I need to hire someone to run it. It is definitively a full-time job.
I think the top job has to be on the journalism/information/curation side, not the tech side. But that will likely be a full-time job too (overseeing and hiring teams for the design/interface and back-end).
I will be raising money and setting direction, at least at first, but I want it to become independent very quickly. And it has to be apolitical - the information has to be available whether it supports or opposes lockdowns, mandates, and everything else.
I tried today to hire someone as the archivist, but I think it’s a long shot.
But this needs to happen.
Will vaxx be mandatory?
Sooooo, you wanted to be a entrepreneur did you? Yeah, it's hard making your first few hires. In time you will get good at it. By 2030 we'll be watching Berenson Network News (BNN). Keep up the good work Alex - we need you and other guys like you to report real facts.