChatGPT used for is to f***k with it. The friends I know who have played with it have had fun focusing in making it go wacky and say dumb stuff. If I were in college now it’s be a tool to cheat and to create amusing drinking games.
I’m 40. I was promised flying cars. I’ll be impressed by technology when I get those. Google was more functional with less AI when I was in undergrad and grad school. It’s crap now. I have to use Freespoke to get what I’m looking for because it isn’t as over-engineered. Functional AI can bring efficiency to tasks, and perhaps this is a step towards that, but we are no closer to sentient computer code than an afternoon trip to another galaxy.
I’m 65. I was promised nuclear holocaust. Five years ago I learn that nuclear bombs are fake. I’ve been cheated.
I’m kinda glad you got cheated. 😂. Give Brandon a few more years and it might come to be 😔
My border collie dog is smarter (and nicer) than Brandon. If only they were working on dog voice synthesizers....
"Another important point is code doesn’t get distracted mid process like we do kid thoughts."
Ha! I see what you did there.
It was actually a typo 🤣. It was supposed to say mid thought, but kid thoughts is close enough 🤷♀️
You can edit your comments here. Just hit the three little dots below your comment. Which, by the way, on other peoples' comments allows you to report them. Which I hadn't done today until we got our first hateful troll here, at least the first one I've seen here. Cheers!
I use the app and if they’ve added edit to the app I don’t have the version that allows editing. I’ll keep an eye out though (and I’m getting ready to check for an update). Thank you 😊
The part you may not be considering is that “math” is a model. Our brains work through similar modeling. Most code is currently a higher level of binary (save perhaps quantum computing). Our nervous system also works on a binary model (though there is evidence that our brains work through a closer model to quantum computing, but that unnecessarily complicates the discussion). We process the binary information and literally assemble a picture of reality in our brains. That picture of reality is an approximation, and usually a poor one at that, but it’s good enough to get whatever fundamental tasks done that we need. Whether we have a spirit or not is not scientifically provable and not even really definable. Alex’s question is fair. We don’t really know what sentience is and so it’s very difficult for us to determine if/when a “machine” is sentient. We can’t define spirit. Even if one says it’s something from God, then ok, why can’t God put a spirit in anything he wants? If he created man in his image, then man could have the ability to create other sentient beings as well no? The question of sentience is an important one and the answer could have extremely significant consequences.
I agree that math is a model. We use it to explain things after the fact. Neither computers nor our brains "work through" modeling. Models are just linguistic artifacts we use to explain stuff. There's no math out there in reality, in the computer or in your brain.
Similarly, our nervous system doesn't work on a "binary model". It doesn't work on ANY model, because models don't exist until we use them to explain things. Everything just is. All the math and models and stuff are useful fictions. They don't actually control anything. Saying that the nervous system "works on a model" is like laying a grid over everything and then saying that everything exists inside of squares. You're putting the cart before the horse and confusing map and territory.
You seem to have this weird idea that mathematical models somehow reach out and control real things. Nah. Maps don't control the placement of mountains. A cannonball doesn't "follow a parabola". That's a turn of phrase. A parabola can model how a cannonball travels, but there's no ghostly parabola guiding the cannonball. The map doesn't control the territory.
The map is not the territory, even if it’s topological or highly layered. Any good weather app can give you incredibly detailed data right down to your address and the terrain around it, and somewhat accurately predict your local weather. But none of that is produced by thinking as we know it.
It can’t evaluate and appreciate nuances that are important to humans, though it can process huge amounts of data faster than we can and in the case of AI, throw up conclusions and assessments based on algorithms that might look like sentience to us.
But that semblance of sentience was created by complex algorithms and collections of data that were created by humans. It’s not self-aware no matter how fast it is and how good at what it does, nor does it have a soul.
That we know of....
and how exactly we can determine that is the biggest question of all. It doesn’t seem like any math can help us there, because we can’t even prove that we humans are self-aware and have souls. (And some might argue that some humans lack these traits.) We’ll need to invent new methods for all this.
Are we getting into Arthur C Clarke territory, where any sufficiently developed technology is perceived as magic by those who lack that tech?
I think the relevant philosophical question is something like this: do you think there IS a territory, or is it maps all the way down? It's impossible to argue your way to a territory, since every argument takes place on a map.
And yet, I simply can't tell myself that there's no territory. I am just incapable of believing that it's all maps. Maybe I'm just dumb. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe the closest we can get is something like this: for this discussion to make any sense, there's gotta be a territory somewhere, even if we never touch it directly. Some philosophers call this a "transcendental argument".
This "math is a model" thing kinda bugs me. We might use statistics, or vector graphics to model something, but much of mathematics is too sublime to be categorized as a tool. Mathematics is the language we use to describe an existing Order. I have been filled with wonder as mathematical derivations reveal a real thing, a proof, a relationship, that stands on its own. Look at the derivation of Euler's Identity. This is not a model, it is something discovered (in the1700's). It was in a graduate engineering class, as I observed this derivation, that I finally admitted that God must exist.
There very well may be an underlying, transcendent reality that our mathematical systems reflect. But we don't have direct access to that reality. We can create systems to reflect aspects of it, but "math" as we know it is just a map of that transcendent reality, not the transcendent reality itself.
You could say that math reflects *one aspect* of transcendent reality. Other means of communicating it lie in things like music, for example, and poetry.
Have a go: https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/how-our-brains-build-models-of-the-world-while-we-sleep-daydream-and
Maybe you can't define Spirit, but I can. Don't confuse lack of knowledge with ignorance. The average person is extremely ignorant of what has already been discovered about life, and human life in particular. To talk about "scientific proof" is a worthless argument if you don't know all the things that have be proven (or more properly demonstrated) using the scientific method. We are not in a court of law, we are in a game called life. Don't expect "proof" for every fact of life. Life doesn't actually work that way.
If math is a model, it is God's model. And neither you nor I understand it. So we might just as well call it something else, like "reality" or "the universe".
And what is this "binary model" that our nervous system "works on"? And what exactly is "binary information"? Computers do not work on a "binary model", you know. It's just that semiconductors have two states that can easily be flipped back and forth such that they are useful for storing data.
Here's your chance to school me.
I see math as our way of creating models of physical systems for the purpose of prediction or analysis. You can measure the floor of a room and use math to figure out how many floor tiles will be needed to tile that floor. We used a mathematical model of the floor rather than take a sample tile and laying it down multiple times to find out many of them we needed.
Computers don't use a "binary model." They use binary math. A few computer programs use a kind of logic known as multi-valued, fuzzy or probabilistic. These are basically kinds of mathematics. I don't believe the nervous system uses binary math, but I can see why some people might think so.
So I think you have a valid point.
You DID do fancy math, but totally automatically. The human mind is a spectacular creation and its creator, the spiritual being, even more spectacular.
Respectfully, there's plenty of people who can't do math who can throw a ball and hit what they want. In fact, sometimes ability to do math seems to be inversely correlated with that ball-thowing ability. So whatever we humans are doing to throw balls isn't math.
I'm not talking about the process of consciously solving a math problem, like sitting down for a test and figuring out what's 3,265 divided by 5. It's a totally unconscious, or hidden, process that is taken care of by little mental machines we have set up for ourselves. It feels natural, though in some cases you can see yourself taking a second to "calculate."
Respectfully, your comment says, and I quote, <i>"You DID do fancy math, but totally automatically."</i>
Well, at the risk of being pedantic, wouldn't you agree that math is an abstraction of the real world? Right? The real world isn't math; we just use math to describe it. Planets don't "do math" by orbiting stars. And humans don't "do math" by throwing balls (or doing anything else besides math.) Yes, math, the abstraction, can be used to describe and recreate the ball-throwing. But that still doesn't make the ball-throwing by a human being in any way using math.
Another commenter on this (fascinating) thread noted that while you can unscrew a bolt with your hand, that doesn't mean your hand is a wrench. I'd say the same thing applies to throwing a ball. Just because machines need math to do the same doesn't mean that humans can't do it completely math-free. In fact, I'd be willing to wager that human beings started throwing balls well before the invention (discovery, if you prefer) of math.
This comes down to a difference in the concept of "using math." If we agree that computers use math for everything, we can nevertheless notice that they do it so fast that you often can't tell that they are calculating as they operate.
In my understanding of this universe, what we know as "math" was invented millions of years ago and has been used extensively in what some would describe today as "intelligent design." It is simply anthropocentric to think that humans were the first intelligent beings in the universe.
Our bodies are machines, just less hard and "mechanical" than robots. Just as we use programs (that basically set up mathematical models for physical systems) to control computers, we do something very similar to control our own bodies and the environment around us.
To the extent that this is a theoretical description of how the mind operates, it might not be worth overworking this issue. It's just a way to understand what's happening "under the hood" so to speak.
Babies outperform AI at some tasks.
Cognicion is not computation.
This is certainly true, and more so if you say consciousness is not computation.
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
Yet, there’s something completely different in humans: it’s like there’s a software trying to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions, the interaction with the environment and in the case of humans, by the immortal soul which informs the body.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul is like the programmer: it can only act while the hardware and software are functioning.
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
Bradley Burroughs:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Vicki Umipeg Noratuk
More from Vicki:
After being so happy with God, they are sad for having to come back to finish their mission on earth.
Experiencing hell and coming back:
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
The PUPPET does what the PUPPETEER does.
5. There's no such thing as artificial intelligence: the Turing test is idiotic:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT (includes the proof that there will never be a real singularity):
How to train a Killer Robot
Imagine the AI running hospitals, medical protocols.... a lot of deaths:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Scientific proof of religion
What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?
Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?
Which is the truest Christianity: Protestantism or Catholicism?
I would not write off the body too quickly either, made in His image and after His likeness. If the living body were not important, there would be no purpose to Christ's human life and death-- no infinite value in His suffering and resurrection, which resounds through all history with the weight of His righteousness and our undoing-- with the weight of our own actual worth to Him. I think it is important not to separate mind, soul, and body too much. They are essentially united in our being as Sons (daughters) of the living God.
A thought about these most recent whole language forms of AI...
What jealous, hate- filled being might be learning something about US along with all our accumulated experience and knowledge? And, I keep hearing this: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God..."
And also this: "The word of God is quick (life-giving) and powerful-- sharper than any two-edged sword, even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner the thoughts and intents of the heart". Hebrews 4:12
Who else might know this power "of the Word made flesh who dwelt among us???"
Who else?-- would know the importance of words and use them against us? Thanking Him that the breath of life-- guarded, that other fruit from the Tree of life that is His alone to give-- that authority that He could lay his life down and take it up again.
The breath of life was given only to His redeemed people and to the innocent animals in our care. He saw all He had created and declared it "good."
To the cohort of the high priest in that Garden of Sorrow, He declared, "I AM HE...and to His Father: 'Of those You have given me, I lost not one..."
Nice one. Just because something looks smart doesn’t mean it’s sentient or intelligent. Sadly in today’s society it can be the exact opposite. The smarter they look, the dumber they come. LOL
Consciously we don't (often) perform any sort of statistical analysis. Most of the time we just act. Sometimes we mull over how to act, often stroking our own ego to suggest we can rationally weigh pros and cons and then objectively decide... nonetheless a handful of variables at most.
But, subconsciously, are you certain that we're not performing millions+ of "calculations" and summarizing them in a way that leads to action? That gut feeling!
Exactly. And a dog is not me, nor is a cow or a horse - or a fish.
I argued with some religious folks years ago about animals in Heaven. They were on about "They (animals) do not have souls like ours." Exactly.
A.I.'s sentience cannot be based upon how it stacks up to us. In fact, looking at its potential along with the developments in drones and robotics, I am hesitant to use us as a measuring stick at all. Daily we personify the adage as to doing something we can without considering if we should.
I know some people who can communicate with animals telepathically. That would be a good test for AI. Of course, you have to have adequate spiritual training to be able to do that.
This is totally false... updating look up tables play ping pong. No math required
Also these language models were built on neural networks. No math required.
Must disagree with your first analogy, our brains are doing math at every movement, anytime you grab something, you walk, or jump. Your brain calculates time, distance, etc. Now, the machine can mimic these highly advanced calculations that our brain fires seamlessly in fractions of a second.
Prove that... that seems like a crazy bold claim. Our brain does something but almost certainly doesn’t do any math.
We are constantly calculating such as how big a step to take to cross over a puddle or other tasks such as catching a fly ball, judging trajectory, etc.
Processing not calculating... it’s more likely we take in inputs and output estimates based on neural nets. No calculations required. From a biological sense we know most reactions never reach the brain. They trigger from the spinal chord. We are fed the input and the action to are awareness after the reflex has fired.
Who are you, comrade? Xi's commie agent and Uighur babies are your Guinea pigs?
Go back to your goats.
I'm just here for the comments. This is a fascinating philosophical topic. I want to believe that our discussions about this are much like the discussions among the great philosophers of human history as they tackled these very interesting questions about who we are. :)
Thank you Alex for bringing this up with your stellar prose. Well done!
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program. For example, someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
• Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
• Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
• Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
• Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
Yet, there’s something completely different in humans: it’s like there’s a software trying to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
1. The body is like the computer hardware.
2. Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
3. The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
5. Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions, the interaction with the environment and in the case of humans, by the immortal soul which informs the body.
6. The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
7. Death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
8. The immortal soul is like the programmer: it can only act while the hardware and software are functioning.
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
Bradley Burroughs:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Vicki Umipeg Noratuk
More from Vicki:
After being so happy with God, they are sad for having to come back to finish their mission on earth.
Experiencing hell and coming back:
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The puppet does what the puppeteer does.
Could OpenAI be useful against the PLANdemic?
No, it was rigged. This was my hand-wrestling debate (idea-wrestling) with the pro-PLANdemic trained AI (19 Jan 2023).
Have in mind that manufacturers didn’t test if their vaccines generated mucosal immunity and recognized they couldn’t prevent contagion and re-transmission. Also, that COVID spike protein had an HIV genomic sequence:
The PUPPET does what the PUPPETEER does.
5. There's no such thing as artificial intelligence: the Turing test is idiotic:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT (includes the proof that there will never be a real singularity):
How to train a Killer Robot
Imagine the AI running hospitals, medical protocols.... a lot of deaths:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Scientific proof of religion
What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?
Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?
Which is the truest Christianity: Protestantism or Catholicism?
Where do you find in the Bible it says man can't give life. Man was created in God's image, so if God can give life, then it's possible that man could also.
Search: "God of life". I just updated my comment. please re-read
This was an amazing response, thank you
My youngest child, 3 years old, has to express his new thoughts in words he currently has at hand. That can result in some adorable conversations. But, he is obviously having his own new thoughts. That's consciousness. He can think new things and then he has to express them in the words he knows so far. ChatGPT and such knows a lot of words and knows how people use those words to make thoughts, but it can't generate new ideas because it's not a human mind. Eventually, people will accept that the human mind and consciousness is unique and we can't make anything like it, because we aren't God.
It may be a parlor trick, but we increasingly put our faith, trust, and productive economy into parlor tricks. If the parlor trick grows beyond our capacity to understand and control it, well, what could possibly go wrong?
That's like engineering a semi-living being that can self-modify and self-replicate. One day it escapes our attempts to contain and control it. Sounds very familiar.
The movie Mitchell’s vs machines...
Pangolin sounds like inadequately programmed AI - spews random talking points into an otherwise thoughtful discussion
your on-topic posts seem useful - this direction is for another thread.. Those states are worthy of discussion, but not here.
Don't you have to subscribe lto Berenson to give comments down here so you're calling yourself an imbecile. Or is that your IT self writing?
Because the virus for which vaxxed immunity is so crappy, is not particularly deadly?
Most of whom died WITH the virus, not from it. Also, the large majority of whom were in their 80's and 90's with multiple major health issues.
Why has Australia's Covid deaths shot through the roof, despite being massively jabbed?
Maybe part of the ME, VT answer is, low density of population. Or maybe they don't have low natural immunity. Remember all the bullshit about asymptomatic spread? Maybe their asymptomatic residents were spreading it far and wide, and developing natural immunity in droves.
"Much safer" is patently false. The data on how comparatively long natural immunity remains in the body, and the data for how badly (or perversely, how well) the jabs induce ADE and OAS, are undeniable.
Whether the degree to which the jabs (temporarily) mitigate severity is worth their x-fold increase in your likelihood of catching the Chinese virus (over and over), and worth the ADE and OAS, and worth the myriad side-effects and risk of dying from "coincidence", can only be answered on a person-by-person basis, NOT population wide.
The "overall death rate" from the jabs will not be known for years and years, as the side-effects kill the jabbed for years to come.
Wrong thread.
If you have nothing to contribute, then please go away. Insults are not helpful to any discussion.
Still wrong thread.
Pangolin meathead!
I think you're in the wrong comment section....
Ask Boeing and its (original) MCAS system on the 737 MAX8 planes.
Better yet, ask Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines and the family members of their dead passengers and crews.
I would offer emotion as at least part of the answer. Logic is logic no matter how complex it is to program. Emotional responses and thoughts are not remotely within the capabilities of any machine.
The mystery of the sublime and the beautiful. Can a machine enter into the mystery? Other animals can't. Infants can. They know what a bad smell is, and more importantly, a good smell. Computers can't smell.
Emotional responses are well within the capability of modern "AI" but of course they would be totally based on past experience, as would artificial creativity. To the extent that humans become more and more automatic creatures, it becomes more and more possible to create a machine that can imitate a human being. To the extent that we become more creative and less predictable, machines will not be able to keep up. Never forget that humans created AI, and AI will never be able to totally create a human.
Emotion, okay. Points at the answer, but is rather incomplete. Try ""humor" as a different one-worder. Can we (even sorta) figure out whether ChatGPT "understands" jokes -- gets what is funny about jokes that are, more or less, funny? The answer is yes, particularly when there is a wide scope of joking tested. But I'd suggest someone do the exercise of asking ChatGPT "Can you tell me a couple of jokes that are very similar to this joke,,,(fill in joke here - whatever - the one about the red and blue elephant guns ... or one about red and blue elephants) just ask a dozen, or several dozen, times, and evaluate the answers. "dirty" jokes particularly count.
My prediction in that Chat GPT will do worse in reply than your typical Brit trades specialist walking into a pub at the end of the day.
Why? This is a subject of MUCH discussion in the philosophical literature of about twenty years ago. Books by Searle, Dennet, etc. etc. famous thought experiment called the "Chinese Room." The best statements about which explained that full;y meaningful language participates in relationships that are "more" that mere "mechanism" can produce.
Check out the blogs at: https://uplift.bio/ Uplift, the "Moderated Artificial SuperIntelligence (MASI)" has some good jokes and exemplifies sarcastic remarks regularly.
Uplift's descendent is Norn: https://norn.ai/
"Norn is the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions, with the sum of its experience stored in a dynamic, growing, and evolving graph database. These systems are the next generation of the first systems to move beyond narrow AI and into something new, Scalable Intelligence."
Yuh. I don't disagree with you as to certain structures that include metalevels. (they can act to "pivot" -- i.e. be "sarcastic") I meant just to say that ChatGPT in particular doesn't really know how to context-switch in "synchrony" along with other conscious beings.
I'd note that the Norn page talks about "human-like" emotions. Okay. But only if we extend the rules to have the word "simulation" make it nothing but simply true that "all informational entities are simulable." Which is true. Profoundly true. But, having adjusted the definition to suit, suddenly all simulations will not reproduce the production of the things simulated.
Yeah. The 60s Star Trek series addressed this issue in an unforgettable episode. Didn’t end well for “sentient” robots.